Top 15 Things We NEED To See In Genshin Impact 4.0

Here are the top 15 things we need to see in Genshin Impact 4.0! The community has spoken, enjoy 🙂
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0:00 Intro
0:51 Sponsor
03:00 Things we want to see in Genshin Impact
18:26 Outro

#genshinimpact #Doro44 #Genshin


47 thoughts on “Top 15 Things We NEED To See In Genshin Impact 4.0”

  1. Is it just me who wants Aloy to be brought back? I know that she isn't originally from genshin impact but her birthday letter still exist and for some reason she as a constellation page even though she is a limited/ rare character. As a Genshin player who has started this game later on, i would love to have Aloy even though most people would disagree. But that's probably unlikely.

  2. there’s so much i want genshin to add but if i had to chose:

    PLEASE add more chests

    as someone who has everything at 100%, it’s really hard to farm primogems once everything is completed. i use guides to explore and i double explored the same part once to see if the chests reset. they don’t btw. only 2-3 chests spawned and it’s really frustrating

  3. 5:32 of course is storage problem game would be like 200GB+ by now if that was all in game , and idea of DLC if need is good but probably costly to maintain
    8:44 This is coming soon , that event Divine Ingenuity is beta test for "rouge like mod" of it , they wanted to see what is possible to make
    11:35 Something similar I suggested in every survey , but instead of set I was more inclined to main stat we get
    14:58 Many games have system that when u hit final reward level on battle pass u can still go and get some extra boxes to open for some small rewards , one of those games is Honkai Impact 3rd base is 70 but max u can go for 100
    17:28 Maybe make usefulness of Friends , in some games u can exchange points daily and then use those points to make wishes on gotcha , eg . Nikke ,Eversoul

  4. First thing I would want is future character details, for example: I been wanting Dottore ever since I started playing/found out about him, and since he was leaked to be playable I started saving for him (as f2p) so I would like future characters to have an announcement at least a few months before fully releasing, we don’t even need to know what their weapon is, only the weapon and character ascension materials (and all the things we need resin for). I would also like to know what their element is and talent books are so I can start farming them asap.
    Birthday rewards.
    I would like to see the birthday gifts to be at least useful, like have us get a 10 pull (or a free 5-star from standard) (I’ve been wanting Diluc for my main acc for a long time). Also I would like the cake we get to be consumable and get a buff like: increased luck on banners or something that would be good for getting once a year.
    Going off on what the Dottore main said, I think a trading system would be limited. Like on your birthday your friends (people on your friend list) could give you a gift next to your name or some other button, (this will send the person a gift, that is not from your acc). The gift would be a percent system, (the list is below) so the gift you will receive will be random by the chance it will drop.
    Mora- 40%
    (Fragile) resin-30%
    Talent/weapon/ascension material- 20% (rarity is being calculated based on your AR)
    Artifact box-10% (a box containing all the artifacts that you can choose the main and sub-stats (not god artifacts tho))
    160 primos (1 wish)-5%
    800 primos (5 wishes)- 3.5
    1600 primos (ten pull)-2.5%
    8,000 primos-(50 wishes) 1%
    14,400 primos (90 wishes (guaranteed 5-star)) – 0.5%
    (I know I went a little off there but…)

    I’ll edit this later if I find more ideas, feel free to reply if you have something that I should consider or if you have any questions.
    I also have a character talent idea for Dottore:

    I want Dottore to have a passive talent that when he dies he revives into a clone that has 50% his HP, 75% ATK, 75% DEF and 60% EM of his original build. This can only happen once until you need to revive him either at one of the statues of the seven or food. At C6 this increases the attributes to 75%/90%/90%/80%.

    My friend said they get pretty buff at c2 so idk if I should make it his c2 or c6.
    Thank you for you time
    Have a good day/night.

  5. I am sure someone else has said this, but I think 1 free ten pull each patch is like the minimum to ask for, even a ten pull at ar60 or something, there is only 10 patches a year so that is 100 pulls in a year which could be only one 5 star (could also not even be the one you want if you lose 50/50 late) which I feel one guaranteed 5 star a year from that is so little to ask for, I also think with all of the new characters and the amount of work you have to put in for each character like heros wit, bosses (dont get me started on talent books lol) the resin increase is A NECESITY im desperate over here lol i love this game so much but i feel it is not too much to ask for these few things and some of the other things said in the video

  6. use condensed resin on world bosses
    cuz sometimes got lucky on crafting or domain runs bt not enough to farm boss material cuz i miscalculated to make more condensed resin

    i agree on some needs will put them on next survey

  7. I don't think mounts should ever be a thing because it kinda de-insentivises exploration. For example in WoW, as soon as I unlock flying I pretty much don't explore areas anymore, I just go from point A to point B. Just my opinion though~

  8. im an F2P, and i try my best not to spend money on pulls. Off course i did, when I wanted a character so badly. with the Scaramouche & Kokomi banner now….. I saved up my primos, and do the usual Pull rituals (pull great fortune in Inazuma temple, feed doggo in LiYue)…. ONLY TO GET 5 FARUZAN IN A ROW IN 5 DIFFERENT 10 PULLS! Like im nt an archer user cos im bad at aiming! BUT AT LEAST GIVE ME ANOTHER CHARACTER OTHER THAN FARUZAN!

    I swear to God, Hoyo just doing this purposely so we cn spend more money! And i'm trying my best not to spend my already low salary.

    I really hope Hoyo can change tht, makes it easier for F2P to get what they want and get Primos better!

  9. I would really like to see a Junk toggle on artifacts. Sometimes it's easier to spot something I know I don't want to do anything with except feed it vs knowing it's good enough to lock it.

  10. I wish they make some sort of "artifact reroll" (like, you get Crown with Crit damage, attack%, energy recharge and elemental mastery, but it's main stat is healing bonus… It would be cool to be able to spend, like, 10, hell, even 20 crowns from the same set to reroll it's main stat to something different, chosen randomly. Maybe even go further and allow us to reroll sub-stats? With it being a bit cheaper, than rerolling main stats (5-10 crowns))

  11. I think they need to add more depth to the combat option like the "Horizon" games do their combat, the only draw back is mobile players are limited in screen space and if they can reach the buttons fast enough, so make an option in settings for "Basic Combat" and one for "Immersive or Advanced Combat" and make it so buttons that already exist have different options built in like "WASD" to do basic movement and advance moves like rolling or a backflip into a kick that deal 40% of the active characters ATK, make the elemental skill apply more in terms of variety like you have the original skill but can hold and slide the button different ways to attack you know. Just make it have an option for more intuitive fighting styles, to add even more variety they could make the styles different with the different nations

  12. Yes controller support. Bought myself a sick backbone controller for my z1 Fold. Wanted to be able to play Genshin while commuting to work, Nope. Returned the backbone (I wasn't gonna install a key mapper they all spy on you). Yes more battlepass levels too. I really don't care if you increase it by a couple of dollars give me 20 more levels. Always like two weeks left and have capped out levels.

  13. Things I would like to see.
    1. Resin cap increase
    2. Artifact loadouts
    3. Make weekly bosses resin free (still have the weekly cap on them)
    4. More map pins.
    5. Being able to obtain old event weapons.
    6. Auto claim enemy drops.
    7. Have a free 10 pull every update.
    8. AR increase.
    9. More skins.
    10. More condensed resin.

  14. What bums be out the most is how Star Rail has so many little features that will literally be huge QOL changes for Genshin. For example, regarding artifacts, in Star Rail, you can literally make an artifact with the main stat you want with a material you get in events. That is so helpful. Even if the substats are abysmal, at least you can complete a set with a good main stat piece while you farm and try to get a better one. Why is that not in genshin? We have the strong box, sure. But why can't that be a part of the strong box? Make a material that you can get in events and BP to make a specific artifact. With the resin cap so low, it would not be detrimental to the game. It would be healthy for the game, especially for people who can't farm that much to begin with.

    Like someone said, shield health bar indicator, Honkai has this. I don't imagine it's hard to implement!

    We know Star Rail has a memory of caos, that they even added new basic stages to!(I forget what you call the blue stages), and the rewards are insane! 200 gems per 3 stars earned! MoC is replayable, and you can get the rewards over and over, and even though the new stages aren't, you still get hefty rewards for completing them. Stop making spiral abyss absurdly difficult for no reason. New stages or replayable content like Simulated Universe will not kill the game. I can understand that you want to keep the game casual. You don't need crazy rewards. You can give materials, condensed one or two standard wishes, along with some primos like Honkai does. And I understand as well that unlike Honkai Genshin is open world and there are thousands of things to explore that give rewards like chests and puzzles. Exploring in genshin is my favorite thing. But as someone who has been playing since day 1 it can get boring when my characters are so well invested on at this point and are so strong that even new enemies that I would've considered daunting feel like a joke whe you get to them in new areas. I just want a way to be able to put my characters to the test that is not the boring spiral abyss. Simulated Universe does this in Star Rail, and the best part is, each world has levels, so even new players can enjoy that content without it feeling too difficult or daunting, and they can enjoy farming sets at their characters level and once they improve they unlock a harder version.

    I feel like it's unfair for Genshin Devs to just think of new players and "casuals" when there are thousands of players like me who have been playing since the game came out and just feel left out and have nothing to do besides explore, farm and events. Spiral abyss feels like a chore to me. it's just not fun. It's frustrating and boring.
    The only thing I've truly enjoyed since day one in Genshin has been exploring new areas.

    This is literally my favorite game. All my friends stopped playing it. I guess I've been frustrated because I love this game so much, but once you get to where I am where you've explored everything, you have no quests left and nothing to do but farm to get better artefacts and wait for new areas to release I just get burned out and have to take long breaks, where I've even missed out on skins and weapons and pets because I just couldn't bring myself to log in and feel like I was doing a chore. So I just wait for the new regions and then enjoy myself again. It's just sad that there's no other more fun replayable content besides Spiral Abyss

    Sorry for the rant 🙁 But those are my thoughts these days.

  15. The dungeon/simulated universe would be awesome- I see it either in Inazuma (permanent Omnyo chamber from 2.2 event with Xinyan+Childe) or something in Sumeru (Akasha-based tech, essentially simulated universe)

  16. I know Honkai Impact 3rd is much older than Genshin but it has some QoL things that were implemented in HSR but not Genshin (event re-play, purchase old event exclusives [weapons and skins]/play old events)

    HI3 has the Elysian Realm (HSR – simulated universe), an album to replay cutscenes in the app, more types of in-game currency, and more companion mangas/comics (tbh the biggest thing i feel that makes me play it less/makes HI3 less popular outside of China and Japan is having to read everything b/c there is no English dub, only Chinese and Japanese)

  17. I Want Romance Relations between the different characters like you can build it up with more personal interactions between the traveler and other characters like with lumine and Diluc for example that they could fall in love kissing eachother and make a family of their own.

  18. can you please fix my account? im so bad at handling it at this point i need some1 else to build it for me, if yes say yes in my replies then maybe i can give you my discord.

  19. I saw someone wrote "PvP when?"
    Do you really want your ass clapped by c6r5 ayaka, senhe duo or c6r5 hutao, Yelan duo? Or maybe you r a connoisseur so u want ur ass clapped by a c6r5 Itto, gorou? U really think Ur Ur mid ass c0 Raiden with catch or c0 childe with stringless or c0 hutao dragonsbane, stands a fking chance?
    Not too mention ur avg 30 CV artifacts are like fodders to whale they refresh resin with primo gems until they get above 40 cv pieces.😂😂😂 You really are pathetic.

  20. Honestly speaking hsr is being carried by genshin community so yeah they r jus test running tgings in hsr cuz they know that the genshin community will play and majority is jus players from genshin if u didn't play gennshin u wouldn't hav ever known there is hsr so i think they r jus using it for testing purposes

  21. it would be cool if on days like april fools and friday 13rd everything in teyvat would walk or jump every second (includes flowers domains waypoints npcs buildings lamps just everything)or in like the domains where you shiwenama and emblem you would get like wood flowers meat and other materials(includes all domains)

  22. I agree with all of this.
    1.) For the world quest voice over ik the silence is too powerfull that it gets boring adding voices would make it double the money or even triple the money they spend right now. The amout if money they will spend to hiring and auditioning voices to npc seems too much for a world quest. To make up to this they should add a skip button like honkai impact

    Sometimes you just wanna grind for primogems you don't care what the quest is you just wanna skip it

    2.) Wepon banner is 2 seperated banner

    Ik they put both wep in one banner to get more money but it would be grate to have the wepon of the character seperated like the character banner, higher droprate for the wep you want

    3.) I this is too basic but i want a pity counter next to the number of fates.

    I just get to lazy to count and remember what pity i am

  23. My reason why genshin impact don't have so many features

    'Mobile version '

    They need to make game playeable in all platforms and because of mobile version that need to remove quality of life changes, example stronghold required a lot of data to make different slots for different artists for different characters


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