Wishing for wanderer rerun | Genshin Impact

Wishing for wanderer rerun | Genshin Impact Summoning for wanderer it was painful. Rolling for Wanderer why did it hurt so much …


28 thoughts on “Wishing for wanderer rerun | Genshin Impact”

  1. Good luck and cg on getting wanderer to
    I’ve gotten kokomi guaranteed and she’s amazing I have both her and wanderer so I don’t need to pull on the banners and I am useing them on the same team since I feel more comfortable with using them and they are my favourite characters
    I will wait until 4.1 or 4.2

  2. I have a question. If I'm from the America server and I spin on the scaramouche banner on the Asia server, if I win it and go back to the America server, would I have it?

  3. I did the 10 wishes and that gained me wanderer, faruzan, yanfei and 7 weapons in 1 go, i still don't know how the hell that happened as i had a striking 1 wish hystory on the character banners😂 must be the early wishing pitty or something🤷🏼‍♀️(is that a thing that they pity you if you pretty much wish on the banner for the first time?)

  4. Wished for him right at 4:00pm when the banners released on the American servers and I had 65 pulls + 21 pity and it was a 50/50 I lost it and now have C1 dehya at level 20 👍

  5. i lose 50/50 on wanderer, but getting my 1st tighnari, still a win (new toy)
    now since i am guaranteed, i can freely pull for 4.0 weapon (they said it will be simulacra) , and start saving from 4.1 for hydro archon,
    what a nice scenario.

  6. Been having crazy luck lately. I got baizhu at 22 pity, then got c1 yoimiya because i was trying to get cat girl at 4 pity, then i won 5050 on klee at 76 now i have wanderer at 24 pity

  7. I bought a reroll account for him; gladly, he came with his signature weapon at 2 Pity and a bonus jean. IM SO FREAKIN HAPPY!!! (the account only got 80 wishes)


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