1.6-2.1 Re-Run Charaters + Release Dates! | Genshin Impact

GIVEAWAY! – https://gleam.io/competitions/V1Ruj-eula-giveaway

Discord Server! – https://discord.gg/zhPqyEZMp7

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Song: persona 5 ost

Information: The soundtrack is used for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. All credits for the song(s) go to artist(s)/label(s).


40 thoughts on “1.6-2.1 Re-Run Charaters + Release Dates! | Genshin Impact”

  1. out of all of these characters which one would you pull for? also dont forget to join the discord server! it is now up and running after a long awaited time 🙂

  2. I mean, new characters like Eula will get a rerun anyways, so if fail to get Ayaka or Kazuha it doesn't matter, so might as well get the old characters first like Ganyu, Hu Tao and Albedo right?

  3. Venti didn’t come home so I was planning on saving for him, but now that Ganyu is having her rerun I’ve got to get her and then resume saving for bard boy

  4. I’m just waiting for the Hu Tao rerun so I can secure my C1 this time. Hopefully a fix to the weapon banner before though so I can grab Staff of Homa this time but that might be askin a little too much.

  5. Maybe the switch version will become available after the full story has been released and we dont need gacha to obtain character
    ( maybe we will get them after completing their story quest ? ) or something like that
    But basically it will forever till we get a switch because no game that is not yet completed is released on switch
    All the game that have been released on switch are complete game

  6. I’m a f2p and I only want ganyu and nothing else I currently have 1k primos and WON’T SPEND A SINGLE PRIMOGEM ON ANY BANNER I WILL STAB MY SELF IF I GET THE TEMPTATION TO PULL IN ANY OTHER BANNER
    Btw if I get acquainted fates for free I will wish and from paimon shop I will buy the interwined fates and save them( I have 1k stardust)

  7. Do you think the switch version will come with seperate accounts like ps4 or the same on pc and so on? I would be so glad if I could play on my PC account on my switch, it would be so much fun!


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