The Overall Best 5 Star Character I Genshin Impact #Shorts

Who do you think is the best?

#genshinimpact #genshintip #genshinshorts #shortsgenshin


32 thoughts on “The Overall Best 5 Star Character I Genshin Impact #Shorts”

  1. i'd argue to add itto there! as a geo chara, it's a give that his artis would me easier to farm than most due to the def arti percentage, plus his kit is quick, op, and easy to understand!

  2. i’ve been a jean main (former yanfei main) for a while now. at first i hated her because i thought she was bad- i mained yanfei for about 2 more months since losing the 50/50. i finally built jean to my liking and she never ever EVER leaves my team!! i even customised my tablet to her colours!!!!


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