Aether & Lumine Full Conversation Cutscene | Dainsleif Archon Quest Bedtime Story | Genshin Impact

#aether #lumine #full #conversation #talk #siblings #reunited #meet #cutscene #animation #cinematics #dainsleif #archonquest #bedtimestory #chapter4 #act6 #caribert #loomoffate #version4.7 #abyss #hoyocreators #clorinde #sethos #genshinimpact
This cutscene clip is taken from the new Version 4.7 Archon Quest (Interlude) Chapter IV: Act VI featuring Dainsleif and entitled “Bedtime Story”, recorded in HD Quality and English VA. This features the full conversation between the twin siblings Aether and Lumine who were reunited after Caribert’s Farewell cutscene. They talked about a lot of things, specifically about the Abyss Sibling’s (Lumine’s) plans regarding the Abyss Order and the War against the sleeping Heavenly Principles above Celestia.

TAGS: Aether, Lumine, Siblings, Reunite, Meet Again, Abyss, Khaenri’ah, Cutscene, Animation, Cinematics, Movie, Dainsleif, Archon Quest, Chapter IV, Act VI, Bedtime Story, Caribert, Farewell, Loom of Fate, Version 4.7, Hoyocreators, Clorinde, Sethos, Noxxis Gaming, Noxxis Genshin, Genshin Impact


49 thoughts on “Aether & Lumine Full Conversation Cutscene | Dainsleif Archon Quest Bedtime Story | Genshin Impact”

  1. I'm coping by theorizing or I'll start crying 😭 But (spoilers ahead for the quest) it's interesting that there's a shot of Atossa and Caribert in parallel with Lumine and Aether sitting side by side. The two duos have a similar theme: one goes missing and the other looks for them, but at the end we find out that it was all fake memories. The abyss twin probably isn't a fake memory (i sure hope so), but still an interesting thought to try and theorize about. With so many changing memories themed quests, I'm having trust issues with anyone and anything now 😭

  2. Remember, everyone. Just because they forget, doesn’t mean we do. The forgotten memories will live on in us, and if luck holds out, they may even remember one day, or better yet, officially be together again.

    And what we saw, this kind of adds on and reinforces that small flicker of hope I had when we saw the dream cutscene. The chance of a plot twist is still possible, but the way they talked, the genuine love they still have even though they’re against each other, gives a lot of hope and chance that a happy ending is not too far gone.

    As for Caribert… I don’t blame him one little bit. Even if he ends up being responsible for anything, with what he had to live through, how can I not forgive him? May he be able to rest in peace, knowing that our quest will be accomplished.

  3. I don't understand why the people from Teyvat call the traveller by a different name in the first place. Like I get they wanted you to have a choice in what they're called but what's the point if it doesn't even matter?

  4. Oh thanks Hoyo! Imagine urself in 1.0, and 4.7, there's literally no differences in story, WE DIDN'T MOVE EVEN A BIT! Come on, 5 YEARS, no story progress still. This is just insane. The fact that they made them to forget about this conversation just makes me wanna leave this game

  5. Here I am wondering if there will be a punch option alongside the hug option at the ending.. That is if reuniting is even released when I'm still alive cuz at this point Genshin will be throwing it at us when we're all 100+

  6. Great quest honestly, great lore dump, great story with Caribert and finally a sincere meeting between the siblings. They probaby don't remember this because it would render the next Archon quests unnecessary, as the abyss sibling proves that they're on the same side as the traveler and they're not tainted by the abyss, as they still use their light powers and light sword. Also because that would remove any tension between them in further interaction if they know their true intentions. Remember Dainsleif asked the Traveler earlier in that quest if they think their sibling betrayed them and neither the Traveler or Dain could confirm the true intentions of the sibling. Plus the siblings were completely alone in a pocket realm here with no witnesses, being purely loving siblings. But in the real world they're the hero of Teyvat and the Prince/Princess of the Abyss and seemingly at odds. I can't be sure they will react the same way toward each other if paimon, the archons and the abyss were there beside them. And lastly the most interesting thing in this entire quest and particularly in this conversation was the sea of flowers at the end. It's tied to Lumine's flower, which we know from previous quests was found exclusively in Kheanri'ah. With what we know that Irminsul thinks that the sibling is a being native to Teyvaty and the Traveller is a Descender, it really makes you think. Is this the real sibling? Or did the real sibling perish at the end of their journey or even at the hands of Celestia and what we now see is their spirit, which Kheanri'ah somehow resurrected using abyssal power? Although they do appear to wield their original power, so it might be that the Traveler is the one that's not themselves.

  7. So im guessing the reason they made the MC not remember is because of that flower comment the abyss sibling said. Its gotta be huge for MC to react that way to it. Cant wait to find out what major lore it could be.

  8. I got so upset that we’re not even allowed to remember this intimate snippet of Aether’s journey that I’m taking a break from the game to wait for Natlan Bruv. Even in lore hoyo is stingy

  9. Yknow, for a reunion after several years should've started with "how have you been, how's your journey". It would give a more emotional toll, but alas i guess lumine is too engulfed in this war to talk normally


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