[2.8] Capitano's True Identity!? – A Genshin Impact Theory

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Honestly this theory is like 89% crack. There’s like an 11% chance this ends up happening, but I thought the idea was really fun and I wanted to share it with the rest of you! 😀

Enjoy this cracked theory!

A HUGE thanks to my editor TXR for doing an amazing job on this video! Check out his twitter: https://twitter.com/txrpwr


Immortal Demon Slayer Movie

Journey to the West



Hearts Desire

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29 thoughts on “[2.8] Capitano's True Identity!? – A Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I mean… I hope he's Menogias at this point, hoping they won't pull something like "Xiao defended us from Capitano, killing him only to realize that he killed his brother Yaksha".
    The fact that Menogias' form is a monkey, says a lot and you may be on the right path. Also, I wouldn't take his voice actor too seriously. Didn't they change Baizhu's Voice Actor at some point? maybe the Menogias' voice actor wasn't available anymore or, like you said, by creating a new body, Dottore couldn't possibly know what his voice was when he was alive. If they want to put Xiao in the mix, giving Capitano a different voice would be a good way for Xiao not to recognize him.
    Also, if I may, the moving images were kinda too fast, at least for me. I didn't even have the mental chance to decide whether I wanted to see what the image while focusing on what you were saying, because the image was already gone.

  2. I like the idea of it, I would love for that twist to be real and see that meaningful confrontation later. This theory is very intelligent, you seem intelligent and well read, and it all makes me want it to be true.. And maybe it is!
    But for me the only real convincing thing is the hair..
    The statues are wearing a different style helmet, it's not similar except that they show partial face. But that's like saying a tshirt is suspiciously similar to a buttoned shirt. It's different enough in my eyes that I can't even trick myself into thinking they're the same type of head gear. Especially since his helmet seems like more of a mask? We see so much hair!
    This and I really don't think he was a polearm user. In several of the cutscene pictures, it looks like he's holding a floating thing, so I always assumed catalyst. It's just a very magey feel, and he has no weapons, wears a robe, etc.

    Now. I do agree that he has a monkeyish mask. Mind-monkey fits. He also is seen fighting the hydro yaksha in the sky among clouds, the conclusion was him falling to the earth. Monkey king's flying cloud, maybe? It would explain how/why a geo dude was battling in the sky to begin with.
    The monkey king also "flew to the end of the world and saw five pillars" where he wrote on one to mark himself and declare he was the "Great Sage Equal to Heaven". Sage…Menogias is quite sagely.
    Anyway there's enough dots to feel he could definitely have a connection/parallel to the Monkey King. The question is how far they'll take it. It would be super interesting story, to see him come back and challenge the world views of Rex Lapis and Alatus.

    Problem is, apart from the hair, I don't see an actual connection to capitano. Other than just thinking it might make sense story wise, and as a parallel to the monkey king's story. I personally think we're missing too many pieces of the puzzle to say anything other than "what if"

    And the hair thing.. Well, what if pantalone is baizhu? (I actually do have a sus theory about that though haha. Don't get me started. Or do.)

    Hope this is all correct though, I'm sold on the idea

  3. Idk if its true or not but i don't think thats the symbol of 3 crossed nails. I think those are potion bottle things so that can probably be dottore u can see he's holding one in the trailer… But its just a theory idk if its real or not but yes ur probably be somewhat right. Capitino looks kinda similar to the geo yaksha. U may disagree if u like.

  4. the theory of capitano being menogias was so far fetched for me at first, bc there was no way in hell, right? RIGHT??? BUT AFTER WATCHING THIS I AM PRETTY CONVINCED that this theory IS plausible and im very excited for what hyv has planned for capitano's lore bc we rlly do NOT know anything abt that guy other than what childe said abt him and what he looks like AAAAAAAAA


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