My FULL reaction to the Genshin 4.8 Livestream. NATLAN DEMO, NEW SKINS, NEW PERMANENT CONTENT.
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The skins are gorgeous, some good optimizations, beautiful new domain, NATLAN, I am excited :>
36:11 Brontosaurus? XD
3:19 This song feels like it'd be the theme of route 1 in a Pokémon game
Skipping continues at least till 5.1 😂 4.7-4.8-5.0 banners meh
35:53 "natlan preview"
geo kirara :3
gawr gura <3
hunter x hunter Chrollo's son >:3
looks nice :3
Thanks for always staying positive, you're such a huge joy to watch
I think I know who needed help with the gliding test my friend asked me to do the test for her when I was done she looked at me like I was a god 😂
11:03 No you’ve got it right! Emilie is meant to be a driver for Burning/Burgeon Reactions and her numbers are meant to rival Nahida for that reaction alone.
Also she definitely seems like an upgraded 4 star to avoid a dead patch with no new characters 😅
lol im surprised no one realised why emilie works best with only pyro characters — it's bc perfume is flammable dskdhskfhd so her kit makes sense to me in that aspect LOL
Is nobody going to talk about how they are going to make the gliding license easier? Bc I'm a mobile player and it has taken me MONTHS to finish it.
Btw mobile characters need some love bc it is so dawmn hard to play games on.
I cant believe we’ll be playing in Natlan in less than 2 months
Finally after all these years they finally added a skip button yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah baby that's what I'm taking about
Showing that characters make iansan a 5 star. And im confident of it. Just how people underestimate sigewinne for being a 4 star
The character look like they'd be 5 star
yall..ima miss Natlan..and by miss..I mean not getting there..BECAUSE IM STILL ONLY ON LIYUE NOOOOOO
THANK YOU! Thank you fore being, like, the ONE content creator (that I have seen thus far) to immediately invoke the "sussy baka" face when the Long-Term Daily Points System was unveiled. I think it's incredibly stupid the way they implemented that. It shouldn't have required Resin at all. Not without, at the very least, a Double Resin Regeneration Increase. Who, in their right mind, would EVER blow their Resin on this stupid system? There are far better things to spend Resin on… like, literally, everything else in the game OTHER than Long-Term Daily Points.
THE NEW CHARACTERS LOOKED AWESOME I'M SO EXCITED FOR NATLAN >:3333 also the new outfits and emilie hello??? hoyo fed us a spoonful today‼️‼️
I’m just going to begin saving
G for Natlan- sorry nahida😅
I knew I'd been saving those primos for a reason. That dendro boy should be on the first natlan banner!
4.8 looks good and all but we all know why we saw this, NATLAN!
Nilou’s new outfit literally looks like Ariel
Imagine if the reason Mihoyo is improving these events is that later on they will create a mode where a roulette wheel decides which minigames you will play and compete with other players such as crocodile water cannon, fintchball, windtrace and etc
I saw a Disney reference here
I want to get those three but i can only get one of them😭😭
8:58 Anyone notice how Emilie's dress turns red here? So pretty. Just more incentive to use a Burning team, I guess.
Omg the shark surfing, i hope thats what i think it is, even if its character locked
"Using resin" also means condensing them. Making it cost 30 resin is actually pretty good since it costs 40 to condense
4.8 New Features ❌
Natlan Teaser ✅
Yas all my favourite genshin YouTubers watched it also did you do imaginaryam theatre it has something for a character you like