Wriothelsey Has The DARKEST Story Quest In Genshin Impact

Wriothelsey Has The DARKEST Story Quest In Genshin Impact



I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!

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21 thoughts on “Wriothelsey Has The DARKEST Story Quest In Genshin Impact”

  1. Wriothesley really does have a dark past, it's kinda crazy how both Wrio and Neuvillette have such dark backstories, a Melusine suicide over an accusation, and then killing your adopted parents, sheesh Genshin isn't all wholesome and colorful rainbows anymore, even now I'm hearing the word "pissed" here too 💀💀

  2. That society reminds me of some of the evangelical cults we see here in Canada. The leader even talks like those cult leaders.
    OK! I have to know. Fontaine is clearly trigger happy about putting people in the fortress. If even half the people sent there over all these years never want to leave; where exactly are they housing all those people?

  3. kinda interesting how out of all 5 Fontainians who have been released so far, Neuvilette was the only one who wasn't sold as a kid.

    on a completely separate note, the two that got married at the end there made lots of "special memories"? sounds to me like they found the best places to bone

  4. The one-two punch of Wriothesley BODYING Dougier and then admitting to double homicide as a teenager, immediately followed by Avice and Fassiolle asking to be married in the Fortress is a ROLLERCOASTER

  5. Omfg I wish I was dougier so bad I wish he would just spit on me and dominate me I want to be choked by him and suck his fat __ I love him so much I need a body pillow but I’m too broke from getting his c1 omfg I need him to be real please cum to life I love you so much I love you I can’t live without you please choke me like that if I were to die I wish it was by ur hands

  6. Bruh i literally said the same thing about Warden's story quest! It's too dark. That torture attempt threw me off. Like..call me a coward all you want but I am not ashamed of afmitting that even in movies i get traumatized by gore (hence i dont watch gory horror movies) and depiction of capital punishment. I got nightmates of stuff like that as a kid and growing up. Then the method of punishment by Society came up and i thought they were gonna show it on screen. Eeek 😱😱😱💀

  7. Going into Wrio’s quest, I really didn’t know what to expect but wow a dark n twisted plot was the last thing on my mind.
    Also I thought the cutscene was fantastic! When Wriothesley slammed Dougier head to the floor… I was speechless

  8. The game always had with an underlying dark tone to it what with the siblings being separated to Venti's story quest to Zhongli and Guizhong aswell as Xiao and Bosacius to Ei's archon quest to the samsara in sumeru up to now with Neuvi's story quest and Wrio's story quest, I think Mihoyo has been trying to build up to how dark this game will be when we get to Snezhnaya, Snezhnaya is probably gonna be the darkest nation in my opinion with the fact the Tsaritsa will be there and all but we shall see.

  9. You know, seeing what Doughier do to the people in the fortress it reminds me of what many Asian parents is doing to their kid.
    You're not allowed to talk
    You only do as you were told
    You're punished severely for just even existing
    If you got an A+, you're a dissappoinment
    If you get an A, you're stupid
    If you get a B or below, you're pierced by thousands of such needles in the story quest.

  10. ngl I'd be kinda annoyed if genshin started doing trigger warnings in every quest. Like ok people should realize the game is dark and if you can't handle it go play another game. It's only going to get darker from here


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