A Brief Summary Of Genshin Impact Units ALMOST No One Plays…

Here are units in Genshin Impact 2.6 that almost no one plays anymore. I will go over briefly for each of what makes each of these characters difficult to work.

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31 thoughts on “A Brief Summary Of Genshin Impact Units ALMOST No One Plays…”

  1. In therms of Alloy :
    I realy like her playstyl ,its sad that the numbers are sow low
    If i go play in a lower AR world shes my first pick
    The bombs you cane gather whit jean E and then shoot, its hilarious and alloy gets her cryo attks
    Not sure why they wait sow long whit her constellation

  2. I recently triple crowned my Xinyan, and its the third after i triple crowned Chongyun and Qiqi, and now im aiming to triple crown Amber. Yeah, i like to fight against god. Qiqi actually carried me because i got her early (i hated her at the beggining because i didnt want a loli, of all the standar 5 stars i got her i was so angry 😂) she even was the only of my party members alive during my early fights against aldzaha (she makes the signora fight trivial because you can ignore the cold/heat mechanic). And my full physical damage Xinyan sometimes is the unit of my team that deals the most damage, wich is worring. Still, its very fun to use them. After i triple crown Amber im planning to triple crown my first "real" good charater which is going to be Venti 😂 after that im not sure, another anemo or maybe Gorou

  3. I started playing this game because of Aloy. Horizon Zero Dawn, the game where she hails from is my favorite game. It's really frustrating the amount of people who hate on the character now instead of rightfully criticizing Hoyoverse for making a character that becomes increasingly frustrating to use as you get better characters and learn how the game works.

    I still love my Aloy in genshin because I don't have other 5 star cryo dps' but her ICDs are a nightmare to work around. I can get 50k damage on burst without much issue so she has utility as a cryo battery and burst dps.(Her burst cost is very low)But that's it…I hope one day to get a 5 star bow on her and really make her good. For now tho I'm very disappointed in this collaboration. Especially considering the devs from Horizon really got screwed over in this deal. A lot of people started playing Genshin but I doubt very many started playing Horizon simply because Hoyoverse did not put in effort. Even her name card is just a re-color of a different achievement placard.

    I feel like this collaboration is the death of any future collabs for this game because Hoyoverse doesn't care to put in the effort to make it as awesome as it could be.

  4. People who main Amber, Kaeya or Lisa definitely deserve respect, specially on co-op because you know FOR SURE they spent lots of time building them. Xinyan and Thoma had the potential to be good shielders for their element but it feels Pyro is more a offensive element rather than a support unit. Believe me, once you unlock Xinyan's C2, the whole game changes for her as she's literally a beast. Now give her Itto's weapon and she'd be unstoppable.

    Lisa on the other hand needs her constellations to shine, but definitely a good support for electro DPS such as Raiden, Keqing or even Yae Miko.

  5. If Qiqi is is taking too much field time, I'm 100% sure you're using her wrong. Slap a mark on the enemy and swap back. That's it. If she's on field healing, she better be your driver or you like her, because she's got no good reason to be on field after the mark appears.

  6. Lisa is actually a very good option with Thrilling Tales in a Eula or Raiden team. She's actually a better buffer for Raiden than Kujou Sara if Sara isn't C6. Very niche, but she's the original waifu and that should drive up her usage.

  7. I genuinely feel bad for Thoma. I love him and I really wanna play him but I have no use for him in team comps. I can only play him in the overworld. Aloy on the other hand tho- yeah I wanna forget she’s in this game

  8. I would argue that you don't see much discussion with these units is that influencers tend to repeat the same meta characters.

    Bennet Xinqui Xangling Kazuha Raiden ect its why tier list and guides have become stale. New character in 4.4 use Bennet there's zero incentive for the biggest personalities to go out of there bubble and be creative.

    So its less no one plays and more these are what Influencer's deem unpopular there are more Qiqi and Amber mains as the game's go one because Meta teams are boring

  9. Aloy’s passive is super useful for exploration… if I want to kill/capture any birds or meat animals, she makes it a breeze. 🦢🐗 🐦 She’s a permanent member of my exploration team. I do wish they’d put out constellations for her, though… come on hoyo. 😒 They had a perfect opportunity when her sequel game came out! 😡

  10. I play Xinyan. I really had to force her to work because I really like the character design. Plus, she’s c6. I run her with Kazuha, Childe, Jean. Kazuha sucks enemies in so they’re clustered enough for Xinyan’ E to hit all of them. Her flame shield woks well with Childe. Xiangling would do a better job applying pyro but I just like Xinyan.

  11. Im always so triggered when ur like eh amber is not a bad character but every other character is just way better… Thats the definition of bad if every character is better then amber that means that this character is the worst and therefore bad, because something being good or bad always means good or bad compared to something else. They are bad just say it and stop with this bullshit


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