Yelan (C0) and Xinqiu (C6) Burst Damage Comparison | Genshin Impact

A quick comparison of Yelan and XInqiu’s Burst Damage while running similar artifacts (except for Sands) and ER Weapons. Do take note that damage shown can be optimized since their ascension stat are not the same.

Thanks for watching!


#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Yelan #Xinqiu


34 thoughts on “Yelan (C0) and Xinqiu (C6) Burst Damage Comparison | Genshin Impact”

  1. Yelan is easier to build than Xq coz she rely on HP%
    the problem for Yelan is her energy, she doesnt make that much particles than Xq does.. Xq with Sac literally fix that

    thats why i'll stick with Kokomi, 1 skill and done lol
    i pulled Yelan tho,, Great character overall especially her skill, Wraith vibe 😂👌 maybe i need her to be C2 for better experience but im saving for Redhorn haha

  2. The problem is, Yelan vape isn't consistent with Hu Tao that many people didn't expect it. Maybe Yelan good with pyro carry like Yanfei or Yoimiya

  3. From a mathematical standpoint yes xingqiu offers more qol benefits and yelan is basically an easier to gear xq due to hp scaling.

    However, the only thing better than xingqiu is two xingqius.

  4. i was about to pull yelan but then i realised my xinqiu has decent build, after some consideration, i decided to save for itto, but her attack animation is so smooth i love it

  5. I think a separate comparison is a way to go, i mean let C6 Xingqiu use the 4pc emblem and maximize his potential, also let Yelan have her best potential at C0, let's see who's more consistent in long term, as we all knew Xingqiu burst is 3 seconds longer

  6. the normal attacks should be done by a mutual character. like do the burst then use normal attack of the traveler in order for the burst damage to be fair, since yelan hits are much faster than xingqiu. your comparison is based on the damage per hit. however, xingqiu has more swords, so less damage but more attacks

  7. I m happy i pulled for Ayato over Yelan, he feels a lot more unique, Yelan is very comparable to Xqc and qhile in some she exceeds him, she also is a lot more energy hungry…

  8. I could be wrong but in the national team Yelan doesn't have much advantage over Xingqiu right? Because Bennett's buff doesn't affect her much as she scales with Hp If I'm wrong correct me, I'm really confused.

  9. Yelan basically has a major advantage over Xingqiu for a very simple reason, and nobody has talked about it. She has a crit rate scaling, which means it's way easier to build her to do damage. For Xingqiu the only way to get close to those numbers is to put a crit rate weapon and a DMG circlet, but thus the Sacrificial Sword is given up and his downtime becomes exaggerated due to the skill CD.

    So, yeah, if we take into consideration a normal scenario with multiple team rotations, Yelan wins on the long term DPS-wise, while Xingqiu provides a little more utility.

  10. In raw damage, it would've been better that:

    1. You equaled their crit rate and crit damage (and HP% and ATK% substat rolls if possible)
    2. You attacked the flower the whole time of the burst (15 seconds and with basic attacks of the same character, either Yelan or Xingqiu) so the damage difference was visible on the enemy's HP bar.

    If you could do it like this it would be hugely more helpful 🙇


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