Sometimes i forget the damage reduction from his rainswords is pretty good. And i do ask in some of my abyss runs "why and how am i steal alive after all the zoo?" Thank the lord the current abyss is much more forgiving.
he and noelle are both my healer and support tho I use xingqiu more than noelle because of the electro-hydro combination. Barbara used to be my healer but I don't use her that much because of xingqiu tho I'm trying to build all of my characters
Me who has Xingqiu healer and DPS Barbara 👁👄👁 I had to change it because I replaced Barbara with Xingqiu so I can pair him with Ayaka. But since Barbara was my healer, Xingqiu must take that role.
i build him as a healer too since my team is hu tao-xingqiu-zhongli-albedo. i am running harbinger of dawn on albedo so i need to maintain his hp at 90% for the passive to work
Your "normal" XQ build is one of the worst I've seen. 133 ER, black sword, EM hourglass? Jeez. I guess XQ can use his ult once a decade with that setup.
Who's the other .7%
Hydro archon be like:
The higher the heal return same value damage
New healing artifacts sets.
My Xingqiu is a healer
Also good job with ur pronounciation for Xingqiu "Xinqiu"
i build him as a support and healer(for sometime) he's really good
I want Qiqi wombo combo bruh
ok but this is great for abyss if you only have barbara as a healer
to xingqui x hutao users out there, xingqui with r5 lions roar paired with hutao hits like a fcking truck I tell you
Oh nice, 12k hp is a lot 😀 Mine is build towards energy recharge (234%) > atk > hp and he heals around 4.4k without hydro resonance
Because is stupid xD
this poor boy has the most misspelled name in the whole genshin community 😭
btw, i’m in that 0.7% ✋
I’ve been trying to build him as a support/healer because Noelle is my shield and I’m not good with healing using her.
I don’t use Barbara because I main Kaeya…
xingqiu has always been my 2nd healer after diona 😌
Sometimes i forget the damage reduction from his rainswords is pretty good.
And i do ask in some of my abyss runs "why and how am i steal alive after all the zoo?"
Thank the lord the current abyss is much more forgiving.
Used to be a healer untill I wanted him to sub dps for my klee. His e still can heal. He's underrated character for sure.
am i the only one seeing his r5 black sword
He's my healer lmao
he and noelle are both my healer and support tho I use xingqiu more than noelle because of the electro-hydro combination. Barbara used to be my healer but I don't use her that much because of xingqiu tho I'm trying to build all of my characters
I use Barbara. 95% of the time. My comp. Eula, barbara, fischl, zhongli
Me who has Xingqiu healer and DPS Barbara 👁👄👁 I had to change it because I replaced Barbara with Xingqiu so I can pair him with Ayaka. But since Barbara was my healer, Xingqiu must take that role.
I didn't know his healing scales with HP
yeah i use his healing in open world, but i'd rather use my bennet that can heal 5k hp every sec
i build him as a healer too since my team is hu tao-xingqiu-zhongli-albedo. i am running harbinger of dawn on albedo so i need to maintain his hp at 90% for the passive to work
I am proud to be part of the 0.7%
Only 43% healing bonus though
Hold up.
13k hp healing.
people give this utuber 50k subs they are close!!
Can’t say I’d recommend the build but thanks for sharing lol
hmm i gonna build him as a healer bc dps Xingqiu is too much of a hassle for me.
i heal for 6k with no resonance 😌
Your "normal" XQ build is one of the worst I've seen. 133 ER, black sword, EM hourglass? Jeez. I guess XQ can use his ult once a decade with that setup.
Tear SS patch 1.6 in comunity
My Xingqiu heals over 5k, and he's not even a fully-built healer since I built him as a support 😌
W8 u think u r 0.7% of genshin players ?
Does his healing scale on hp?
I was looking for a video like this. I heard his swords heal.
I told my friend that xingque is my healer and he wont believe me
i use him as healer xingqiu. <3
Me who doesn't have Xingqiu: i n t e r e s t i n g
I mean its a funny troll build but I think ima leave him as a burst support.
Xinqiu is my dps
He's best healer
I need to see a physical qiqi dps
i've built him as a healer and he was really good til it last. now i use diona as a my healer ehe
Oh ma god definite Gonna Build Ty for info🥰
My question is where is your sac sword!!