OUR FIRST LOOK AT NATLAN?! | Genshin Impact 4.8 Livestream Reaction

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28 thoughts on “OUR FIRST LOOK AT NATLAN?! | Genshin Impact 4.8 Livestream Reaction”

  1. 26:48 It's not really a high ask, especially if you are playing for a while now. If some of the characters that receive the new cosmetic is your favorite/often used character then it just comes naturally. I have only started playing like March of 2023 or only a little over a year now and I have Jean and Diluc at level 90 with maxed out friendship plus all the other 5-stars and 4-stars I used in teams. Whenever I get a new character I want to use, I put them on my teapot and use in my daily commission runs. Having Neuvillette really helps because he can solo clear commissions and domains I can put 3 characters in the team just for friendship lol.

  2. 3:07 They did Nilou dirty.Her outfit should've more color variation and gradient for fairy aesthetic not plain white and purple.I couldn't tell the difference between original and this at first.

  3. Question: what’s the PG rating on Genshin? Bc all the content I’ve seen lately seems to have been targeted towards children like actual children, 6-11. This looks like another Disney mobile game like what’s going on


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