When Genshin Impact Players Use Ganyu… I Do This

When Genshin Impact Players Use Ganyu… I Do This. For more Genshin Impact Funny Moments, Genshin Impact EXE, and Genshin Impact Gameplay 2021, make sure to subscribe! This is my Genshin Impact Gameplay Experience.EXE.

🎮 Game: Genshin Impact



💛 Tags: #GenshinImpact #Shorts #GenshinImpactGanyu

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24 thoughts on “When Genshin Impact Players Use Ganyu… I Do This”

  1. My mindset when there's a venti lol. I won't sacrifice utility or anything but I usually want to play my geo Traveler or xinyan so having a venti makes them damn near useless unless I'm popping e skill/burst constantly (respectively), which I can do but that's not what I'm there for. So I end up switching to like, diona or fischl or ningguang or barbara or xiangling for infusions to help out the venti rather than playing what I want. Alternatively, Sucrose to just straight up abuse the enemies (bonus points if both bursts manage to infuse different elements somehow)

    Tl;dr if there's a venti in my party my motive changes to aiding the venti rather than playing who I want, which is only tangentially related to the video

  2. Um dude I still didn't understand why did that person switch when u were using level 1 diluc. No hate I just didn't understand in what way will that affect him or her. So that the person had to change the character.

    If I was that person I still would have proceed. Is there a reason I should not.

  3. What were they even worried about, just because there was a lvl 1 character present doesn't mean that their Ganyu isn't going to do a bajillion damage anymore. Very small brain move by Mr. Freewall there


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