Can You Beat Genshin Impact in 24 Hours? (Genshin Impact)

Can I beat Genshin Impact in 24 hours? The Ultimate Genshin Impact Challenge to beat Genshin Impact in 24 hours!

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Editor: Me

0:00 Intro
1:03 Video

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#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #Genshin


21 thoughts on “Can You Beat Genshin Impact in 24 Hours? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. I do not know if noblies will even see this, but this account or some other challenge account would be great, with the challenge being to 36 star abyss by whatever means possible, hopefully not by whaling…

  2. I didn't plan on making a comment outside of the one comment thread overhyping this accomplishment, but I figure I should after seeing the number of people not experienced with these sort of runs.

    What Noblies accomplished in 24 hours is not some amazing feat. This is clearly only a partially optimized run and I don't think Noblies intended to hide that given how they are literally giving commentary on things on the clock.

    This is just a fun entertaining video and not one that's meant to be record breaking for the 24 hour mark or anything like that.

  3. im sure multiple people commented this already but i must say
    you've made more progress in these 24 hours than i did in the last 1 year of playing……… (sumeru doesn't exist to me and i refuse to set foot there ever again)

  4. Instead of doing a 50 hour video. You could just do a 48 hour one and continue with this account for another 24 hours. It would be cool to see you complete the next 2 regions and go further in the Spiral Abyss. A 50 hour video would feel like a part 2 anyway

  5. Hi Mr. Noblies and fellow travelers, I am a new player of Genshin that started in 4.0 Fontaine at the exact release day of it. I would like to ask that how many pulls (not exact amount is fine) can I acquire if I cleared the whole map (including world quest, side quest, character stories and limited events of course). Appreciate the replies and have a nice day my fellow travelers.


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