Celestia's True Realm Is Above the Fake Sky [Genshin Impact Lore Theory and Discussion]

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29 thoughts on “Celestia's True Realm Is Above the Fake Sky [Genshin Impact Lore Theory and Discussion]”

  1. The fake sky is most likely based on the concept of a firmament which comes from jewish cosmology.🤔 Guess what’s above the firmament according to jewish cosmology, water, tons of it. I’m pretty sure the luminaries (the sun, moon, stars, etc.), are inside the firmament in jewish cosmology. I don’t know for sure, I’m not jewish. And that’s about all I know. 🙂

  2. Hold up…isn’t dvalin from the celestia? If I'm not wrong dvalin was birth there and watch the human realm after some time he finally flies down and lives in the mondstadt with barbatos

    Well I’m not sure I’m right or not but I’m happy to know what’s the truth

  3. I was just think about this yesterday. I was like how can that Island be Celestia when the door to Teyvat seems to be one of the doors to worlds in Celestia (possibly). I think that with all these tall pillar structures. I don't think Celestia can be encapsulated in a small island in the fake sky. Man I love these informative videos.

  4. You make such great vids 😍 But I always wondered about Bennett and about the stuff I dug up about benny boy. Apparently, there's this theory that "Bennett" is from Natlan and was an infant sacrificed in the Mare Jivari. Teyvationary has a whole video about it and this is where I got it from. Well so to speak, Bennett is from Natlan theory can also be fortified with the fact that his eyes and even certain features are similar to the Natlan character shown in Natlans story Teaser or when Dainsleif was talking. Green eyes, a scar on the nose ( maybe just a scar ) but the shape of the cornea as well is strikingly similar and even having features on the arm with scars on it or paint.

    They also talked about the "Will of the Phoenix", "The Harbinger of Dawn", and how the Phoenix is said to reside within the Ragnvindr bloodline. I don't wanna go into too much detail because I might switch up the artifacts and information in the game and in lore which can make it confusing, but I'm confident I got most variables out. So I'm just hoping that you might cover Bennett in a sooner video HAHAHAHA.

    Welp imma keep supporting you Aster!! These vids help me relax when I'm out of resin or just life in general. Thank you!

  5. OMFG THIS THEORY IS AWESOME, you are really an amazing lore theorist and a very good researcher. Plus your voice makes it so easy to listen to, normally lore videos are so packed that I get overwhelmed with the info and the narrator's voice doesn't help either, but you are able to express everything so condensed yet so… light.
    And it really makes sense, the thing with the fake sky. But, Celestia CAN actually be that small island, after all, artifact and ascension material domains are massive when you look around, like a pocket dimension similar to the teapot, so maybe Celestia is really inside the island but the door that opened to Venessa only shows a small portion of it. After all, it is the part that opens to the human realm so, why show it all when you only want them to go to an specific place?

  6. Something I've noticed after I made a second account to replay the story, then I forgot to make a post on Reddit, is that the world during the Dvalin fight seems concave, not convex as we can see our world from high altitudes.

  7. There are two objects in Mondstadt that not only offer proof the sky is fake, but also give clues as to when this fake sky was put in place – the sundials at the Thousand Winds Temple and on the Nameless Isle. To understand them, you need to understand how sundials are setup to tell time accurately (and they can be very accurate). The gnomon (the pointer of the sundial) needs to be aligned parallel to the axis of rotation, ie not only aligned North-South, but also pointed Polaris in the Northern Hemisphere, and the equivalent point in the sky in the Southern Hemisphere. When we look at the Mondstadt sundials, their alignment is almost East-West, making them useless as sundials. Useless now, that is. If we assume they are true sundials, then when they were made, the Sun's movement across the sky was very different to how it is now, which means those sundials, and the ruins associated with them, were built before current sky was put in place. The alternative is that the sky and Sun are true, and that the world has somehow been shifted, but there are very serious problems with this idea. The biggest of which is that such a tilt shift would likely cause a planet to simply break apart. Remember, after all, that the Earth's 23.4 degree axial tilt is believed to have been caused by the planetary collision that formed the Moon, and now imagine how much force would be required to produce an over 90 degree tilt.

    Another interesting thing about these sundials is that if you visit them at the same time of day, let's say high noon, you will see the shadows produced by the pointers are not at the same angle, as they should be for objects only a couple of kilometers apart when the Sun is supposed to be around 150 million kilometers away. Anyone feel like doing the mathematical projections to see just how far away the Sun is? The angle difference was significant, leading me to think the Sun is only a couple of dozen kilometers above in Teyvat…

  8. Ummm, Aster about the 3 moons alternating thrice a month in consistent order… if you stop and think about it….it's just the 3 moon phases. It doesn't suggest they are ever seen at the same time. The barren dead moon is also just the moon without phases never changing in relation to the Sun. I was hyper focused on the moon lore and thought I already shared with you the answer to that riddle.

  9. I recall what Zhongli said to us about us:

    "You are one who crosses the celestial atlas, and who passes through countless worlds."

    What if Celestia… is just a world-travelling device?

  10. great theory, i honestly think there are huge cages or so in above the fake sky, i feel like the fake sky is not a physical thing and is created from magic, perhaps they're a one-way mirror?


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