Can You Beat Genshin Impact Using Only Dori?!

Didn’t I say this was going to be for 10k subs? Well sorry for it being late, but it came eventually, right? Anyway, Dori is a very interesting case study. She is a character that the community is very split on, one side hates her and the other side treats her fairly like all the other characters. Me personally, I really like this silly gremlin, but what I don’t like about her is… well playing her. At least after playing her for so long after this challenge. I’m pretty much just rambling, so lets get into the rules:
I can only use Dori in Battle.
Any problems that require another element can be completed with another character.
No fighting enemies in Co-op.
All claymores are allowed.

Inspired by: @mistahfeet


41 thoughts on “Can You Beat Genshin Impact Using Only Dori?!”

  1. Please find a better balance between the quietest and loudest moments of your videos.
    Being louder than normal for some stuff is fine but some of the things happening here are painfully loud compared to the normal volume of the video.

  2. "Worst archon" and it's the guy who actually had his shit figured out until we ruined stuff instead of the one who genocided her own people or the one who told people who lost their loved ones to get over it and go back to being productive. Makes sense.

  3. I was surprised at how much they nerfed the ascension domain. I put off ascending from WL7 to WL8 because I wanted to build a few more units first, but when I finally got around to doing the ascension quest I had waited so long that the WL8 ascension was pretty much just a bunch of a hillichurls lmao.


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