99.3% of Xinqiu users don't build him like this | Genshin Impact

Not your typical Xinqiu build obviously, just for a fun showcase 🙂

Thanks foo washin!

MojiX! – Kosame

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Xinqiu


46 thoughts on “99.3% of Xinqiu users don't build him like this | Genshin Impact”

  1. Sometimes i forget the damage reduction from his rainswords is pretty good.
    And i do ask in some of my abyss runs "why and how am i steal alive after all the zoo?"
    Thank the lord the current abyss is much more forgiving.

  2. he and noelle are both my healer and support tho I use xingqiu more than noelle because of the electro-hydro combination. Barbara used to be my healer but I don't use her that much because of xingqiu tho I'm trying to build all of my characters

  3. Me who has Xingqiu healer and DPS Barbara 👁👄👁 I had to change it because I replaced Barbara with Xingqiu so I can pair him with Ayaka. But since Barbara was my healer, Xingqiu must take that role.

  4. i build him as a healer too since my team is hu tao-xingqiu-zhongli-albedo. i am running harbinger of dawn on albedo so i need to maintain his hp at 90% for the passive to work


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