Genshin Impact v3.1 Livestream BINGO! (Play along!)

I made a bingo card so everyone can play along with their own randomized bingo items!

Use this link to generate your bingo card:

Twitter post timestamp with all the options so y’all know I’m not cheating by making this after the first livestream (disclaimer in case I get some things right):

General Rules:
– Please don’t spam the chat with your questions. I’ll try to get to every one that I can, but I will be skipping redundant questions without warning.
– Please @ me in the chat when you do ask a question.
– No leaks in chat please. You will be timed out without warning.


24 thoughts on “Genshin Impact v3.1 Livestream BINGO! (Play along!)”

  1. RE: CN NY age topic –
    I asked around about it and the tl;dr is basically that this WAS a thing n China going back a generation (60+), but it's not legally binding and anyone under the age of like 50 uses their personal bday instead.

  2. umm , you prolly got like many comments about this but
    Ufotable is the anime studio who animated demon slayer and fate series
    and they are pretty much considered the best animation studio especially when its game adaptations

    also hope there is no heatstroke in desert like frostbite in dragonspine lol
    but hype is real

  3. what i would find so interesting and cool would be if the genshin anime explores the story of the twins before teyvat, before they switched worlds and landed in teyvat.

  4. I dont know if you noticed, but the free new spear from the event is from Mondstat…the nation that uses no spears! Is there a weird reason for that? Is Mika the only spear user on Mond?

  5. you know I have a theory . it might be similar to other theory/videos out there and hope its not a SPOILER and/or copyright (SPOILER ALERT maybe) . Its just a "classical plot" .

    I think what happened in Khanreiah was basically corruption due to Abyss energy. We must realise that in teyvat gods make the environment suitable for human civilisation. For eg. – barbatos cleaned snow ,strong winds and trimmed mountians for people to live in Monstadt ; In Liyue , rex lapis , adepti and yaksha protected people from monsters and evil spirits and also helped in agriculture and also it was rex lapis who predicted future year and helped make liyue into a commercial hub, In Inazuma, raiden protected humanity. In sumeru greater lord actually conver ted the barren sand into lush forest, granted them knowledge (akasha system) and wisdom, even kusanali gave them anahitan blessing for good farm produce.
    In khanreiah , there was no archon to protect them and/or bless their land , apparently it was also a harsh environment, so what do they do?
    they make use of intelligence and science and make "Art of Khemia" this allows their civilisation to prosper and they may have been the most advanced civilisation at that time. Now due to uninhibited scientific research they may have found the ABYSS and discovered it as a source of unlimited energy. they become vwery advanced and make automatons and other robots.

    maybe they even make portals to abyss and make infrastructure within abyss.

    But abyssal energy is a corruption, it can poison irminsul and even humans. The people in most contact especially the people of Eclipse Royal family become corrupt and paranoid seeing as they have no archon and maybe wanted power over the archons themselves. They secretly prepare for war and make advancement in granting its people abyssal elemental energy as opposed to visions (maybe Dainsleff was one such compatible candidate and that is why he survived fall of khanreiah)
    problem was in doing so they unleashed the power of abyss (maybe thinking they could to control it)

    but problem was they couldn't abyssal energy and monsters swept the land mutating and/ or spawning monsters , many died and even humanity was doomed, as well as irminsul was threatened which could destroy the whole world of teyvat.

    now until now archons merely watched and minded their own domains but faced with this threat, they must take action or whole of teyvat would swallowed by abyss.

    people like raiden makoto and went to stop the monster spawning abyss area, she fought but couldn't handle so many and as a last resort, met with istaroth as a last ditch effort to at least save inazuma, many archons and humans died.

    The protector of heavenly principles intervened and sealed?destroyed the area and destroyed the said nation well they were all half monsters by then anyway, maybe she was trapped maybe she realised it was meant for the archons' demise and was done by elite people not caring about the consequences of their actions hence" arrogation of mankind". Maybe she saw the said abyss twin then and thought she might be connected to abyss and /or wanted to punish/seal said twin and thus followed her and sealed her

    after all this realising human errors they maybe kept close watch on humans and wanted such a mistake to never be repeated

    In Sneznaya, cryo archon wanted to save those people but other argued that they mus destroy all as they were monsters anyway, maybe they all called her fool and she thus founded FATUI (fools) to thst end and maybe she analysed khanreian technology leading to many advances and delusions, etc (maybe).
    Abyss twin escaped and vowed to save people of Khanreiah before they escaped the world
    initaially her quest was noble and maybe she helped certain spirits either before (means to see this world before waking her brother)or after the fall of Khareiah.

    Its just my theory, i dont know ho w much of it is true/derived

    it maybe false but it was fun to speculate.

  6. tbh the name dehya is similar to two words that I know of in Arabic that depends on pronunciation
    one dhyah"ضحية" which basically means hostage which is weird
    two dahyh"داهية" which I can say for sure what the original meaning of the word is but in old Arabic really smart people were call by that, and an honourable mention deya"ديّة" which was a spot of tax not relevant but just saying

    I tried my best to use Latin letters for the Arabic words but it doesn't work great so forgive hoyoverse when they do such mistakes because it's nearly impossible to do

  7. Ashikai! At 13:44 for me Dottore’s voice here sounds kinda older than the Dottore at Signora’s Funeral(you should try to compare the 2, the Prime has a slightly deeper and raspier voice) maybe Dottore really does favors being older lmao

  8. Kinda late but personally I think that Nilou has a sword for two reasons 1) Arabic sword dances are a thing and while Nilou name and her burst are Persian, they mixed the cultures since her outfit is more Arabic belly dancer that Iranian dancer since no part of her stomach should traditionally be shown. 2) Iranians have a tradition called Raghs E Chaghoo which translates to Knife dance and in weddings ppl take turnes to dance with a knife which will later be used to cut the cake and I guess a sword is the closest weapon to a knife in game

  9. Dehya is actually pronounced De (like in "demon") + "hya" (h like in "hello" / ya like Kaeya) There's no "A" between the "H" and "Y". It's not Dehaya, but rather Dihia.
    Cyno is speculated to be from Haravatat darshan because their specialty is linguistics and ancient runes studies and Lisa requested him in the manga because she couldn't read some ancient texts.

  10. Enjou – " If I was napping on the beach and something got between me and my sun, I'd go from catching rays to making waves pretty quickly,too."
    This man has gold humour and good points too, lol.


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