Babe, new anniversary rewards just dropped – Genshin Impact.



22 thoughts on “Babe, new anniversary rewards just dropped – Genshin Impact.”

  1. "Like Honkai Impact, .."
    But that also made by Mihoyo.

    Joke aside, Genshin having a competitor would be great just like how PGR made Honkai better in terms of rewards and contents.

  2. Yeah this is damage control,they did this in a hurry to calm ppl down,and they did good to try and not just ignore the players,given the bundle had 3 items and there's 4 rewards i guess we cans till hope that in the last day we will get a free 5 or at least 4 star char of our own choise,who knows,point is MHY fucked up and the backlash happened,ppl were revolted and now MHY tries to fix their mistake,it is a step in the right direction that's true,but the biggest step MHY can make is talking to the ppl,and i have hope that in the 3rd Oct livestream they will finally talk with the community and adress some of the issues using words not the ban hammer they used in the Discord and reddit servers aswel as everywhere else they could

  3. Counting the fact that this will come as a purchasable bundle in the game after the anniversary…Nha, this is not enough and this is another slap to the face of your players.

    You done fucked up again, Mihoyo. 'Grats.

  4. Reviews still get deleted without proper ground, people still get censored/shamed/banned, none of the glaring issues have been pointing out are addressed.

    Milkhoyo needs to step their game up, and I, and many others, will keep speaking up and giving 1☆ until they actually do something to BE BETTER.

    This "damage control" is obvious for reasons already stated.

  5. I feel no joy, unless they have something amazing planned in the next 4 days, I have been way too hurt by Mihoyo. They have forever lost the chance at my wallet.

    I don't even like the look of these wings.

  6. I mean ik the rewards arent good but are ppl srsly just gonna quit the game for some shitty rewards? like LOOK at all the events that happend this year plus its mhys bday yall and ur gonna give them hate for getting shitty rewards? like pretend ur mhy and its ur bday and u give ppl lke for example cakes and they are like "thats all? are you gonna give more or no? thats it if that is all im going out" like see how would u feel. NO HATE BTW

  7. I want them to apologize for the censorship. Idk if that's the way that things work in china but you can't pretend that you did nothing wrong and just throw some shitty last minute improvised rewards at us

  8. priorities. that was mihoyo's mistake. they focused on promoting their game to hype new players for their anniversary instead of properly rewarding those who stayed with them throughout the whole year. whoever thought that was a good idea deserves a slap in the face, not us.

  9. I don't think them having a competitor would change anything. Don't you remember that game that was like pokemon that everyone thought would give pokemon a run for it's money? Me neither.

  10. First that bundle is trash, i don't know anyone with usable mind with fucking purchases it
    This move is not the fucking right thing its stupid to say ow mihoyo listen, dont be fools and naive

  11. Okay, let's not lie to your audience. These are NOT anniversary rewards. The actual anniversary rewards were the 100 primos you get from that one event that plays back your Genshin journey. Any gifts AFTER that day are just compensation gifts to slightly fix the backlash Mihoyo is receiving.


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