Yunjin is Unbelievable!!! Flawless R2 OTK | Yunjin Genshin TCG | Genshin Impact TCG


00:00 Game 1
03:48 Game 2
06:26 Game 3
10:09 Decklist


Finally, we are down to the last new character card Yunjin. Maybe you’ve seen how she performed before. I think being able to OTK in R2 is so freaking crazy, I almost didn’t believe it at the first place. But well, she did it. What do you think of Yunjin? Write in the comment below. As always the decklist is at the end of the video and the deck code is in the pinned comment. Lastly, thanks for watching everyone


Soundtrack used :
1. Lantern Rite Theme Music EXTENDED – Fleeting Colors in Flight, Pt. 1 (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
2. Chasing Starlight With You
3. Hope Is the Thing With Feathers (Instrumental)

My thanks to @HOYOMiX and @tnbee for the Impressive masterpiece they made


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11 thoughts on “Yunjin is Unbelievable!!! Flawless R2 OTK | Yunjin Genshin TCG | Genshin Impact TCG”

  1. Hi i just met opponent yelan,qiqi and furina healer deck. Also I use a emperor iron crab ft layla and thoma .due round is 9 ,my crab is 53 shield. last survive is qiqi although I use adeptus food .in aftermath qiqi card 10 hp too.. 30 dmg ngl🥲🥲🥲🙂 bro

  2. All of the newest cards are heavily inbalanced in certain ways to the point, that you ask yourself, wtf did these devs smoke for crazy weed to balance these cards not out better.. or did these cards got even ANY testing before getting made and added to the game?
    It kind of feells like, as if the cards completely skipped all of the quality testing and went just 1:1 directly into the game, how the responsible devs had their initial thoughts of what the cards should be able to do…

    thats why i absolutely foresee, that 4.8 or 5.0 probably will bring to mostly all of the newest cards some significant nerfs in order to tone down their massive powercreep and too good synergies they have with certain older cards

    But the problem is naturally also, the more cards they add, the harder it becomes naturally to keep the game balanced…as you can't keep always multiple hundreds of card effects in mind, to foresee what kind of crazy synergetic deck builds players can come up with to totally shred with them their opponents in short time

    But the very first thing that I hope, is, that MHY nerfs down this totally annyoing as fuck card discard meta, which totally slows down the whole match speed to snailspeed, because you are forced to wait on countless stupid discard card animations, until you can finally do you moves

  3. Yo I noticed you removed your ult animations in bursting. For example Mona gets highlighted before she bursts and stuff. It was kinda fun seeing them though as it gives more effort and creativity as a content creator


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