Is Shenhe Still Worth Pulling In 3.5? | Genshin Impact

Is Shenhe Still Worth Pulling In 3.5?

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Shenhe is back!!!: 0:00
How Good Was Shenhe Before?: 0:39
Shenhe Pros & Cons: 1:44
Are Shenhe Constellations Important?: 4:58
Shenhe Future Potentials: 10:20
Is Shenhe Still Worth Pulling In Patch 3.5?: 12:42

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Is Shenhe Still Worth Pulling In 3.5?


24 thoughts on “Is Shenhe Still Worth Pulling In 3.5? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Glad I'm not the only one who sees shenhe potential , I saw a lot of YouTubers already shitting on her for being a "luxury" support. After benching my Ayaka since dendro comes out, pulled shenhe now and ohh my GOD my Ayaka already surpassed my Dendrocentric team comps. My Ayaka slaps really hard , if you have the primos and Ayaka already then pull her.

  2. I’ve been more of a Taser Team kind of person but I’ve been easing more into Freeze Teams. As a Kokomi main, I like testing her out in different team comps to see which one fits my style. So I’m considering on pulling Shenhe hopefully

  3. my gf pulled c6 shenhe and doesn't even have ayaka. She uses shenhe as a dps with chongyun and she clears domains in under 30 seconds and the abyss was easy. c6s are never worth it but im shocked as to how much stronger shenhe is at c6.


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