5 Reasons To Hate Genshin Impact

5 Reasons to Love Genshin Impact: https://youtu.be/oNc56halS2A

Today we’re listing 5 things I really dislike about Genshin Impact.

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29 thoughts on “5 Reasons To Hate Genshin Impact”

  1. Hey, here's the pinned comment I promised. Basically, there are good and bad sides

    to the game, and also good and bad sides to the good and bad sides (Free to play = good,

    but since it's free to play, that means microtransactions = bad). I understand that,

    and I had to fight the urge to counter the good/bad with good/bad, since they're addressed

    in their respective videos. I could've just made a review, and that's something I'll probably

    do eventually, but wanted to try something a little different. Thanks for understanding 🙂

  2. For me the repetitiveness and resin system/ artifact rng combined is the worst. Even the gacha system. The resin / artifact system is purposely made bad to keep players logging in every day, and same for the primos except that there is the whale solution.

    It hurts to know mihoyo make their revenu based off players' addiction and repetitiveness. As you said it makes no sense to spend countless hours doing the same domain just for an artifact, a litteral digital game item worth nothing

  3. I've been doing the VV domain for like a month now for kazuha and it's literally so bad, it's all atk, hp, def stats or Maiden, not a single EM.
    I really hope they do something about it, for a f2p like me spending so much time on it and not get a single EM should be illegal man.

  4. Once you’ve done the content there just is no content and thats the worst part for me genshin has zero replay ability because they never actually add new permanent features so tge replay features like abyss are so annoying to do eventually

  5. 7:25 I really do agree that they can do something about abyss, for the longest time I've been hoping they would add something like co op abyss, it can be a separate thing from nornal abyss, sure it's obviously gonna be harder but doing stuff with your friends is more entataining.

    Plus you can help carry ur friends

  6. Genshin has SOOO MUCH potential and honestly the corporate practices makes this game feel like the biggest waste of potential I’ve seen. It’s so bizarre cause the events should be a cherry on top, but instead they feel like the main content.

  7. Things Hoyoverse should consider doing :

    1 – Increasing maximum resin to 360 for players to be able to farm bosses and artifacts equally. We’re not even guaranteed to obtain what we need, therefore 160 resin is far from enough.

    2 – Removing the trouncing domains’ reward limit.

    3 – Adding more ARCHON quests. They always make one archon quest per month which can be completed within 3 hours before having to wait a whole month for the next quest. These last few days, I’ve only logged in to use my resin and complete my daily tasks. Im tired of that routine and I wish the story could progress faster. We should get a new archon quest every update.

  8. tbh thing with pvp is with a game like genshin and the characther that just sounds so difficult, they would need to remake everycharacther jsut for their pvp mod eand stuff because like how do you deal with a permafreeze ganyu/ayaka theres no counterplay

  9. Another bad thing is that genshin sucks at diversity. The only character with substantial cultural influences is from China Hoyoverse's home country. Also the Sumeru leaks point to them at this point being decently racist as they either "cant afford to add more skin tones", "change finished unreleased characters", or cant actually represent other cultures correctly. Going into 3.0 I might just leave Genshin all together if they do it wrong. Also I'm not completely f2p but MAN we could use some decent content because half the time events are bland or a boring re-hash just to tell me how many character's I haven't built because artifacts suck.

  10. As someone who doesn't really care about having perfect artifacts, it's the whole ascension system that is a fucking nightmare for me. Not only does every single character require over 120 of the same regional material grinded, like Starconches for Yelan f.e., you're also expected to defeat the exact same world boss over and over and over and over… you need TWENTY only for the last ascension rank, take into account the dozens you need to have collected prior to even get to reach that point. And that. Per. Character.

    Then you also have to ascend your weapons, each having their own hoard of required specific materials for you to collect which you can only get from certain monsters or specific domains at certain days… it makes the whole 'getting stronger' process of the game so much more of a chore than it needs to be.

    Don't forget the regional lock-out as well. New players won't be able to make much use out of any of the Inazuma characters, because they're locked out of going there before they reach the appropriate adventure rank and clear all the appropriate archon quests which takes extremely long, which by then the main party would have characters at level 60 or so, at minimum.

  11. I think artifact RNG would be a lot more reasonable if it wasn't for resin, 4/5 domains a day hoping to at least get an artifact worth upgrading only for it to turn out garbage after god knows how long it took just to get it and thats not even considering the fact that artifacts can have minimum rolls.

  12. im honestly pretty shocked that you totally overlooked the lack of diversity and blatant disregard for representation in this game. the story is not good enough to excuse there being TWO characters of slightly darker skin tones, both of which are described in negative ways (kaeya as exotic, xinyan as a threatening outcast). sumeru's designs are APPALLING and i say this as a huge genshin fan. if hoyo doesn't implement better diversity and culturally/racially respectful concepts and characters, i can say with confidence that they will lose a large and loud portion of their playerbase

  13. 2:24 I guess, I was lucky on that one. I got all three of those 4 star heroes(Gorou and the white haired guy my first try) and then Kuki the second time. I kinda wanted Itto (since I had his squad lol) but Im usually happy with whatever character I get and dont have a specific I want or use wishes for.(I used 20 wishes during that event).

  14. I like the game, however, I don't like how they have made the whole character system. You need the same character 6 times to fully unlock it?! WTF! Same with weapons. I wouldn't mind how little the chance of getting the character you want is, if it was easier to earn wishes. The game is basically locked behind a paywall, which is stupid. Sure they need to make money, and I can live with micro-transactions if they were cosmetics or if the battlepass made it so you earned wishes 1,5-2x quicker.
    Today I finally got the 5star weapon from the event, but of course not the one I wanted… I wouldn't mind it that much if it wasn't because it is basically impossible to make sure to get any use of the garantied system unless you pay, as I don't see how you should be able to farm that many primogems within the timelimit of the event.

  15. I know it's not just me but I'm feeling a lot the pain of having to deal with rng in artifacts I've been farming artifacts for kazuha for about 1 month and haven't gotten a single elemental mastery artifact for him, its juts frustrating

  16. No PvP is a good thing. Just look at Diablo Immortal. The winners of PvP battles are the people who spend the most money from what I've heard in other Youtube videos.

  17. I have the problem with limited time stories, yes you can look up youtube videos on them, but they should at least have an archive of events with story critical content, even if they decide to do the bullshit excuse of wanting to save space, that is exactly why I say archive critical stuff instead of just letting people play past events, the mythical space dilemma doesn't even explain why we can't watch base game cutscenes in the archive despite having access to the text

  18. I think they should make colosseum style of domain with a partition where Randomly selected ar50-ar+ players would match against each other to defeat same enemies in set amount of time or with no time limit. The fastest one to clear/ defeat most enemies would win. They should add trophy league system with weekly and monthly rewards. That would make it better for both f2p(rewards) and whales(test their limits cuz in higher league they will against other whales)


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