YUN JIN REVEALED! HOW TO PREPARE – Genshin Impact Yun Jin Skills, Builds, Ascension Materials & More
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Yun Jin lvl 1-90 Ascension Materials Download
Additional costs I didn’t include in the download:
➖ Character Level ➖
Mora – 2,092,200
Hero’s Wits – 419
➖ Talent Level ➖
Mora – 2,857,500
(Numbers might not be exact sry)
0:00 Intro
0:58 Yun Jin lvl 1-90 Ascension Materials
1:27 Yun Jin’s Elemental Skill Explained
3:40 Yun Jin’s Elemental Burst Explained
5:12 Yun Jin’s Passive Talents Explained
6:55 Yun Jin’s Constellations Explained
8:54 Best Weapons for Yun Jin?
10:14 Yun Jin Artifact Builds
✏️ Genshin Impact recent version 2.4 special program revealed new 5 star character Shenhe, a Cryo Polearm user and new 4 star character Yun Jin, a Geo Polearm user. Now that we have an official showcase, it’s time to break it down! I’ve got all the info you’ll need on Yun Jin, including her skills, elemental burst, ascension materials, stats, constellations and possible builds.. I’ll go into as much detail as I can! Yun Jin is shaping up to be a pretty powerful Geo Support, scaling damage buffs on DEF and her shield on HP. Based on her skills, she looks like a 4 star Zhongli for Genshin Impact version 2.4.
Reacting to version 2.4 livestream
Genshin Impact Version 2.4 Trailer
Genshin Impact Version 2.4 Special Program
Best Itto Builds
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My Hu Tao Build
My Zhongli Best Builds
My Xiao Build
Yun Jin Revealed
Shenhe Revealed
Itto Revealed
Gorou Revealed
Thoma Revealed
Aloy (Free 5 star) Revealed
Sara Revealed
Kokomi Revealed
Baal Revealed
Sayu Revealed
Yoimiya Revealed
Ayaka Revealed
Kazuha C6 Triple Crowned..
Wishing on Kazuha’s Banner
Kazuha Revealed! How to Prepare
Genshin Impact Unlimited Wood Guide
My Genshin Impact Player Housing Tutorial
Funny Ragdoll in Genshin Impact
In-Depth Genshin Impact Beginners Guide
Genshin Impact Part 1 Playthrough
My First Time Playing Genshin Impact (China Server)
Genshin Impact is Free to Play on PC, iOS & Android, PS4 with a Nintendo Switch release later down the road. Genshin Impact is totally crossplay, so everyone can play together because YES Genshin Impact has online coop!
Most versions of Genshin Impact will also feature cross saves, meaning you can continue right where you left off on PC from your phone to your PS4.
The best way I could describe Genshin Impact is FREE Zelda Breath of the Wild with anime characters and online play.
Genshin Impact will be completely FREE to play and features a Gacha system, which is a sort of cash shop random chance of unlocking new gear and even exclusive characters / classes.
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She's one of my favorite 4* besides Sayu and Chongyun and Xiangling (most of them are Liyue. Only Sayu is my favorite 4* and Fischl)
The reason why they express it in percentages is usually based off of how the code is written.
Under normal circumstances 18% may = 1.6 seconds, but there are situations where your characters cooldowns may be extended.
Like in certain domains that make all your cooldowns longer for example. In that situation, her 9s cooldown may get doubled to 18 seconds.. but in that situation, 18 – 18% = 3.24 seconds.
Fully agree its still not an "amazing" constellation, but that's generally the reason they write the descriptions the way they do.
okay my team is ready! yoimiya childe yunjin and diona all different elements and all have senergy with yunjins buff
1:20… yeah you will need like Aether/Lumie Geo just to beat it haha
Nooooo diligence again
I main hu tao who use diligence, trying to pull for ganyu next who needs diligence, and then yun jin, diligence again
Her skill is like beidou's "shield" while it scales off her hp that doesn't you should use hp on her since it's just a counter
i wonder if her off field normal attack buff will crit off her own crit, i have only a few days left to pick a BP weapon and cant decide if i should give her the BP Polearm, if not ill give it to Shenhe, but i really cant choose what to give this character, weapon wise.
im confused. c3 is always related to talents and it says the max is 15 but how do you get it to 15 cause the max is 13. kinda unrelated but yea
7:21 the reason the cooldown reduction is in percent form instead of a flat amount of time is because of the hydro debuff that increases skill cooldown times. Also so we cant abuse cooldown mechanics to have her E off cooldown instantly by stacking cooldown reductions like Chongyun C2 and Anemo Resonance.
This is luck i can’t pull i have the garantite and i wont a zhongli so i can take her for free
I don't think her shield being scaled off of HP is that big of a deal considering the shield is only active during the counter. Realistically, it's not going to be taking enough hits to where we need to worry about making it stronger. And if the shield for some reason does break in that short amount of time, as a defense scaling character, the remaining damage really shouldn't be more than a tiny dent on her health. Defense/crit/ some energy recharge should still be her priority. There's also the benefit that Yun Jin's counter, unlike Beidou, doesn't rely on getting hit to do max damage since it will do a level 2 charge after a short waiting time.
I don't have normal attacks characters but Yun Jin is so cute that I won't mind having her.
Hi i have a guestion how did you get the lunar lancer costume that you use?
she will be a great support like bennett and xinqiu . mark my word
imagine how wild it would be if her skill also heals…but based off her ATK
super small nitpick but Shenhe’s name is pronounced “shen-huh” btw, great video otherwise
She’s pretty and cute and her animation is quite cool and I might get her
Eula raiden rosaria yunjin will be op team
C6: attack speed will increase
Eula: Yuinjin will be mine
I think you forgot about albedo. His skill is based on defense and his burst is based on attack.
Thanks for the info drop at the beginning, appreciate, I'll watch the whole video
The mechanic for her shield is the same as Beidous. The point of the skill is to counter with a burst attack so the shield is really a secondary benefit from the skill. The skills shielding ability is scaled off of hp but the skills damage is based off of her def. So realistically yeah the shield isnt going to be very strong because you will be stacking defense for the damage but its not even really a utility shield because its being used for a parry, not really as an actual shield.
yoimiya mains gonna be happy with this one
2 husk 2 millelith plus black tassel would be great for her
i'm making my dream team its called the china team it will have xiangling chongyun yunjin and qiqi
Her HP scaling isn't going to be a problem at all. Her E is basically exactly like Beidou, and we don't see anyone building Beidou with HP 😂
When the element burst skill says "normal attack damage" do they mean physical damage or any attack that is a normal attack for any character. I want to use ningguang with her but she does geo damage, not physical damage
Yo why would you build with a spear that has an atk substat and gladiators as an option. Yunjin needs DEF.
You shouldn't seek out hp artifacts as well because her shield only lasts while the skill is ongoing, it is better to just try to dish out damage with it.
Yunjin sounds like she should be in honkai instead of genshin with how complicated mihoyo makes they're skills and descriptions
Uhhh Im pretty sure you just simply forgot or your just new. Anyways plenty of other characters have split scaling. Reason being, you could build one direction or the other towards damage or defense. Xinyan, Albedo, Thoma Etc.
Also I'm sure they meant to use the Lithic Spear instead of Dragons Bane.
10:03 her e or q scales on hp right
So there is black tassel also u know it will help her a lot
Glaze lilies 0_0 gotta get them all
Yunjin normal attack buffer
Some of character utilize with full utility
Yomiya eula childe razor burst id depend on normal attack dmg
Yoimiya, Baal and Her with whoever as the 4th would be cracked.
She really is made for Yoimiya wow
I loved Kequing – her gameplay and look, but sadly I needed better DPS for abyss, I just hope Yunjin will also be a huge buff for my favorite Waifu Kequing – that's all I want, I won't be pulling til Yae Miko Probably unless Yunjin's const are a must pull
The sheer audacity to release a defense scaling geo character right after Gorou who actively works poorly with him. Mihoyo is on some other level.
Idk how to spell this out, but Shenhe's name sounds more like Shun-her (yes i know this is funny).
Shun-her is still not totally accurate, but it sounds closer to how it is actually pronounced than Shein-hey.