Aether VS Lumine Dancing Celebration Comparison | Genshin Impact 5.3

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41 thoughts on “Aether VS Lumine Dancing Celebration Comparison | Genshin Impact 5.3”

  1. Aether has more energy, and Lumine is more fluid, which fit perfectly for them haha. Always appreciate the fact that the animators take the time to have two different animations for them each time.

  2. I have Lumine and I loved her dancing, Aether's is quite interesting but still I like it. Aether has the quick moves of energy, while Lumine moves slow with the flow, and looked pretty cute when she finished. Plus, she doesn't look awkward when she danced. I love both of the siblings for that and for their differences. Still, I think Lumine slayed so good, but Aether was pretty good too.😊😁😁😁❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. I really don't get why people hate on either of them, as in one's "better" than the other. I understand preference, and I personally like both of them, but the arguments are just pointless. Anyway, I love their little dance, it's so cute.❤

  4. "That's why I'm talking to the girl in the mirror, whoa, oh
    Like even if you're down, better get up, whoa, oh
    'Cause every setback's just a set up, whoa, oh
    For something just a little bit better
    Oh, I'm talking to the girl in the mi-
    Girl, girl in the mirror
    Girl in the mi-
    Girl, girl in the mirror
    Girl in the mi-
    Girl, girl in the mirror"


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