When Genshin Impact Players Use Ganyu… I Do This. For more Genshin Impact Funny Moments, Genshin Impact EXE, and Genshin Impact Gameplay 2021, make sure to subscribe! This is my Genshin Impact Gameplay Experience.EXE.
🎮 Game: Genshin Impact
💛 Tags: #GenshinImpact #Shorts #GenshinImpactGanyu
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Ganyus are no fun in the Golden House since they 1 tap literally everytime, So I resort to my lvl 1 Diluc to see if they'd change characters. Also for brain dead commenters saying I'm toxic…. Have you seen the real toxic side of me yet?
accumula town/ furret walk theme intensifies
I only use Ganyu with StormTerror… easy boss
Ganyu is actually the biggest Diluc simp.
So basically, in response to someone using a character they enjoy, you're going to be toxic and hold the team hostage until they do what YOU want? Dope.
But whY?
I don't understand?
That won’t stop me
What if, I promise to run Ganyu on lvl 8 troupe/gambler set & a lvl 70 Rust? :^)
she isn't even max lvl either.
You guys playing coop?
"It's a joke!"
pins toxic opinion
Yeah… right.
u will just help that ganyu out by using diluc doing op melt dmg.
Im new to genshin impact i dontbunderstsndvthe joke? Is diluc bad charater?
My mindset when there's a venti lol. I won't sacrifice utility or anything but I usually want to play my geo Traveler or xinyan so having a venti makes them damn near useless unless I'm popping e skill/burst constantly (respectively), which I can do but that's not what I'm there for. So I end up switching to like, diona or fischl or ningguang or barbara or xiangling for infusions to help out the venti rather than playing what I want. Alternatively, Sucrose to just straight up abuse the enemies (bonus points if both bursts manage to infuse different elements somehow)
Tl;dr if there's a venti in my party my motive changes to aiding the venti rather than playing who I want, which is only tangentially related to the video
more like "Gan yu not?"
Ganyu mains are the worst kind of meta slave
Bro just run through the domain and quit being a bitch. Ever seen a domain finish in 40 seconds cus you got whales and you're decent? It feels great
It'll be better to just solo
Um dude I still didn't understand why did that person switch when u were using level 1 diluc. No hate I just didn't understand in what way will that affect him or her. So that the person had to change the character.
If I was that person I still would have proceed. Is there a reason I should not.
Reject Ganyu, Return to lvl 1
But what if you met a level 1 yangu?
You do what you want, man…. But I'd probably kick people for that.
What were they even worried about, just because there was a lvl 1 character present doesn't mean that their Ganyu isn't going to do a bajillion damage anymore. Very small brain move by Mr. Freewall there
since i have an abundant amount of time, i would just stay on ganyu and go afk at the start of the fight lol.