Best team comps you can use in Genshin Impact, also with f2p (4-star) options/teams
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10 amazing teams showcased in 1 video.
F2p options and 5 star options so that everyone can use them to clear the abyss
Hope you enjoyed
likes & subs appreciated as always
if you read this you're amazing
edit: for people asking about Eula, i didn't want the vid to be too long so just go Eula/Fischl/Diona/Flex
I love your videos, even though i have good teams i watch this bc i like u!!
I run my Hu Tao with Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Zhongli
i run childe jean fishlc and ninguang is my team comp good
Videos like these just remind me how bad my accout is. * Cries in c1 Keqing with awful artifacts. *
Me as a ganyu main: "mmmmmmm interesting"
Diluc wer
I hope i get pin bcs some of ur demo/video is something wrong (not exactly wrong just for reminder).
– Dont use Ganyu burst when running melt ganyu bcs it will mess up reaction / u only melt the first Charge shot.
– When running Freeze Ganyu, becareful to put Zhongli skill bcs it will shatter the Frozen enemies. the reason Freze Ganyu is strong bcs u can abuse Mona's bonus dmg (60%). So its recommend running diona or bannet
When running Rosaria melt comp, use instructor 4pc set for 120 EM bonus. So bannet just for utility.
I loved the video, hope you make more like this one featuring other characters like Keqing and Klee!
Ah, I wanted to see Yanfei/Klee teams, but those Xiao and Xianling teams killed it, definitely will try during my gameplay!!

Also are you planning to do Klee guide when her banner comes out? I have a lot of thoughts of how to build her, especially since new f2p catalyst comes out, so I would really appreciate seeing your video about her!!
“Use these broken team comps”
Me a f2p: yes
So excited to try some of these comps out. I'm almost done building Kaeya so I guess it's about time to focus on Rosaria. Xiangling, Bennet and Albedo are still in the works but they'll get there eventually. Just a question though, does it matter much if I use a burst build Zhongli in these comps instead of a full shield build?
I see Zhongli and Childe
I ship

Honourable mention Diluc
What about a diluc team
No diluc interesting
No diluc team
where is diuc , hes on all my teams , i prefer DIluc than xiangling , i finish abyss faster with him
I use Diluc, Xingqiu, Diona (or Fischl) and Bennett. Tho I will replace Diona with Canadian Aether when he comes out.
A team I use is Keqing, Rosaria, Fischl, Diona. Superconduct don't really do much but the timing of each char cd is so close like youncan just dash everywhere and hit at the same time.
I clear so much thing fastest even when compared to my Ganyu Klee Bennet Diona team (Elemental reaction)
I just like to dash around with Rosaria and Keqing elemental skill tbh…..and surprisingly it worked out pretty well
Just cleared abyss only 3star all floor 12 sad but ill take it
Long Story Short :
The holy Trinity (Ganyu, Xiao, Hutao)
The National Team
The Freeze Comp
Gotta love the xiangling appreciation in this vid