Check out these guides to help you boost your Adeptal Energy!
Unlocking Area 4 (Trust Rank 9)! Can we get Trust Rank 10 in Genshin Impact 1.5 Housing?
Understanding and Optimizing LOAD in Genshin Impact Housing Serenitea Pot! Fast 10k Adeptal Energy!
Unlocking Trust Rank 8 – A Huge Disappointment?!
Unlocking Area 3 (Trust Rank 7) in Genshin Impact Housing Serenitea Pot Guide
First Look at Area 2 (Trust Rank 5) in Genshin Impact Housing Serenitea Pot!
Top 11 Mistakes To Avoid In Serenitea Pot! Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot Guide
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#GenshinImpact #Mihoyo #原神
0:00 Intro
0:28 Mimi Tomo Pre Event Guide
4:37 Nice Rewards!
6:30 Easy Trust Rank 10!
10:58 Last Tip on Saving Trust For Future + Outro
Hope this event counts for the achievement for getting the 50 kills because it takes forever finding him. it would also be nice if they let us get hilichurls in our teapot as pets like boars and cranes
We are getting to communicate a lot with hillichurls,is cuz they were human only at some point of time ,poor of them are being controlled by abyss:(
Nice, hit TR 9 today unlocked area4 in beach map.,xD xD its looks like starfish with 3 hands in middle of sea.will arrange things after TR 10.
I do expect they buff wei hilichurl little ,let us engage fight little more not oneshot,especily at wl 8.
bruh ur math multiplication is so bad lol…u cant even do 9 times 6? u said 570 omg kekww
Can someone be my friend i visit teapots
Hi ! Are you in Asia server? Can I visit your tea pot?
I can't wait on may 29th I'll be rank 10. My pot reward would be finish on that day
I cant wait for this event because i dont have mora