BLACKLISTED For Criticizing Genshin Impact

In this video, we’re going to talk about how one of Genshin Impact’s biggest content creators was blacklisted by the game’s developer (Mihoyo).

Mtashed is a Twitch streamer and YouTuber with over 900,000 subscribers. He primarily covers Genshin Impact, making guides, character tier lists and other content about the game. So you’d think that the studio that makes Genshin would know and like this guy, right?

Check out @Mtashed on Youtube

Link to His Video – I Am Black Listed from Genshin Impact






35 thoughts on “BLACKLISTED For Criticizing Genshin Impact”

  1. the larger gacha games tend to attract the worst crowd who in turn feed the dev's ego. I've never seen any community more aggressively attacking people who give criticism then gachas like genshin e7 and fgo. They'll actively pretend or downplay issues and its frankly kinda pathetic when they're playing the free PR team for some of greediest companies in gaming.

  2. Something glossed over and not mentioned here: MiHoYo is a Chinese company. First, the Chinese People and Chinese corporations and government are not the same thing. However, if you follow any Chinese news and culture content, it’s not shocking a Chinese company, which by Chinese law must have a registered member of the CCP within the company, would not be open to any form of criticism. They stifle speech in other countries through subtle means. Look at what happened with Blizzard during the Hong Kong protests a few years back. Culturally, rather than seeing constructive commentary that can improve the product for their player base, the company will see any criticism as tarnishing their brand, so only positivity toward everything is promoted. This is levied specifically at the company and government and not the people of China.

  3. I don't care for him. He's been very average in his content. He can pay up for Primogems like everyone else. He can disappear and the social media will crank on. He's not special and I care only enough to comment here. And No, HE is not the biggest cuz they're a dime-dozen grift. Thus this is a dick-measuring whining at best and grifting for more views at worse.

    BDG is better at content creating than the shit-stain that is Mtard because its obvious who invests more time into quality, not quantity.

    And its an open secret that social media for GenshinTubers are annoying as fuck. You can make a whole video covering the non-troversies that is skin-color and 'race representation' Americanizing woke trash to A CHINESE COMPANY.

    Can anyone here reasonably pronounce the name "Tighnari"? 🤔 That's the shit Mtard dabbles in.

    Like holy fuck white boy…. not saying he doesn't have a point, it just shows the grift in action. As someone who started Genshin Impact in 2020, social media is stupid for Genshin content because its just whining. (just like this comment).

    The real action is on the Hoyoverse app where people are just talking about the game, lore, meta, and fanart. Nobody cares these 'creators literally have money to burn on pulls. They don't represent reality and it shows in how they phrase their 'character guides'.

  4. Reminds me of another Youtuber who covered basically only one company, put out 5+ yrs of videos, had a huge following. He reviewed one of that companies new games and gave it some criticism and similar things happened. Any criticism developers get from streamers is honestly one of the best real life thorough reviews and would probably help improve the game content. They need to know it's constructive and take it for what it it is worth and actually use it to make things better.

  5. Video game execs are just awful… everytime a game does something stupid, it's almost always an executive's fault. Whether it's crunch, bad monetization, or mishandling their community it's always some dumbass in a suit's fault who couldn't make a video game himself (it's almost always a dude) if his life depended on it. Guarantee you that some suit saw a vid of Mtashed and got butt hurt and removed him from their partner program.

  6. Mike is a fantastic content creator. When he stopped playing destiny and started playing Genshin I was surprised and a bit disappointed.

    Off the rip Genshin seemed like a scammy lottery game designed to lootbox people into poverty. I'm genuinely surprised he's still playing it and he hasn't moved on to something less sketchy.

  7. This is why I've never bought or played anything when it first comes out. Video games will still exist a few years later.

    Look up deep dives about a game that's been out for a couple of years, nit the fluff pieces put out by desperate journos jockeying to be the first to call it a masterpiece or garbage fire.

  8. You think a large gaming company would like some criticism so they can grow and learn from they players actually playing the game and the direction to go-to. I feel said for him so much time invested to bring their content to light.

  9. I don't get why people blindly accept everything from big companies but also how worse are those content creator that now they believe they deserve all just because they ae big, Mtashed specially only plays Genshin not because he like ir "love" the game but just the money he get for the game and he say that from the beginning but now he only say he love the game ignoring that he say in the early days, Mihoyo is doing what Nintendo or any other company do, Mtashed just care about himself and is pissed that his audience don't always agree with him and know that they will stop watching him if he quit the game so he decide to push little by little and convince his audience that the game is sh1t and follow him into a new game, his first try with Tower of fantasy failed now blue protocol and others are next. I understand that between content creators live to only say good things but Mtashed is burnout since long time ago but he just can say no to the money he gets from Genshin content but more and more he is losing credibility because now Mihoyo said No Endgame for Genshin and he still don't try to play another game but loves to spread his anger to his audience

  10. Here, I will play a devil advocate

    It's not because of criticism and rather AMOUNT of it. I watch quite a bit of stuff on YT related to Genshin, I often see his videos recommended to me (and sometimes even watch them to hear what he wants to say) and…. oh boi, 90% of the time I am sure to get another video complaining about another – or most likely same – part of the game. That constant, never ending complaining and something I would call "drama content" are reasons I'm genuinely not surprised at all a company decided to just end their partnership with him. Community – which is split on the subject of hardcore endgame content – also has… not a very favorable opinion about him either from my observation, and it's not positive mostly from reason I mentioned. I'm kinda suprised that people in the comments are suprised Hoyo don't want to work with someone who shits on the game all the bloody time – at some point the criticism turned into constant toxic complaining and I wonder if it's really his frustration that went overboard or that stance gave him views (probably both). I will not say here whether he is right or wrong in his "criticism", because this is a completely different and over-done topic.

    TL;DR: I find his form of criticism toxic and I am not surprised at all that the company does not want to cooperate with him – they have the right to do so.

  11. i dont really care about mtashed neither do i like him. He is an inflammatory person, you can criticize a game without being smug about it. I dont think you have enough experience or knowledge with this game to be covering this consider one of your critics of the game was enemy diversity yet you were at a very very early point in the game, I dont even think you know of the various factions in the game, the abyss, eremites, fatui, fungal beasts, treasure hoarders, ruin machines, nobushi, and etc.
    This video and your coverage of this game seems very half baked in my honest opinion.

  12. Honestly Mtashed is pretty infamous in the genshin community I'm not surprised Mihoyo doesnt want to partner with him I've seen his content on Genshin and I wouldn't want to either. The way he talks about the game promotes a lot of toxicity towards it. After watching for some time I believe he is a fan but LoL has also banned some of their most popular streamers for tosicity Genshin is not trying to become famous for a toxic playerbase.
    To be clear its not at the level of a ban by any means but I wouldn't want to work with him if I were them.

  13. I will say, I use to watch Mtashed but I stopped after one particular video where I felt he was really negative about some niche builds. That's my own personal preference though and has nothing to do with the game itself. However, Hoyoverse should still have compensated him for the event, they weren't sponsoring him, it was just primogems. He put in the work and deserved the compensation. Hoyoverse is really particular with what they approve to put their stamp on and I believe that will hurt them in the long run.

  14. Lmao all these people sitting in an echo chamber, shitting on Genshin without even trying it or educating themselves on it first.
    It has the same energy as someone going "oh americans are fat and stupid, so lets all say they're lesser human beings" or "I don't like african food because it has weird names"

    Like come on, it's a free to play game that you don't need to spend a single penny to play and fully experience. Sure, the company isn't the greatest and their customer support can be appalling, but last time I checked, you don't need to blow an employee every time you log in.

    I have about 1,000 hours played split between my main, a normal account and a completely F2P account, and both are just as fun as each other, each with their own mindset and goals in place.

    And to people that buy in game pixels like league skins, poe MTX, warframe plat, rust skins, game DLCs that only add cosmetics and so on, I have barely spent anything compared to them, yet I still feel that I haven't wasted a single penny on my main. That buying the Welkin is something that I feel it's value is worth the cost and rewards me with what I want.

    The gacha also isnt some money-pit, it has a guarantee system, so if you get really unlucky, you will hit a point where you 100% get what you want

    This game isn't perfect, it has a ton of issues and has terrible, almost non-existent QoL features, I am aware of that, as well as the penny-to-primogem cost being stupidly high, but I know what is good about the game and what isn't, as I've educated myself about it instead of copying whatever someone else says because I'm scared to have my own personality and thoughts.

    Call me names, call me a whiteknight, call me whatever, it proves my point about your arrogance and closed mind.
    If I want to criticize something, I will first learn about it myself instead of regurgitating possible misinformation, as that's what adults do.


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