Bennett's HIDDEN Ability (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact I get my mind blown by a C6 Bennett fact I didn’t know about. Bennett is probably my most used hero too lol…

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42 thoughts on “Bennett's HIDDEN Ability (Genshin Impact)”

  1. i nvr cared about c6 bennet, ppl always said he makes it so u cant play certain team comps but nvr said wut those comps were, like razer? kekwing? i dont have or care for those units so why should i worry about it, they suck anyways. i think its funny how so many big ytbers and others are finally catching on now, but not tectone hes still lagging behind lol.

  2. I C6 Bennet before ppl realized it could be bad for certain comps. Luckily im a Diluc main so it actually helps me. That being said, have a go with Xiao, Zhongli, Yelan and C6 Bennet. It's hilarious, so much fun, and does a crap ton of damage!

  3. I used to be a Bennett main but I’ve built him as a support/buffer now, yet still, even with 4pc noblesse, less than 30% crit rate and 120% crit dmg, he still hits 61k with vaporize or melt in open world with no buffs… don’t even know what to say cus I main ayaka now and her e has done 62k with melt and is neck to neck in comparison with my Benny boy 😀

  4. I doubt they'll ever add a toggle if it only affects one character (Bennett). If they release more characters with similiar level of team building affecting constellation as his C6, then it's worth complaining.

  5. Eula comp isn‘t affected by Bennett c6 that much either because it‘s hard to time the explosion of her burst before Bennett‘s burst runs out. Except the pyro infusion ofc. Ayaka is more affected since she loses her cryo infusion. But that‘s about it. C6 Bennett has been shit talked so much for no significant enough reason. If you don‘t use these two characters or you usually use them without Bennett then not C6‘ing him just means -15% potential pyro dmg for your characters.


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