The Tragic Path Klee Took To Irrelevancy… | Genshin Impact

Klee went from a crowd favorite to a seemingly forgotten middle child in Genshin Impact. The community has so many options that nowadays Klee would be hard pressed to make an honorable mentions list. All of this is due to a combination of problems which we will talk about in this video.



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46 thoughts on “The Tragic Path Klee Took To Irrelevancy… | Genshin Impact”

  1. I have only started playing this year, so I had no chance if getting klee before. Even after doing research and understanding shes not in the best place right now. For the past 2 months I could not wait for her to return, I tried her earlier in her hangouts quest and I loved the fact that you have to put in more effort to get her to work. I still cannot wait to c4 her 🙂

  2. Firstly I wanna say goodluckkkk to everyone on they summons ✨and sec I'm pulling for Klee I don't care wht ppl say coz ilove her play style and design ✨…so wht I'm trynna say to everyone plzz don't listen to other ppls opinion coz end of the day it's Ur acc ,Ur game soo enjoy it and play with wht ever characters u like…coz it's Ur game u playing it so if u like a certain character go for it pull them even main them tooo✨I'm not saying tht these YouTubers or content characters are wrong or right but I'm just saying tht they give there perspective of the character✨I know they pros at the game and I'm just a normal person but i can assure if u like a certain character go for them ✨instead of listening to someone say there opinion on tht character ✨becoz no matter wht ppl say it's always gonna come down to u and Ur decision in the end✨sooo good luck to everyone on getting Kleeeee or any other characters✨

  3. Ever since I got hu tao on her rerun my level 90 crowned Klee with lost prayer has just been sitting. And my hu tao only has r3 dragon's Bane and still out dpses Klee with a 5 star weapon.

  4. If/when they will let the character go up to lv100, I hope they will add a new passive talent each and that it will be used to fix the major flaws of the most underused characters, like Klee.

  5. i do she is cracked with yalen no issues xD as a whale she is cracked if u build and invest so fun
    lol she exceeds at killing everything your E must not be hitting over 100k nor your lazor hitting 20-30k hits even auto attack build with yalen and Yuijin ez mode and wait for kusanalli

    no support : mmm u have Kazuha Bennett Yalen Raiden Yujin Mona

  6. The reasons are

    1. Cluncky and hard to play. In my country's community there is a polling which character has the hardest mechanic. Yup majority answers Klee

    You know why Childe is less used despite being included in meta teams? Because of the hard mechanic. Many people tend to use Raiden National, because the team is more unga-bunga

    2. The damage that Klee does is just not enough. There is already Hu Tao and Yoimiya which have higher damage. And even Xiangling C6 is better than Klee C0

    3. Most people pull Klee, because she is adorable. Not because of Meta -> Less used in Spiral and have high own ratio -> Low usage rate

  7. Love Klee, and can still make her work in the Abyss provided she gets some much needed help from God-tier supports but you can really do that with any character. Would be great if they upgraded her kit like some other characters, but with Hoyoverse I’m not holding my breath. She’s still as cute as a bug, though

  8. honestly I just find klee’s ult so annoying cuz if it aint gonna give her interruption resistance or super armor I CANT PLAY HER WITHOUT SHIELDS 😭

  9. If Klee’s Ult stayed on the field when she was off the field, she would be an immensely valued character. They could still do the C4 explosion, just not stopping the barrage of hits.

  10. Other than Diluc, she used to have no competition for the dps pyro role. Now you have Yanfei, Yoimiya, and Hu Tao. In my opinion, all of them have an easier playstyle and feel less clunky. Klee is adorable of course. But for anyone who doesn’t want Klee specifically, there are other characters with easier playstyles or a different personality that they might enjoy more.

    With the release of Dendro, she might get an indirect buff. (Copium? Maybe.) One more thing. In general, catalysts as a weapon don’t have as many good options imo. I can see a few ways for her to improve.

  11. Even if Klee aint meta or isnt much relevant/popular through gameplay-wise, i'm still determined to get her, i main another certain pyro catalyst and i shall do it again :D!

  12. I mean, if characters are being compared, then somebody inevitably must always be on the bottom, just like somebody must always be on the top.
    Doesn't mean the ones on the bottom are bad or unplayable. Klee is still functional in Abyss, if I needed pyro on both sides or vs. certain bosses I would run her no problem.
    If every pyro character had to measure up to Bennett/Xiangling to matter at all, you would never pull another pyro character.

  13. When you say that Klee feels like she's throwing a 30kg bag of sand with one arm…. Well…one of her idle voicelines is " it's bomb…it's heavy" , so it makes sense, doesn't it? 😂 But this aside yes, to be a DPS she feels very cluncky to use, expecially when we have to beat the darn timers ( aka: 90% of the time). A real shame, i got her last year with her free craftable weapon, but i cannot bring myself to deploy her in heavy fights due to the constant anim-cancel she requires. I do not even hope that Hoyo will rework her kit or do anything to improve her performances, they NEVER ever do unless there's a proper massive riot across all servers, CN first ( see Zhongli's case, then Yae but they reverted back, so epic fail again)

  14. I’m a Klee main, her play style isn’t the most fun thing, but I still love her. Especially since I have raided and yelan, i abuse them like a machine gun 😼💪

  15. I tried getting Klee, but she only builded pity for Kazuha…Kazuha's been here from his first banner, so you know what that means 😏

  16. I'm still a Klee main and will be until I stop playing.
    No other unit in the game manages to be both difficult enough to be never boring, yet foolproof enough that no matter how tired I am or poorly I play, they still get the job done, just 30% slower.
    Enemy hits you while charge attacking? No problem they still take damage, and get knocked down by it. Can't hit those annoying birds or specters? Press Q and watch them disappear…along with all the enemies behind you that you never even knew about.

    Just don't do Abyss floor 12 with her. That place is not for kids. Or humans. Or elves. It's a painful struggle and even with meta units you'll never recover the investment you made into those units to make it possible. Everything else, including floor 11, Klee obliterates easily.

    There are only three units currently on my "must get on every new account I make", Klee because she is the most fun, Venti because the convenience of the "I win" button vs small mobs and Ayaka because she is the "I win" button against large mobs and bosses. Every other unit, I can live without.

  17. I got Klee when she first came out. I enjoy her very much, one issue I have with her is the speed in which she throws her bombs sometimes making her clunky. She had good damage with the right support.

  18. I stand by the fact that Klee is the most neglected 5* character (besides Aloy), both by Hoyoverse and the community. The saddest fact about Klee is that there is almost no way to buff her without buffing other units who are already powerful (ie. Hu Tao). Compared to Yoimiya who received like 4 indirect buffs after her release (Yun Jin, Ayato, Echoes set, Yelan), Klee only received 2 (Kazuha & Yelan. None of the new 4* acts as an upgrade or even sidegrade as her supports).
    I think the only possible way to buff Klee significantly (indirectly) is through future Dendro units, considering Klee's best team is Mono Pyro. And let's be real, having Klee's burst stay on field won't even make her broken. Hoyoverse is just too afraid to powercreep their 2nd favourite Genshin child (after Ayaka) a.k.a Xiangling.

    I used to regret not pulling for Klee because of how cute she is, but then I used to main Ningguang, and even experienced as a non-C6 Yanfei haver, and with that I already felt the struggle of catalyst users. I also main Keqing and felt the struggle of having zero stamina. That's why I felt relieved skipping her now, and forget Xiangling, I got Yoimiya who is a lot more fun to play and is more flexible (and S tier waifu material lol) even though she's still not meta.

  19. She isn't well-designed, like a lot of the early characters, and has been powercrept. It's pretty funny pairing her with Kazuha in the upcoming banners. Such a tale of opposites.

  20. What happened to Klee? The answer is DPS catalyst user.

    Hoyoverse is just bad at designing catalysts user as pure DPS. They just end up clunky.
    I hope Heizou can dodge this trend.
    Kokomi, Mona and Sucrose manage to dodge this cure by being used as supporter role. Player actually ignore Kokomi's burst for damage and only use it as skill reset only.


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