2.7 Trailer Lore Speculation and Thoughts [Genshin Impact Analysis]

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Time to break down the Genshin Impact 2.7 trailer with my personal thoughts, ideas, and speculations for what in the ultimate hell is about to happen with the 2.7 archon quest interlude. Let’s go woopee

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24 thoughts on “2.7 Trailer Lore Speculation and Thoughts [Genshin Impact Analysis]”

  1. As for the levitating compass, I'm certainly wrong but it made me think of one of the Primordial One's shades, the one represented by the Goblet of Eonothem (cup) as they are theorized to be the God of Space (thus the compass could signify space). But since you said that the inscriptions on the compass are liyuean, it debunks that possibility, I think

  2. Could you please slow your speech down a little? The pace on most of this video is the same as your 1 minute videos, but its exhausting on a 19 minute video. One sentence goes into another without any kind of pause or inflection that you started a new sentence. You could've made it a 20 minute video and spoken normally.

    Or possibly, I'm just getting old and this is me telling you to get off my lawn, idk.

  3. I’ve seen theories that the sibling and even the woman with green hair are illusions by the “wish granter” so I think you’re right the domain is meant to bring you in and never let you out

  4. intesting fact, there are 5 yakshias and ther elements are geo, haidro, electro, anemo, pyro and the characters in event are itto, yelan, kuki, xiao and yanfei this might be inportant

  5. You know, the scene where traveler struggles reminds me of the archon quest with scaramouche. We don't even know why the traveler was struggling, yet the substance found within the delusion factory and the chasm are quite similar in some ways, expect one is more of a gas, while the other is a liquid.

  6. I just had to drop a comment about this, but I think Paimon's line is a bait and switch style situation; my guess is that we will call for Xiao's help while inside the abyss, and he won't answer our call, thus we will have to leave the abyss to call for him. I'm guessing this will happen early on in the story, during the squad assembly part of the quest.
    I might be totally off base here, but I'm getting good at noticing this added drama that hoyoverse likes to add to their trailers 😛

  7. Idk why but when you said "there's a beautiful starry background behind Lumine with Xiao coughung and dying in the background" i just can't stop laughing


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