The New Best Team Core in Genshin Impact

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0:00 Intro & Why It’s So Strong
3:19 Build Guides
6:07 Teams
11:43 Note on a strength & weakness
12:38 More teams
17:38 why it’s new meta staple


44 thoughts on “The New Best Team Core in Genshin Impact”

  1. Another big pro to this team is VERY cheap vertical investment and very efficient artifact farming. Insane increases to any team damage with Furina C1 and C2, and just farm emblem + golden troup/mariachi band and you're good. also I missed Xianyun so you can do plunge bennett!

  2. I like the idea that Ayaka works here. If I don’t have Ayaka’s best team because I don’t have Shenhe and am instead using someone like Rosaria do you think this is actually the better team for her?

  3. I’ve always played the standard Childe set up but as a test I tried furina c0 (lv 90 dockhand 45k hp 70/100 crit 180 er) vs kazu c0 freedom sworn. (Lv 80 895 em). Tried on current 12-1 and both finished in relatively same time kazu slightly more consistent.

    Kazu is running vv shred so with such low investment in furina be intresting with c2/c3 compared to kazu c2. ( with complete builds)

    Another thing I found with this comp is that not keep going back into swirl left Childe wanting more field time so if he was c6 here and had infinite blade works would feel so much more comfortable.

    But if something not broke don’t fix it just stick with c0 Childe on is og international comp if you like it if not run whatever you want the support is op anyways.

  4. This team comp is easy to play Bennett, kazuha,xiangling, and Xingqiu or raiden National Team. Furina dps out is slow. Some time drain hp is issues where the enemies can one-shot you.

  5. "Furina will carry your old but built characters"

    I played since launch and seeing my characters collecting dust just because they are not meeting dps check anymore made me abit sad.

    When I get furina to c2,
    Noelle carry
    Diluc carry
    Chongyun kaeya rosa
    3 Geo
    Sucrose taser
    Chongyun national
    Eula raiden furina mika
    Jean Sunfire
    Klee driver
    Ganyu fridge

    All of these would be more possible(viable) as Furina will set the stage for them. Fitting of her also becoming a director cannonically.

    Btw you can say "skill issue" but im a salaryman working for his family. I dont have that much spare time to do spiral resets and burn myself more. Its been 1300++ days for 🎉me😅

  6. Not to be a hater, but bruh this team is great if u want to press retry button million times, before u get a fast clear. Yes, damage will be great but i don`t want to self apply pyro, while Furina drain half of my hp. Like even on PC (on mobile this shit will snap any phone in half in rage of retrying 15 time just the setup) its hard to execute every try perfectly and you will doing this over and over again, untill u do all the shit right. And imagine play this vs 2 consecrated beasts, not fun at all, or maybe lvl100 Coppelia?
    And ofc this abyss is not dmg check, more like element check, so u just make urself a painful experience playing this. And its hard to imagine dmg threshold more then 70k per sec (average is more like 50k), that can be easily obtained even without this cringe (like C0R0 with 35+subs arts) on any good team.
    And by comfort this team looses sooooooooooo much in compare to any variation of national, while gaining only 20% of dmg increase (cause here is no vv in this core) and to braindeadness and ease of build of hyperbloom.
    This team sealing is very high but it will cost u a sanity check.

  7. I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Cyno. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe – they both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.

  8. I already tried with Furina C1, Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennett.
    Childe International is just better for damage and even easier to stay alive so easier to play (because it is probably the hardest thing about International for me).

    I can try double hydro, but I think it will be hard to play for nothing.

    Maybe I will try with Ayaka, Furina, Xiangling and Bennett to see if it is worth it or not.
    Maybe it can be easier to play if we can freeze ennemies.

    I just think Furina is better with a healer like Xianyun or Baizhu or even Charlotte.
    A plunge team with Xianyun will be easier to play too.
    I just think Furina have easier team to play to get 36 stars.

  9. The problem with that core, is, what happens when you don't have another Aoe pyro dps?, you're wasting both pyro Aoe characters in 1 team, cause Bennet can proc it with Kazuha, and Xianling is the Aoe unit herself, and you need Aoe pyro in both halfs of this abyss.

    In this case proper core would be Kazuha instead of Xianling, and Xianling with Nahida – hydro/ electro / anemo character, on 2nd half maybe.

  10. i just used this team i just used Jean for the slot for the final chamber for the Baptist, without the previous abyss buff it's hard to 36 star this abyss especially the 2 cryo fatui on 1st side wasting my time

  11. "New" best teamcore… Lol
    Yes it's national again, and at this point it's old news… Not that impressive and let's face it, the real core isn't the unit you slap with Benny and Xiangling : It's just them.
    Kazuha, Yelan, Xingqiu have similar advantages or results…

    Kinda hard to sell this as something new or special. And kinda tired of people overselling Furina… Kinda time to get creative and Furina is about the definition of a sidegrade in so many cases it hurts.

  12. I often use this core for Abyss 8-11, past that i splitt them apart for each half most of the time. The core is good enough to clear Floor 12 easily but i like my super high Investet dps teams more with one of these as my hypecarry: Hu Tao, Arle, Raiden, Noelle or Tighnari.

  13. I've used Dehya + Bennett + Kazuha + Furina to get my first 36 star not too long ago. The team actually made Dehya really good.

    What I would like to see is Razor + Furina + Bennett (C6) + Xiangling. I'm assuming I'll be similar to Raiden

  14. Furina does not need pipe and in fact there are arguments that fav is better and in solo hydro the extra er from fav is greatly appreciated, also I use this core with navia on sac claymore all the time and never noticed any er issues, the extra personal damage from xianling that then causes furina to forward vape out weighs navias personal damage from geo res and unless you pulled chiori or albedo you’re secondary geo options are kinda ass

  15. Honestly, I think this is pretty similar to the Mono Pyro core . Kazuha’s buffing profile is pretty similar to Furina’s given that Xiangling snapshots before full fanfare (in most teams), and what Furina has in damage Kazuha makes up for in grouping. Many of the teams you mentioned also could slot Kazuha as a more comfortable option, notably Lyney and other Hydro units.

  16. My only two onfield DPS that I've pulled are Neuvillette and Alhaitham (basically, I've been running them as a Neuvi hypercarry and Alhaitham as my usual hyperbloom or spread comp), so… LOL There's also the issue of my not having Xiangling constellations (I think she's… C1 or C2 at this point still) somehow and… shrugs Her and Bennet avoid me even when I pull on banners with them, and saving enough stardust to get them from the store is hefty when I don't pull too much at baseline.

    I guess if I ever build Raiden as an onfielder, but not at this time. She's my C0 subDPS, but yeah… Maybe for when I can get Furina on her rerun and use it with my Noelle or Xingqiu, but the issue is also I am… NOT a burst person, and this requires regular bursting. I forget that the burst button exists unless I'm stuck and in an emergency. (Yes, I have major skill issues, I'm aware…) That and I get anxious with tenuous health, so… I probably just wouldn't enjoy it much. (Granted, also, likely I am not the target audience here since I avoid the Abyss like the plague except for one attempt to run as far as possible to get primos.)

    TL;DR: nice advice! I'm sure people will manage to get further and further as they toy around with this team core.

  17. I am sorry Jello, i like your videos but how can anyone take something that is being used for 3+ years now, that is extremely boring to boot, with every single character that was ever released, add Furina which is also being done since 4.2 right after her release because of course it is and call it "new and exciting"…
    Slapping anyone into a 4th slot of this and calling it a team is just….no, come ooon
    The day people will stop trying to shove bennett and XL into every single team in the game will be the day Hoyoverse will implode on itself…
    Can't wait for Clorinde, Chevreuse, bennett, XL team
    Or how about Clorinde, Kazuha, bennett, XL? Does that sound more original?
    Maybe even Clorinde, bennett, XL, XQ? Daring today are we
    I would rather solo the game with Qiqi than use the bennett/XL duo…i even feel bad for saying that because i actually like Qiqi

    Sorry for being so aggresive here but i swear i am so sick and tired of seeing those 2 names absolutely everywhere you look that has anything to do with Genshin…
    Bennett is Hoyo's biggest mistake, a true definition of "meta slave wet dream"


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