Xianyun "Cloud Retainer" Gameplay/Kit Update Explained! Support Sub DPS Genshin Impact 4.4

#genshinimpact #genshinleaks #cloudretainer Xianyun “Cloud Retainer” Gameplay/Kit Update Explained! Support Sub DPS Genshin Impact 4.4


45 thoughts on “Xianyun "Cloud Retainer" Gameplay/Kit Update Explained! Support Sub DPS Genshin Impact 4.4”

  1. As someone who still pulled Komomi on her first banner even though everyone on the internet was telling me to not pull her
    I have 0 regrets
    Also me pulling Yae Miko on her first banner even when people again were like “worse then Fischl”

  2. personally am fine with the idea of plunge enabler.. but they tied her high jump with her burst, which require 70 energy, means she will not enable plunge team in open world. at least not for most of the player. Also she only buff single target damage.. i can't think of many 1 v 1 situation, weekly boss probably the only place in the entire game. but do we really need a niche character to help do weekly?

  3. First of all plunging is not the least popular niche in the game it's also probably the least explored out of all the not only is the one character that two if you want to count wanderer at the end of his rotation but in the case of xaio he's a very popular character with very dedicated means also the play styles not less fun then shatter or physical that's bull not only is this new playstyle going to revive several characters it will also buff characters that were already strong like HuTao also using kokomi as an example is terrible considering she's one of the best characters in the entire game people just wrote her off because she wasn't an unga bunga and didn't quite understand how she fit into the matter at the time look at any retrospective at that time most players didn't fully understand the matter so using that as an example is not a fair comparison in the slightest not to mention the fact that this nerf for cloud retainer isn't even that bad lol not only was her grouping terrible but you can only do it every 9 seconds through a rotation when most characters have a rotation window that's way longer and in order to get the best out of her grouping you would have wanted to do multiple cast of her skill which would have wasted even more unnecessary time for grouping that was basically on jeans level considering you don't want her on field as much and it was only really effective for the really small enemies but aside from that this video feels like it's in bad faith spreading misinformation and doom posting about a character that will be fine I understand liking a character's design and wanting them to be played in a specific way but not every character can be a DPS and not every DPS can compete with the high tier DPS,s we have in the game nor do they need to instead of being a generic character they made her into a support for a playstyle that was exclusive to like two characters and in doing that buffed nearly every single elemental infusion character in the game and open up many new fun team compositions and also if anybody's favorite characters were characters that were pretty bad because they're play styles were just missing something she can help mend that and give them a new play style look I don't expect you to be like an expert in the matter or an expert in what people think is popular but saying that plunge attack meta would be the least interesting is one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard especially if it's one of the least focused on if anything they're probably more people excited for this than there are for physical teams overload teams crystallized teams shatter teams like come on now all I got to say is cope lol I bet she will be a very fun character and a great addition to the game this Doom posting has to stop

  4. First of all, grouping hasn’t been “meta” for several months now. The only times where I take out Venti or Kazuha for grouping are events, not even floor 12 of the abyss anymore. Taking away some of Cloud Retainer’s already meager grouping for more damage/support is a HUGE win.

    Second of all, there’s a reason dragon strike is a thing. There has been a demand to allow for certain characters to plunge more freely since the beginning of the game. And even for the characters that don’t necessarily need to plunge in order to do more damage, it opens up a fun and niche playstyle for you to try.

  5. But she was NEVER supposed to replace Jean or Kazuha.. she's supposed to be niche.. enabling plunging attacks.. I know not many like it, but if you do yet you don't want Xiao, then now you can do plunge even without Xiao..

  6. 9:36 Yes. That is the most important factor. I lost interest in "power" long time ago. I'm doing Abyss once every 2 weeks- just one run whether i 36* it or not. The world outside is more important for me. All said i would't mind if character was "just" good, but hella fun and useful for overworld 🙂 I feel she's going to have a Koko or Kuki syndrome- "she's fine, but do you really need her? Not enough healers/buffers we already have? Just slot Kazzu or Succrose and you good" And we see how that turned out 😀 BTW i just recently found your channel- really enjoyed all theories, speculations and so on. Keep up the good work 😉

  7. I believe that for now on we will be getting more niche characters at least in Fontaine. I prefer niche characters because they make old teams better or good new teams. It is likely Clorande or arlechino will be plunging based. I will get her because I want her and they wouldn’t just put her out with out a reason.

  8. Wait wait.. how is she gonna make klee better? klee no plunge, kaz does better at grouping klees bombs. Really curious on this! i play with klee a good bit, but i cant think how cloudy here will be benificial to her.

    It also seems they want to make the chars bad when ppl really want them. Dehya was a previous example..

  9. I don't see this hate for plunge or disappointment in Cloud Retainer that you're talking about. All I've seen is people hyped that she's finally coming, hyped at her design and excited for plunge enabling. There's also nothing wrong with powercreeping standard banner characters. Those characters are supposed to be noticeably weaker than limited banner characters. I mean look at Diluc, he was super hyped at launch, then we got our first proper DPS limited character in Ganyu and people thought she was OP and turned Diluc to shit. Yet that was just setting a power standard between off-banner 5* and on-banner 5* characters.

    Getting rid of Kokomi's crit rate was an obvious choice otherwise she'd be like stronger than Wriothesly is even though she's a healer. It also means she is way easier to build as people weren't worrying about crit stats. Needless to say she is now considered one of the best characters in the game.

  10. Once you get enough characters you just start pullin what looks cool and what enables some new teams. Im hyped for her cause shes gonna be my main dps, got Wrios weapon for her, and really good stats and a triple crown on deck.

  11. Do people not understand how Plunging attacks work?

    Not only are you abusing the most powerful part of your character’s NA talents, plunging attacks have no ICDs. This never mattered to us before because the only character that could plunge consistently enough is Xiao. Adding healing and Crit Rate buffs into her plunging attack kit is crackhead tier game designing (in a good way).

    Nerfing her crowd control is understandable when you’re staggering the hell out of your enemies with plunge anyway. They turned Cloud Retainer from a crane into a G.O.A.T. 🐐

  12. -Finally a good support for Xiao
    -Makes diluc better than Xiao at plunging

    Bro can't catch a break I swear.

    Ps. All they needed to do to make her less niche: boost plunge AND (to a lesser degree) charged attack damage.


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