Bohemian Rhapsody?!? | Polumnia Omnia (Live Version) | Genshin Impact REACTION!

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12 thoughts on “Bohemian Rhapsody?!? | Polumnia Omnia (Live Version) | Genshin Impact REACTION!”

  1. This is the boss fight theme, and these are the translations that I found:

    Vosmet vetat res coelica (“The heavenly thing rejects you [pl.].”)

    Iam premet letum vastum te (“Now empty/immense death/annihilation will oppress/overwhelm you.”)

    Vae gnari sunt suimet quis in oculis (“Woe be the eyes of the one who is enlightened.”)

    五夜のすゑなぞながされ (“Why did you throw me away at the end of the fifth night?”) — [Goya no sue nazo nagasa re]

    Sapientes feroces vetitum per currunt nefas (“Unchecked knowings/teachings run through a wicked offense forbidden,”)

    (Lower voice) Sapientes pelliciuntur in nefas (“Wisdoms coaxed into a wrong,”)

    tarda leti et necessitas semota corripiet gradum (“obstacles of annihilation and a compulsion removed will hasten the step.”)

    (Lower voice) tarda leti mors necessetudinis corripiet gradum (“obstacles of annihilation, a death of necessity will hasten the step.”)

    Iugis solum ipsius nihil debet (“He owes nothing alone to his own shackles.”)

    Credas in nullum qua sunt edicta inutile (“You should believe in nothing that are useless edicts.”)

    (Lv.) Cave vide qua sunt edicta inutile (“Beware, see what are useless edicts.”)

    Dominatus, Dominatus, Dominatus* (“Tyranny, Tyranny, Tyranny”)

    五夜のすゑなぞながされ (“Why did you throw me away at the end of the fifth night?”) — [Goya no sue nazo nagasa re]

    Vae eis simulacrum in solio inanis fixere sapientes (“Woe to them, the wisdoms fixed [his] phantom onto an empty throne,”)

    (Lv.) Vae eis cui simulacrum conlaudent mirent augeant (“Woe to them, the likeness to whom they would praise, would be amazed by, would augment,”)

    necessitas semota corripiet gradum (“a necessity removed will hasten the step.”)

    (Lv.) et necessitudinis corripiet gradum (“and of a necessity will hasten the step.”)

    Numquam genitus desiderem (“I would never desire to have been born”)

    And the Idiomatic translation is:

    The heavenly principle rejects you all.

    Now immense annihilation will overwhelm you.

    Woe be the eyes of the one who is enlightened.

    Why did you throw me away at the end of the fifth night?

    Knowledge runs wild through a forbidden offense,

    (Lv.) Wisdom coaxed into a wicked thing,

    obstacles of annihilation and a compulsion removed will hasten the step.

    (Lv.) obstacles of annihilation, a death of necessity will hasten the step.

    He owes nothing to the loneliness of his own eternity.

    You should believe in no things that are useless proclamations.

    (Lv.) Beware; see what are useless edicts.

    Absolute power, Absolute power, Absolute power!

    Why did you throw me away at the end of the fifth night?

    Woe to them, the wisdoms [that] chained the phantom to an empty throne,

    (Lv.) Woe to them; to whom the likeness they would praise, would be awed by, would augment,

    a necessity removed will hasten the step.

    (Lv.) and of a necessity [that] will hasten the step.

    I would never wish to have been born.

    A second translation I found that seems more likely:

    May the Celestial Affairs be denied to you

    Now a disastrous ruin weighs upon you

    Alas, O those who bear a vision, you are aware of yourselves

    Why did you abandon me before you even gave me a name?

    The Arrogant sages overstep a sinful restriction

    (Lv.) The sages are seduced by sin.

    The slow and covert necessity of ruin speeds up the pace

    (Lv.) The slow death given by the necessity of ruin speeds up the pace

    Only the eternal who is eternal is not bound to anything

    Do not believe in anything that is useless
    (Lv.) Be scared, watch out which decrees are useless

    Absolute Power!

    Why did you abandon me before you even gave me a name?
    The sages forced the idol on an empty, vain throne
    (Lv.) And the idol that they cover in adulation, admiration and honors
    The necessity speeds up the pace
    (Lv.) and speeds up the pace of necessity

    I wish I had never been born.

  2. I kinda doubt the first part of the robotic voice was added in post. The lead singer for Starset has a mic that he uses in live performances to add processed vocals and can change it up from song to song using a computer on stage. It's probably a similar thing here where they added the effect on his mic during the performance. And you can hear a difference between that section and the tracked section where it's the game version that he couldn't do.


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