Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals" – Genshin Impact

Archon Quest “Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals” – Genshin Impact

The Tri-Commission, Resistance, Vision Hunt Decree, “Musou no Hitotachi”… The Traveler has been caught up in the middle of Inazuma’s conflict.
Where will the Raiden Shogun’s desire for “Eternity” take her people, and how much will it cost them…

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40 thoughts on “Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals" – Genshin Impact”

  1. I can deal 1m even without aethers awaken 🙂 i deal over 2 million damage for the first time in baals fight 😐 yup u heard right I 1 shot baal 😐 after the awaken 😐 nvm its just for 1 time so i prepared for it 😐 i used eula 🙂 be happy ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ.

  2. I believe what drives Ei's extreme fixation on pursuing eternity for herself and her nation is her utter fear of loss (Yae had mentioned this to the traveller). On the cutscene after the traveler defeats Ei, she said,
    "But I've seen a nation (Khaenri'ah) strived forward and lose everything to the heavenly principles. Perhaps if only time stand still…"
    This meant what she realized is a bitter future awaits a nation tightly embraced by progress (We already know from the very beginning how Celestia feels about mortal arrogation). Ei saw how a person's ambition can lead them to reaching incredible lengths (leading to progress). That's why she approved the vision hunt decree. She didn't have any regard for her people's feelings because she was only focused on her single goal of emplementing eternity, an unchanging Inazuma, no matter the inconveniences it may being to her people. It's quite selfish tbh but as a god that is what she thinks is what's best for her people. As to why she had to shut herself away was to preserve her being/spirit and avoid erosion so she can achieve eternity for herself and set an example to her people

  3. so Barbatos saves dvalin , morax seal azdaha , and miko saves Ei ?? so the next archon either kill or still with their companion ?? i guess the recent dendro archon was the aprentice of the 1st dendro archon , and his / her companion is still babysit the new dendro archon …

  4. Damn how can some players hate the story quests? i mean yeah it’s time consuming but the stories they gave us in each regions were hella good. its like we’re playing and also watching an animated series.

  5. Why did Aether didn’t ask Inazuma archon about khaen ri ah or her sister aghhh hahaha we don’t get an update about her sister not khaen ri ah on this chapter but still this quest is amazingly good.


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