[3.7] Raiden Xiaogun & Zhongli Burgeon – Spiral Abyss Clear | Genshin Impact

3.7 Spiral Abyss – Waning Phase (16/6/2023) – Initial Clear.

Team 1: Xiao | Raiden | Kazuha | Baizhu
Team 2: Zhongli | Bennett | Nahida | Xingqiu

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DragonMJE


16 thoughts on “[3.7] Raiden Xiaogun & Zhongli Burgeon – Spiral Abyss Clear | Genshin Impact”

  1. I highly do not recommend using the teams I show in this video. I picked the characters because I thought it would be funny at the time. Raiden and Xiao are good, but they are good in their own teams. This video is just a meme clear I did on Abyss Reset (16/6/2023).

  2. Tbh this video highlights how stupid Zhongli is as a character. It does not matter if he does 0 damage or barely increases the damage that your team does. A character that completely negates damage is not healthy for a game. A single character removes two major game mechanics, Enemy Damage, and Stamina Management (you do not need to dodge due to how tanky his shield is).

    Yes, you did say that Bennett, XQ, and Nahida are broken. The thing is, if you run them in this Abyss without a character that has a shield which tanks 25K Damage, they WILL be one-shotted by the Baptist and the Heralds (especially when the Cryo Heralds melt on Bennett.

    They are OP indeed. But there is NO UNIVERSE where anyone is going to convince me that eliminating the entirety of the damage that enemies do to you is not completely broken in its own right. And it is not even broken in a good way… It is actually just a bad interaction that makes the character good by brute forcing anything in his way.

  3. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that gets annoyed with how easily knocked around the whopper flowers are. You'd think enemies being easily knocked around would be a good thing, but not with them lol. Either way these were some interesting team comps.

  4. Why is this working?
    Dude you are being carried by Raiden/Kazuha/Bennett/Xinqiu/Nahida among the most meta support of the entire roster how are you surprised?

    Anyway if this convince me anything is that I might as well save for Nahida so I could do Burgeon Zhong Li as well since onfielder pyro infusion Zhong Li is my fave Zhong Li.

  5. Zhongli is actually incredibly flexible. You can pair him with so many units to make him into a flexible dps unit. Physical Zhongli with like Fischl, Yun Jin, Rosaria…Lava Walker Zhongli with Kazuha, Bennett C6 Yunjin, Hydro Zhongli with Candace into like a freeze setup or as a hydro driver for a hyperbloom team. Vaporize Zhongli with XQ/Yelan, Kazuha, Bennett or Yunjin instead of Kazuha if you have cracked arti's for her. I'm desperate for an Electro infuse or Dendro infuse character to make aggravate Zhongli since it's basically a better vape for non pyro units. You can make Cryo Zhongli with Chong, Shenhe, and Kazuha.

    His auto attacks are absolutely devastating if you level him up and invest in him. I'm not kidding when he actually is quite potent for Abyss because he hits so fast and abuses buffs with the sheer magnitude of attacks that he throws out.

  6. I recommend using Catalysts for Whopper Flowers, since a lot of them autotrack, have AOE charge attacks, and can oneshot them out of their charged mode into stun mode.

    Similarly, I find breaking Hydro Abyss Lectors' spells to be best since but spamming Nahida's attacks as much as possible while she's got a good shield and/or heal going on. Dendro eats those things like candy.


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