There are 10 Rarest Genshin Impact Players and here they are…
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Haha no Eula 🤪
Eula rerun when?
Me who don't have qiqi and Bennett at ar 58
Im one of the people that have never lost the 50/50, four wins in a row currently
I've never won a 50/50 xd
Im so lucky. Got aloy before, still have her.
She aint level 80 or 90 🙁
Bro I have aloy as my main and I love your vids
Hello, i have Eula
Wow im rare😂
Oh, so that's what these tools do.
I used to never loose the 50 50 I won it 6 times in a row some how
It’s me, number 9, I lost my 50/50 15 times :))) chicha c4 now 🙂
Bro I want aloy
I HAVENT SEEN AN UNUSUAL HILICHURL SINCE 2021!!!!!!!! (I'm not kidding)
Funny seeing a gift from Aloy on her birthday. As if we should care if the game itself does too Lmao
you should add "fighting thunder manifestation only using Ayaya dash"
🌸😹It would certainly be a list of such accuracy, one could only yield tongue concurrence’😹🌸
I often let my resin cap because i only enter the game 2 times a week (friday and sunday to farm materials for Shinobu) don’t have the time to log in everyday as i’m busy with work and university. I never hurt timmie’s birds and once saved 350+ wishes as F2P for Albedo’s rerun so… i guess this counts me as rare??
Got the no.6 right, 486 days since Dec 5 2021, with 486 days of login
Number 9 offended me greatly. I may or may not have lost my Shenhe 50/50 to Qiqi.
Im no 8 ehehehe
I met an amber and an aloy main in 1 domain
no. 9 gang where we at 😎😎
If you found an Aloy main, chances are that they ascended her SPECIFICALLY to spit into Ganyu's and Ayaka's face are around 60%
2:15 when you did not know that you can repair the boat yourself
Lol I always fight Anemo Hypostasis with Sayu
Hello I am no10
I would use my Aloy more if I had better artifacts on her. I recently switched hers with Ayaka so work needs to be done XD
EVERYONE I FOUND THE SONG NAME ON no9! Its Unwelcome school or something like that!
Who uses Aloy, that's LEGENDARY
I won 9 50/50 in a row hi🗿🍷
I'm literally 3,4,7 and 8 fr, I still have no 5 star so yea… and idk abt the 10th one im just too lazy and I want to just catch up w quests ykyk 😭💀 like parametric transformer is actually useful asf, it helped me save alot of resin
You guys have been killing timmies pigeons? 😢
It has been many patches since 2.4 and I can proudly say my aloy is still lvl 20 😂😂
is it really that rare to let your resin cap? XD I do that every day, cause it's simply impossible to not do that lol
I do the random events:)
Idk why people complain about capped resin, I don’t need to play Genshin all day, just commissions, resin, log off. Its capped by the time I log back in the following day and just repeat 🤷♂️ already caught up with everything story related so nothing else to do on the game.
Guys I was saving for Yae Miko
For almost a year
Her first banner if u really want u can save primo
No 10 here 👌 only login every 2-3 days 😢
Me winning 3 50/50s in a row at below low potty but then jean came at 20 pity 💀
Wait, people dobt do the random quests!?
Yoo I'm number 1
i do the immune i think cuz i use xiao on anemo hypo
and i let my resin cap
Me with perfect attendence
Well, for a short time I was main Aloy but currently I am more of a main Traveler. She has a interesting gameplay that I like at the time and I have a certain affection for her.
I remembered a person with a c1 aloy..
Hi im no.1
Yaaaaaay I'm one of the rarest players!!! Never killed Timmie's pigeons <3 I'm even avoiding using the Mondstadt bridge, so I wouldnt scare them o.O