AYATO IS ALMOST PERFECT! C0 Ayato Showcase – Best Build, Teams, Weapons (Genshin Impact)

KAMISATO AYATO IS HERE!!! This video covers a massive showcase, optimal Ayato build & my thoughts about him!
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This is probably my most ambitious video yet – I cover almost everything you need to know in this Kamisato Ayato Showcase video – I went through many, MANY different Ayato weapons and artifacts, tested about 12 different Ayato builds, checked how good is Ayato DPS and ultimately – I want to present you this video as one stop solution to decide if Ayato is worth it.

In addition to this, I’ve tested about 10 different best Ayato teams, examined what Ayato skills can do and even dug deep into how much Energy Recharge Ayato needs. You’ll also see things like popular Ayaka and Ayato team showcased, popular variation of Venti and Ayato in a Freeze team, Ayato damage going insane in fireworks team and MORE.

0:00 What you can expecte from this video
0:25 Talent and Skill Showcase
3:00 Ayato Showcase, Teams & Builds
9:10 Overall Thoughts, Should You Pull Ayato or His New Weapon?

Kamisato Ayato was released during 2.6 Genshin Impact update.

Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that’s available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.

Genshin Impact

All footage produced by Gacha Gamer.

We are in no way affiliated to the developers or publishers of the mentioned games. We use the audiovisual footage to create unique content that falls under the fair use rights.


50 thoughts on “AYATO IS ALMOST PERFECT! C0 Ayato Showcase – Best Build, Teams, Weapons (Genshin Impact)”

  1. This is my most ambitious video! I've put a lot of work into and I hope you enjoy it & find it useful!
    Also, @1:51 I just checked on LIVE server, his clone will explode when nearby to enemies, so now you can gain all max 4 stacks before slashing 😀

  2. Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
    John 14:6 (NKJV)


    Confess and repent of all your sins in prayer in the name of Jesus.
    Forgive those who have harmed you (this will free you from anger) as God forgave you.
    Believe Jesus died to blot out your sins and proclaim He is your Lord and Saviour.
    Believe He rose again 3 days later in the flesh by God's hand.
    Be baptised fully immersed in water and be baptised in the Holy Spirit (if possible).
    Repent daily.
    By grace you are saved through Faith (belief).
    Live pure and stop sinning.
    Follow the spiritual laws: 
    Love you neighbour as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul and mind. 
    Develop a relationship with God.
    Be obedient.
    Do fruitful charitable deeds.

    Jesus is coming soon. We are living in the final days…

  3. I'm using the F2P Kageushi at the moment, kind of considering using the weapon banner given my primos are still healthy… But I think I honestly would rather get another character than try for a weapon just yet. Thanks for the analysis!

  4. Yilan County Council in Taiwan passed a cross-party motion on December 24 to support the Universal Declaration on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting (UDCPFOH). The motion condemns the organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and urges the Taiwan government to implement laws to help end the atrocity.

    Chang Chiu-ming, a member of Yilan County Council, said a motion was passed on December 24 against organ harvesting.

    When the 76th United Nations General Assembly took place in New York in September 2021, five nongovernmental organizations from the US, Europe, and Asia issued UDCPFOH on September 26, the last day of the World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting.

    UDCPFOH has been supported by parliament members, government officials, and leaders from many countries. They include Changrok Soh, member of UN Human Rights Council, and Thierry Valle, director of European Federation for Freedom of Belief. It was also endorsed by Arthur Caplan, professor of bioethics at New York University and the founding director of the Medical Ethics Division.

    The Taiwan Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group has since contacted the central government as well as county-level governments in Taiwan, urging them to support this initiative. The Group believes that by raising awareness to the general public and taking further actions, leaders from around the world can stop the CCP’s organ harvesting through joint efforts.

    During an ad hoc session held by Yilan County Council on December 24, the motion was initiated by three council members including Zhang Chiu-ming, Chen Han-chung, and Tsai Chin-hui. To fulfill its human rights commitment, the motion aims to support the UDCPFOH, condemn the organ harvesting atrocity by the CCP, and institute related criminal legislation. For specific implementation of this resolution, the council requests the county government to contact relevant agencies of the Taiwan Executive Yuan. With 25 cosponsors, including Wu Hong-mo and Yang Tree, this motion was passed in the council.

    Chang said he was happy to see Yilan Council supporting the upright with this motion. Yang pointed out the CCP’s brutality of organ harvesting is anti-humanity and it is a disgrace to mankind. He hopes such efforts will stop the atrocity and promote kindness as well as traditional values in society.

  5. he seems like a pretty good unit but once trying him out i guess his playstyle isn't really my style since i wanna be able to move freely while attacking. glad ppl are enjoying their ayato 🙂

  6. looks tempting but i'm probably one of the few that's saving for ayaka instead even though i already have ganyu, mainly because of her jp voice actor

  7. Using him with rancour r5 is surprisingly good, i tested and compared blackcliff r2 and rancour r5 and the result was rancour done more damage (200 dmg difference). But with rancour you also get phys damage bonus which is quite nice. but I recommend blackcliff if his crit rate is very low tho

  8. In open world I play him now with ayaka , shenhe & Zhongli and I really enjoy him in that team 🙂 shenhe is obviously buffing my ayaka great and ayato is really chill to play and u just have to hold the base attack and everything is dying by doing almost nothing XD really chill but dmg wise ayaka > ayato tbh

  9. Vaporise makes more dmg if you detonate it with hydro, so Ayato main dmg with Thoma support seems about right. It's really shame all content creators are forgeting about Thoma.

  10. Well when i was doing his quest and got him to test him in fight i just used Raiden R2 and then switch for him and use his R2… Enemies just dissapeared xDD

  11. I’ve noticed this while playing with him yesterday ,I went to fight the electro cube and his alt and his burst doesn’t do anything to the bosses end game things to get it gone idk if it’s cause he’s hydro but all my other people worked if this a problem it needs to be fixed 😥


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