An Introduction to Chess Theory || Genshin Impact Lore

To be honest this is less of an introduction than it is a complete overview but whatever.

REFERENCES AND LINKS (And other cool videos):
@GothamChess ‘s Breakdown of DB vs. Kasparov:
My Breakdown of A Winter Night’s Lazzo:
@ChillwithAster ‘s Breakdown of the Lazzo Chess Board:
@Ashikai ‘s Breakdown of 3.3 (which has some chess theory):


0:00 Welcome to Class
0:53 Actual Introductions
2:37 I. The Basics
7:38 II. The Historical Importance of Chess
11:25 III. Allegorical Chess
17:19 IV. A Winter Night’s Lazzo
24:29 V. The Other Gnosises
27:26 VI. The Sumeru Game and Beyond
31:55 VII. Final Thoughts
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34 thoughts on “An Introduction to Chess Theory || Genshin Impact Lore”

  1. The Abyss be like aren't you forgeting something? I have a gut feeling that the Abyss will start making power moves from 4.0 and force the so called draw between the Fatui and Celestia. Since so far they have been sneaky sneaky all around Teyvat, and we haven't seen the Abyss interfering directly with a nation since Mondstadt.

  2. One thing I find very interesting is how celestia represents and AI, and how the Irminsul tree works very similarly to a computer and also, nahida's skills look very much like a mouse, with her charged attack literaly having a cursor. Makes me think there is something more to this

  3. Every archon quest has been about the power struggle between humans and the divine liyue being a nation that surpassed its need for a god , Inazuma a nation who questioned the ideals of its own god and sumeru which showed that the power of gods could be reached by human ingenuity. the game constantly creates dialogue options about what the traveler prefers: human ingenuity or divine? The traveler not being on either side completely is respresented by how they are a pawn on team humanity in the liyue game but a knight on team divine in the inazuma game.

  4. Tysm for this!!! I already knew of the theory but its very nice to see it explained like that its great!!
    Imo its quite interesting how each chapter could correlate to a game, and also the fact that there should be at least 8 chapters (including the prologue) which means that there could be a 1:1 comparison between chapters and chess games.
    I also find it quite interesting how celestia is represented by the AI… like the implications that could bring…
    But we know that all gnosis (aka the archons) are all represented by one piece, so what about other characters? Like, was Signora always a pawn? And how you pointed it out: is the traveler always represented by a knight? Is Dottore always the Queen? If so that is also interesting… mainly bcs the bishop in some languages is called the fool (ik its the case for french and I think Romanian? But it is very interesting regarding the fatui..) as well as elephant (as it was the “original” shape of the piece) and officer (military)
    So its quite interesting to see the name translations too!

    And if focalor, murata and the tsaritsa are the ramaining knights and rook, who is the king? Is it the primordial one? The second who came? Or maybe Paimon, who in the goetia is a king……
    Then also its the chess pieces that are for/from celestia and not really the archons themselves bcs up to now they all would rather let humanity prosper than follow through its wishes
    [i pressed sent accidentally. Theres more]
    Like zhongli is all for humanity and so is Nahida and venti (Ei is in her own world but shhhh)
    All of them except for venti gave away their gnoses “willingly” (and I dont even trust venti… but ig each time the fatui opted for the approach that would guarantee them the gnosis)
    So then, does the traveler being the knight in that specific game symbolise that they are with celestia, or that this move helped celestia’s ideals? (I think its the latter bcs of the affiliation box in their character profile… I noticed this after mr mommy issues dropped, but while he has “None”, they (traveler) have “-“)

    So basically we as the player are stuck between essentially 4 camps : celestia, abyss, fatui , general humanity (like your average Joe.) trying to make sense of wtf happened , what will happen, and where everyone stands.

    Regarding 3.3 all I’ll say is the fatui are quite interesting.
    (Does it show I’ve thought about this a lot.)

  5. Including the games of deep thought alongside the deep blue ones not only makes it a nice pattern of 'one region one game' but it also represents how Venti and Zhognli are technically the only ones left of the original 7 archons. I think that is too much of a coincidence not to be related.

  6. Hello! I’m a little overanalysing this game 2 because something doesn’t feel right. It was mentioned that Scaramouche was named as the White Bishop since he held the Electro Gnosis and Dottore the White Queen. But why couldn’t it be the opposite?

    In the game, especially towards the end, Kasparov lured out the Black Queen using the White Queen. It took the bait while trying to protect the Black King, and took down the White Queen only to be taken by the White Bishop.

    I find it more fitting because Dottore perhaps used Scaramouche as a distraction to lure out the Dendro Archon, whether the False God was going to be a thing or not. Kusanali, with the mecha being defeated, was now cornered by Dottore. A check mate which ended with Dottore getting two gnoses.

  7. This was very interesting. About the reason behind swapping the kings and queens, on Wei's "Who Would’ve Thought The Gods Are TRAITORS" video, he mentions that a computer simulation done with the swapped kings and queens shows that when the knight takes the pawn (Signora) , the chances of Celestia winning drop to pretty much zero. That hints at Pierro 'sacrificing' Signora so that they could win against the Gods. I thought you might be interested in that theory as well. Great video, thanks for sharing!

  8. A comment to the Winter nights Lazzo: they didn't lose one player, they actually lost two, and didn't even get the Gnosis. When a "winter nights Lazzo" happens, a majority of the Fatui still believe Scaramouche ran off with the Electro Gnosis and went traitor. He then went to back to Il Dottore to help him unlock the Gnosis power, or so I assume, but Here he is still a traitor and the Fatui have taken major losses.
    And I like the idea of taking the matches against deep thought into consideration when looking at it as Celestia having less resources to work against the Fatui with:
    Mondstadt for one: Venti is the weakest Archon and not even fond of Celestia. he's fighting two fronts: Celestia and the Abyss, also he has been gone and his dearest ally has been corrupted. The Fatui just come in and snatch the win after Venti has exhausted his resources. Also: most of Mondstadts military is away on an expedition, less resources "at home" and the Knights of Favonius cannot openly oppose the Fatui for political reasons. One of Monds oldest and most influencial families is backing the Fatui, Diluc has just returned and while people are fond of him he has probably lost a good bit of reputation when he left and Jean is already the Grandmaster and therefore unable to move.
    Liyue for the second: Zhongli doesn't want to win, he has made a "losing contract" he doesn't want his Gnosis, or help Celestia, he wants the "age of humanity" to begin. One can argue that he is, infact, an ally to the Fatui more than Celestia. He literally gives up all his agency within three minutes into the Quest when he drops the Exuvia. Celestia is working with limited resources again, and only in Inazuma does it have a real chance (where deep blue comes into play).
    As for the next game ending in a draw… I can very well imagine Celestia "retiring" the Hydro Gnosis, given the current theories on Fontaine and Celestia hovering menacingly above it.

  9. You got me interested in the outcomes of the other games so I looked them up and it’s really interesting how game 4 is also a tie, which presumably represents Natlan. So what happens in both Fontaine and Natlan that requires a tie between the Fatui and Celestia?

    Another thing is the last two games are won by Kasparov which I think means the Fatui’s plan works. But that begs the question, if there’s a tie in Fontaine and Natlan, how do they acquire the Hydro and Pyro Gnoses? On the other end you could consider Zhongli giving up his Gnosis as a contract and Nahida’s trade with Dottore as ties. Yet the Fatui supposedly “won” those “games”. Or maybe Focalors and Murata join forces with the Tsarista to take down Celestia.

    I guess only time will tell but I’m excited nonetheless

  10. I'm pretty sure why venti's gnosis and the king piece were swapped is because according to the game, venti isn't really that aggressive or active at all in the inazuma archon quest. That's what I think but take it with a grain of salt lol

  11. It is possible that Celestia will finally make a direct move now as until now in the sense of the chess games, Celestia is playing through a proxy that being the Archons
    The next Archon quest will most probably be focused on both sides trying to get the jump on the opponent and there will be a lot of trickery and deception going on from the warning we got from Isthroth to only believe what we see and rest all is an illusions and seeing how all the recent Fountaine Villains have been doing things

    Instead of both sides gaming and kissing something I'd say both sides will lose this match up

  12. I hope the next video will be this long or bigger!!! This was simply incredible. Holy Archons!!! I will have to watch it again to grasp the many nuances you talk about. I am really impressed with the love and care you put in this one. And we thank you for all the hard work. May the archons be with you!

  13. I might be late to this idea already but if the fight between Celestia and Fatui is mirrored to the fight between Kasparov and the AI, where would the 1997 rematch fit in. After Deep Thought and the 1996 match (which as mentioned Kasparov won 4-2), there was another set of matches where Deep Blue won 3.5-2.5 (There were 3 draws here). I'm now wondering where that new set of matches will fit in and if that has something to do with repeated mentions of rewriting fate from both the teyvat trailer at the start of the game and the loom of fate operation.

    Does Celestia have some sort of kill switch where should they loose they can alter past events so that they narrowly win, especially considering how we now know that Irminsul can be altered? So that would suggest altering event outcomes could be possible if done precisely. Not gonna lie I'd rather settle for the concept of time travel or altering the past just because having to repeat the fighting in at least 6 different areas in Teyvat sounds pretty dragged out already.

  14. This was really interesting, especially the proposal that the Mondstadt and Liyue chapters were represented by the initial 2 matches with the Deep Thought AI. I haven't heard that one before and I think you're really great at breaking down and explaining things, it was very easy to follow!

    As for what the other gnoses might be, I'm leaning towards the slime theory so far. I also think the dendro gnosis will be the second bishop because the (big) electro and dendro slimes both have things sticking out of their heads that either control them or are used to control other slimes. The geo and cry slime both have armour which makes me think the cryo gnosis will be the second rook. The hydro and pyro slimes both have horns and that would leave them to be the knights. Plus, on the loading screen these elements can be paired together like this: 《pyro, hydro》, anemo, (electro, dendro), [cryo, geo]. 🧐

  15. I honestly feel like the deep thought games have no correlation to genshin whatsoever. If we make it make sense in regards of genshin then it kinda….fits…? But it still doesn't seem right and has many loopholes. At this point we can take just about any chess game and classify it as fatui vs archons.
    But we are all subjected to our own opinion and maybe im just not seeing what you see

  16. I'm still thinking it's possible that Teyvat may be a simulation being used in Project Ark, and Celestia/Heavenly Principles is the AI (possibly already compromised and "altered") that's controlling the simulation. That would make the Descenders either "downloads" or viruses (digital versions of Honkai energy?).

    I'm not sure how Chess Theory factors into this (perhaps it symbolizes the Fatui trying to break free from the "programming", the rules of this world/simulation).

    Nonetheless, the symbolism is really fun to try and interpret. Loved this lecture!


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