C0 Kachina is SURPRISINGLY USEFUL! Genshin Impact 5.0 [First Impressions]

Kachina is the FREE upcoming 4 star character in Genshin Impact 5.0. In this video, we take a look at the DPS capabilities as well as her support capabilities with the new artifact set, the Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City. I test her with Mualani and a quick Geo team.

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42 thoughts on “C0 Kachina is SURPRISINGLY USEFUL! Genshin Impact 5.0 [First Impressions]”

  1. I thought Wuwa made Hoyo scared and they would remove stamina usage in Natlan. But based on this character, it looks like it's here to stay.
    It is literally the worst thing about Genshin, the movement. And it's easily fixed, but they want to sell characters as a solution. Greed before better gameplay.

  2. Its criminal that you didnt mention Navia teams. Kachina should be a fairly strong stand-in and probably better than Zhongli in Navia double pyro or other Navia teams. And dont forget about her constellations giving her more utility for the teams.

    In navia teams, her C1 allows Navia to gain more Rosula Shardshots while off field since Kachina also magnetizes shards towards her.

    In mono geo teams, Kachina's C4 makes her a pretty powerful Def buffing support in Itto or Noelle teams. Think of wet mop teams, so Noelle, Kachina C4 on Scroll of the Hero, Furina, and Yelan. Just even more dmg bonus plus a def bonus for Noelle, and probably good dual support with Gorou in Noelle mono geo, with the PHEC flex slot being someone like Fischl, Yae, Furina. In Itto teams, the flex can be Yae Miko, Fischl, Yelan, etc.

  3. Any thoughts on Kachina with Navia? One look at her kit and the new artifact set immediately made me think she would be best in slot for navia teams (replace chiori in Navia, Bennet, Xiangling, Chiori team). Chiori obviously deals more personal damage, but she does little to buff navia's personal damage. Kachina can utilize the Cinder City set to buff navia and xiangling's damage, super comfortable to get the right elements (only pyro geo in team), can create more crystalizes bc her skill is aoe, and others in the party can invest less in er (which in turn also = more damage) considering the 2 piece set bonus.

  4. I like that they made her different, but I am seeing Genshin bite it's own tail again. Climbing ability, really? I already 36 abyss with my geo team, then there's Kazuha et. al….at least she seems a bit worth for item exploration and geo helping other elements

  5. So what you are saying is… you "can" have DPS Kachina if you "heavily" invest into her (like with most DPS you got to commit). But you don't recommend it as she has a better role of buffer in certain niche teams by stacking Petra set with the new set?
    Ok, got it, DPS Kachina it is! πŸ˜„

    All jokes aside, good video!

  6. I just recently got Navia and I've been slowly building her up. I haven't decided on teammates yet, so I think I'll try running Kachina with her. I don't have any other geo characters built yet anyway (newish player).


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