Zhongli Talks About The Electro Archon – Baal | Genshin Impact

“Seven ideals for seven gods, and of these, Eternity is nearest unto Heaven.”


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25 thoughts on “Zhongli Talks About The Electro Archon – Baal | Genshin Impact”

  1. Unless is explained later on the new patch. This whay I understand about Baal's motives for the Vision Hunt Decree.

    1) She wants to reach Celestia or asencion to a new realm. (a.k.a Heaven.)

    2) Baal wants projects a powerful and untouchanble image for the Fatui and Habingers.

    3) Baal doesn't wanna be forgotten nor replaced. She wants for humans to dependant on her. Contrary Zhong Li's choice to leave Liyue's destiny at humans's hands.

    4) The One-Thousand Eye Statue is either a weapon against the Fatui or a boost for her powers.


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