Breath of the Wild Fan Reacts to ALL GENSHIN IMPACT Character Demos! (PART 2)

Genshin Impact fans keep telling me that I’d LOVE the game since I enjoy BOTW so much, so here’s PART TWO of me reacting to all the character demos!
00:00 – Intro
00:36 – Yun Jin
02:10 – Shenhe
05:00 – Yae Miko
08:13 – Kamisato Ayato
12:18 – Yelan
15:12 – Kuki Shinobu
16:45 – Shikanoin Heizou
18:27 – Collei
20:13 – Tighnari
22:37 – Dori
23:53 – Candace
25:35 – Cyno
28:18 – Nilou
30:10 – Nahida
32:39 – Layla
33:59 – Wanderer
36:48 – Faruzan
38:00 – Yaoyao
39:24 – Alhaitham
42:47 – Dehya
45:13 – Mika
46:26 – Kaveh
48:12 – No Baizhu cuz video was uploaded B4 it came out :/
🏰 Isaiah 25:1 NIV
LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
🖼️Thumbnail Artist: KingdomAce
🎬Footage by: @GenshinImpact
📜My Script: My brain, my face
#GenshinImpact #Genshin #GenshinImpactCharacters #CharacterDemos #mihoyo #Anime


49 thoughts on “Breath of the Wild Fan Reacts to ALL GENSHIN IMPACT Character Demos! (PART 2)”

  1. the first nations are based on europe, china and japan it makes no sense that they have black/tan characters while sumeru is based on india and egypt so some characters from there are black/tan but you completely forgot that from the beginning the game has Kaeya and Xinyan

    but the thing is that Kaeya wasn't born in Mondstadt and Xinyan's whole thing is that she's different from others so they're an exception

  2. I'm glad you noticed why dehya said "we were just sparring" to candace when she appeared. yeah all these bandits will be goners if she meddles in you don't mess with hydro characters💀✋

    also, had to bring this up that hoyo did dehya dirty her kit is the absolute worse. no one could fix her and ig that's the reason why they just threw her aside. I'm mad cause there's much more to dehya especially her character lore. she's a sweet girl :')

  3. Hi KingdomAce🤗, I liked your reaction to the game trailers of the characters, and I watched the first and second parts. I will leave some interesting facts in this comment. (second part more)

    1. The first trailer from Sumeru presents Collei, a trainee of the Forest Watch. She is a friend of Amber from Monshtadt, and at the end of her teaser, baron bunny was shown. According to the idea, she is the first to meet a traveler in the Sumeru region, as well as Amber in Monshtadt at the beginning of the journey. There are also a lot of details of the relationship between them in the game itself, in the description of objects and character design!

    2.Tignari is the Collei's mentor, so they intersect in the teaser. The character's voice acting was changed due to an inappropriate incident, and his voice remained only in the teaser. Now a new good actor is voicing. It's a pity that because of this incident, the character's reputation dropped at some point.

    3. Sayu is a ninja of an organization that is subordinate to Kamisato Ayato, so we can see her in his teaser in two moments.

    4.Kuki Shinobu is the deputy boss of Arataki Itto, she is so cool and strong that she constantly punishes her comrades and Itto himself for all sorts of hooliganism, but also pulls them out of the Inazuma precinct for violations. She is respectable, and makes sure that the gang does not go beyond the law.

    4. Dori loves money very much, as does her companion. This is a genie who lives in a magic lamp and helps her in battles. He also treats Dory.

    5. Kaveh and Alhaitam are very familiar, but what unites them, you will find out already in the quests, so that there is no spoiler.

    6. The funny fact is that Candace is a 4-star and Dehya is a 5-star, they are friends, but Candace's character is more harsh towards the enemies of the desert village. Therefore, Dehya gave a final warning to the hermit in the teaser.

    7. An interesting detail is present in the teaser of the Wanderer. This is the bird that sat on his shoulder, and the style music present in the teaser. I will not spoiler, just carefully study the characters of other regions, maybe you will find something interesting for yourself.

    8. In many trailers, the characters show some events that are very little mentioned in the game itself, and it's worth paying attention to.

    I have listed the details from the teasers that are reflected in the game, I hope they will not become spoilers for you and will warm up interest in studying the plot and knowledge about the game. Thank you for responding to the teasers of the game! 🤗

  4. Wow dude how am i just seeing you now. Your reactions are really fun, i would love to see your reactions to honkai impact pv trailer ls or animation. But seeing that now you may start playing genshin i guess you won't have time.

  5. Yaay so happy to see another video!
    Hello Kingdom Ace, hope you're doing well today & it sucks about you losing power. Good to see you back though.
    Sooo I am super giddy every time someone reacts to this set of characters. I can tell you this group has a lot of great stuff in their stories & adventures!
    Also, I LOVE playing Wanderer! He and Kazuha are my top boys! Also, about Wanderer- his story is really really good!
    Another thing is I adore Nahida! I don't want to spoil anything but she's just such an amazing character.
    Yun Jin has a special place in my heart for reasons you can find out about later on.
    I'd like to recommend that later on, you check out the Genshin manga. They've got a lot of backstory and history on a lot of the characters & situations from the past that have come to light in the present. Again, not wanting to spoil anything, but they are good to check out later.
    I'm looking forward to pulling for Kaveh and Baizhu! Hopefully, you can get them too if you start playing during this duration of banner characters.

    I'd like to recommend for you to watch the version trailers. You will get glimpses of the lands, the vibe, the characters.

    Thank you again for another fun video! I was so excited seeing who was on your thumbnail. 😄

  6. Really liked your view reacting to genshin you seem very genuine and assess everything with a clear mind without judgement which is great!! I don't see that very often so it's a nice change I look forward to your future vids 🌸✨💕

  7. I am happy to see someone being so attentive with the details and remembering all the infos and relations between them!
    There are so many characters and it can be overwhelming, but you really pay attention!
    Love that so much!💜

  8. 49:08 Another one has came out!! Baizhu

    20:32 The old Va Turned out to be a groomer and did a whole bunch of horrible things.

    22:50 Sayu is a Teen she’s just short and for dori some people are saying she’s not a kid either but I don’t know her full story.

    30:25 Nope

  9. 20:20

    About Tighnari’s voice actor, he used to have a voice actor by the name of Elliot Gindi. There was a problem, Elliot Gindi used his fame and groomed or exploited minors. After the secret was out, Hoyoverse fired him and changed Tighnari’s voice actor with the same voice actor as the kid from Whimpy Kids. Also, the character trailer of Tighnari still uses Elliot Gindi’s voice.

    Edit: Now I’m here, yay! Any question about any character in Genshin Impact, you can ask me.

  10. Hello again, back to finish watching the video after just being on your livestream lol. That was fun!

    Okay, so now about Cyno! He totally reminds me of like the Egyptian god Anubis. His design is awesome!

    Nilou is very flowy, very elegant and poised. Her dances always have a meaning- though it's not always clear.

    Nahida is so adorable! (As I mentioned in my other comment)I can't say much about her without spoiling and so a lot of my comments are vague to keep from spoiling important info.
    But her music awwww. It feels so happy & joyful! I sometimes hum it absently without realizing it lol.

    Layla's design is so pretty and I love how she connects with the stars. The fact the poor girl is always up late with papers.

    Wanderer is very complex as his story/stories that he is involved with. I could talk to you all day about him but that would be bad as I love talking about him and might spoil something so again, trying to stay vague lol.

    Okay, one thing I love about the 'kid looking' characters is that there is more to many of them than you know. It will be fun to see you discover just how important some of them are.

    Alhaithem is quite the character. He has a really cool design and just wait til you meet him in-game!

    The one thing I will say is that the majority of these characters are based in Sumeru.

    Dehya has a beautiful character design and yes, she's a claymore user but also, she hits hard.

    So as far as Mika, I just love this little guy. It's hard to explain but he's one of those adorable characters that can become endearing.

    I like Kaveh. He's got quite an interesting personality. His view on things is very unique. I like his character design and fun fact is he & Baizhu are going to be on the upcoming banners either today or tomorrow!
    I'm hoping to pull for both.

    I'm sorry for another long comment. I just get excited and just want to talk…a lot and share what info I can without spoiling anything.

    I enjoyed this video! Thanks and I look forward to the next one! 😃

  11. There's plenty of adult characters with summons/extra character/mascots in this game. Fischl with Oz, Xiangling with Guoba, Hu Tao with Boo Tao, Yae Miko (sort of) with her kitsune turrets.

  12. I definitely recommend also watching the version trailers and the character teasers! The version trailers do give some interesting glimpses into the story of the game, but are admittedly a bit confusing without context. Still, they’re very flashy and intense. The character teasers do a great job of explaining some of the lore and give further insight into who the characters are. There’s also the collected miscellanies, but those are mostly just gameplay demonstrations that explain each character’s kits. I’d check those out if you have the time, but personally I’d watch the version trailers and character teasers first. Oh, and of course there’s the Teyvat Chapter Travail and Winter Night’s Lazzo videos that give insight into all of the game’s nations and main villain faction.

  13. I'm back! And to answer your questions:
    -Yae Miko is a chief editor of her own publishing company.
    -Heizou uses a catalyst (a spellbook)
    -Yelan isn't a celebrity. She does some "shady" work for the government. Overall, she's a great character and hecking meta in battle.
    – The area in Collei's demo is the rainforest area of Sumeru, while Candace's demo is in the desert area of Sumeru.
    – Yeah, Tighnari's original VA done effed up. He was immediately fired a week after the issue came out, and all the voicelines have already been redone.
    – I like how you reacted to Nahida. Most people think sexualized child characters immediately after seeing them. But most of us really just see tham as our daughters that need to be protected, like you said lol
    – Adepti are basically earthly spirits/deities. They either take human or animal form, depending on their preference.
    -Mika casually bringing a "gun" to a sword fight lol

    Btw, you should definitely play. The story just keeps getting better! Be careful with the gatch pitfall, though. You can easily get addicted to spending real money. I'm f2p and still managed to get the characters I wanted just by grinding.

  14. Actually, Kaveh is holding his claymore about 10% of the time. The one who is actually holding it for him during the fight is his toolbox/briefcase (canonically toolbox), Mehrak.

  15. for that comment on brown skinned characters, boi u btter savour their existence cuz were probably not getting another mellanated playable character for like another year :,), cuz unfortunately hoyoverse likes to pussy out from more "darker skinned" characters😭😭and yes, there was a whole contraversy over it

  16. There are some characters that are related, siblings include of course the main characters Lumine and Aether, Jean and Barbara, Albedo and Klee, Ayaka and Ayato, you have Shenhe and her nephew Chongyun, and Wanderer and his mother, Raiden Shogun. If you want to get more of a background story of the characters, I suggest watching their character trailers. I would also recommend watching stuff from the other Hoyoverse games, Honkai Impact 3rd and Honkai Star Rail, both have really great videos

  17. Xinyan, Kaeya, and Candace are the only "darker" characters as of right now in the game. But Xinyan is from the China area and Kaeya is from Mondstadt (though his lineage might be from a different nation, without spoiling anything for you). Technicallyy……Cyno and Dehya could be considered darker/tanned characters but yeah. The lack of darker skin tones has long been a complaint. But Hoyo EN hires a VERY Ethnically diverse cast of VAs. So that's nice. Even some of the "white" and "Asian" characters have POC VAs. And everyone from the new SWANA/MENA inspired region has SWANA/MENA VAs. So that's really cool.

    Edit: starting from Collei'd demo, every character is from the newest region: Sumeru. It's the SWANA/MENA inspired region. There's two areas inside this region: a rainforest and desert. And it is ABSOLUTELY the best area. So pretty and HUGE. it's the largest region to date. And no, Nahida was voiced by an adult lol.

    Second edit: except YaoYao, Mika, and now Baizhu lmao. My baaaadddd. YaoYao and Baizhu are from Liyue and Mika is from Mondstadt.

  18. 44:26 on dehya's demo.
    if you looking it carefully, candace literally throwing her spear straight to his head.
    which means, she went for the kill.
    dehya just saving his life as a "warning"

    edited : kaveh one was hilarious on the bakery shot😂


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