Yu-Peng Chen 2.0 Live Performance – Genshin Impact

The legend himself Yu-Peng Chen gave us an amazing performance on the 2.0 Inazuma special program livestream.
Such a masterpiece to listen to and appreciate.
– Credits :
– Composer Yu-Peng Chen
– Game Genshin Impact
– Via 2.0 Special Program Livestream
#GenshinImpact #Yupengchen #原神


38 thoughts on “Yu-Peng Chen 2.0 Live Performance – Genshin Impact”

  1. This, this right here, is one of the best piano pieces I have heard, in almost I'd say a good year, the calmness of it, and then lead into the crescendo, it kills me, everything, chills go down my spine, the amount of emotion in it is overwhelming, thank you, so much Yu-peng chen, this is absolutely amazing.

  2. before mihoyo even said they were inspired by ghibli on the inazuma update, this piece already did justice that they really studied and worked on making something big and good

    can't wait!

  3. I love the Joe Hisaishi influence to Inazuma's music, the attention to cultural references in creating each region is very cool in Genshin, and that they invite local orchestras for each chapter is also a nice detail.


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