Could Khaenri'ah Have had a God? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and Story)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan #dottore #arlecchino

prolly last genshin lore vid till imaginarium theatre comes out. starting thursday going back to star rail and picking up where we left off with firefly ig on penacony and the conclucsion to that story. so did what you need to do my peoples. idk today just rambling about skirk, gnoses and khaenriah having a god that was erased from irminsul. the point of the vid was more to show how insane irminsul and the loom of fate can be when dealing with the past and how their alteration of it leads to everyone, including the traveler now, becoming unreliable sources. also I saw emilie is running second half of 4.8 is that not so weird lmao. not pulling 5.0 for Iansan so idrc but hoyo scheming lol.

0:00 Intro
0:53 Skirk and Gnosis
4:23 Khaenriah and a god
6:55 Before Sun and Moon
8:50 Archons and Elements

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan #dottore


50 thoughts on “Could Khaenri'ah Have had a God? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and Story)”

  1. only 7 archons? but what about the PRIMORDIAL ONE??? and its 4 shades?

    only 7 sovereigns? what about Nibelung the crack dragon king?

    only 7 elements? what about Imaginary, the energy that is present throughout the universe? quantum the energy that is very similar to the functions of Irminsul? And what about the omni element crack theory?

    I'm going to take my medicine now bye

  2. Hey Kazuha said he knows what a star smells like but I don't remember anyone giving him the 3rd degree. How exactly do you smell a star? There seem to be a small group of people who go around smelling people in the game. Well that is a nice bridge to the next topic.

    3:02 the answer is "no". That's a big "no". Huge.

    5:39 also don't say that

    6:30 So this Get Out Of Jail Free ticket is only available to the people who think Irminsul only changes memories and even then not really them either because that theory has to act AS IF the past really changed. Consequently you are supposed to be limited by Irminsul shifts to past scenarios that make sense, not just any arbitrary change in memories. You can substitute a different past to help you explain why the statement would come to make sense but since we don't know the real past anyway, that doesn't help at all. You get me? Let's work through an example.

    Why would Ukko say it was a nation without gods if it wasn't true? Well you could hypothesize that Lenin ran out of his tomb and held a gun on Ukko and told him to write down "no gods in Khaenri'ah" and then slap it in his box. Can that explain why Ukko says Khaenri'ah has no gods? Well, yes, but then again, you could hypothesize all that is the real history too. It's just not very likely. Because Lenin doesn't even play Genshin. An unlikely event is not more likely to happen because of an Irminsul shift.

    Well could there be a change due to a samsara shift, and that change makes Khaenri'ah go from not having a god to having a god? Yes, but then the text of that letter is going to change to be consistent with the new history, so the letter would now say "Khaenri'ah had a god" – which is true in the new history. In neither scenario can you get a lie communicated because of a samsara shift, at least not a "lie" in terms of the logic of the new samsara. If all you want is to have info in the new samsara contradict info in the old, that's easy, but unless you can guarantee Dainsleif's memories or Ukko's letter won't change due to the samsara shift, it's going to be honest — as honest as anything is — as a reflection of the new samsara.

    A lot of people said oh this Irminsul stuff means anything goes, but really that's not true at all. The fate system operates to make these potential contradictions minimal. It's not photoshop. Your twitter account wasn't hacked. The contradictions can only happen when the fate system breaks down and some "old" data squeezes through. Like with Descender memories or artifact memories or chairs in the eternal oasis. So to make Ukko's statement wrong you'd need a compelling reason that would make perfect sense from within the context of regular history — like the Lenin thing.

    9:10 in the old samsara Paimon says, "There are 7 flavors of ice cream and 7 secret herbs and spices".

    11:41 The memory loss from the domain of consciousness might (likely is) a result of chatting inside a domain of consciousness of a dead person. Nobody was alive at the time to operate the Loom. And we were specifically told the completed Loom can't change memories anyway.

  3. I like that khaenriah could have had their own elements because it kinda alings with a theory I had.

    What if the PRIMORDIAL ONE and each of their shades have their own element.? This would make 12, elements.

    This is what I currently think could me other elements.

    8 – Abyss, its kinda obvious.

    There are some colors that frequently show in the game that do not currently have have their own element, I listed some things that look like have those colors

    9 – Golden Color:
    The power the traveler uses during the intro and in some cutscenes, the djinn energy, adeptal power,the power the traveler uses when unifing the power of other people, power of will used by the traveler in the Narzissenkreuz side quest(this one is curious, since we know Rene studied the powers of the abyss and Khvraena and both have will of their own.), some of the ley line area we in the game are yellow, also Khaenriah's machine have yellow energy(but iirc, its said that they do not use elemental energy).

    10 – Light Blue?: Celestial Nails, the inside of Irminsul and that of glowing ley line branches, Deshret's Primal Light, Evernight constructs in Enkanomiya.
    This one I think could be the Omni-Element, since iirc around the celestial nails the particle effects include that symbol used for it in the TCG.

    11- Dainsleif has a weird color, His blue does not seem to match others, and it could be its own element, on that note if it is a element, then their gog would have been one of the shades of the primordial one or even one undisclosed dragon sovereign that has been erased from history by Irminsul or this could have been Nibelung's element , but this could also be the Omni I said earlier, just darker and with black mixed into it similar to how Arlecchino's fire is.

    12- For this I dont have a example.

  4. Irminsul can edit truth in books, but not fiction. That's why it's possible to hide truth in fiction. What if Before Sun and Moon is just a fiction, a lie, propaganda and our beloved Heavenly Principles just didn't want Orobashi to spread lies and propaganda, which couldn't be edited by Irminsul?

  5. U dont understand how much i love your fucking off rant shitšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
    I clicked on a genshit video to learn about gnosises and here i am watching animal kingdomšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  6. The book before sun and moon was in mirrored enkanomiya
    Bordering on the light realm
    So i believe irminsul cannot effect the light realm
    And therefore the book or anything in enkanomiya or effected by the light realm's power

  7. What if the power that was divided amongst the sinners was a gnosis equivalent for another descender? Like instead of the archons having 7 gnosis made from the remains of the third descender, each of the sinners could have part of the remains of the 2nd descender (or something similar, i'm not an expert on the topic).
    I also think the archons and the sinners might be related as we have seen statues of the seven and also inverted statues from the abyss and the one Vedrfolnir used to communicate with our sibling in the past.

  8. Godā€™s gaze doesnā€™t fall – visions donā€™t fall. Kaenriā€™ahns donā€™t get visions, the celestia or authority holder donā€™t ā€œhearā€ the ambitions from potential allogenes from there.

  9. Man, I entertained the idea of Khaenriā€™ah having a god a long time ago, I forgot a lot of my reasonings, but my final conclusion of the matter was ā€¦ a God of Truth hides in Khaenriā€™ah. After all, weā€™ve heard it said before, ā€œWell, it is true that itā€™s extremely difficult to tell humans and gods apart just by looking at them.ā€ Thereā€™s a strange irony in a God hiding in a Godless Nation that Iā€™d love to entertain the idea of.

    When you take a closer look into Khaenriā€™ah, youā€™d see that there is this constant connection between Khaenriā€™ah and Truth.
    – in 1.1 Balladeer heavily suggests that Pierro was aware of the False Sky. Something that in the Final Act for Sumeru, that Dottore calls a Truth concerning the world, hidden by Irminsul.
    – the description of Black Serpent Knights talk about a sword art theyā€™ve practiced, called Truthseeker.
    – they sent diplomats to Enkanomiya to get the book, Before Sun and Moon, to find out the truth about Celestia. This was around 2000 years ago! (Did I do the math right?)
    – and who knows how many more examples there are!

    For Khaenriā€™ah, there is this consistent search for the Truth, also my to the point that itā€™s like an ideal of theirs. And while Humans are free to develop their own ideals, an ideal that shapes an entire nation isnā€™t something so easily accomplishable.

    So, if a God is hiding in Khaenriā€™ah, why risk your hiding spot by expressing your ideal? Well, what if the God of Truth, was a key founder of Khaenriā€™ah? Khaenriā€™ah isnā€™t just a nation they hide in, but a nation they helped build to hide in?
    This would make what Dainsleif said, about Khaenriā€™ah not having a God, not a lie, but rather an incorrect statement.

    Now, Khaenriā€™ah was founded when Sal Vindagnyr was still ā€¦ more or less, alive. This wouldā€™ve happenedā€¦ a rather long time ago, way before the Archon War, so why would a God go through so much trouble to hide? Well, we know what Celestia did to Orabashi for finding out the truth, so what would theyā€™ve done to a God of Truth for whatever truth they managed to discover?

    And ā€¦ didnā€™t Dainsleif tell us in the Teyvat Chapter Trailer, that the Pyro Archon will tell us a secret? With the Pyro Gemstone talking about a ā€œachieved BLANK truth he has.ā€
    Thank goodness Natlan is right around the corner, so we can finally figure out what this Pyro Gemstone is talking about!

  10. I don't know if this is a tinfoil hat theory, but I don't think Irminsul has always been there.
    Like, I know people make the connection of "dendro has always been a thing because Apep is right there" but the Dragon Sovereigns are actually not refered to by the element.
    Like, Neuvillette isn't refered to as Hydro Dragon in Before Sun and Moon, they're talking about the Dragon Sovereign of Water. Apep is also not really the Dendro Dragon, but the Dragon of Verdure. (The Domain description calls her that)

    So… in theory, what is now the dendro element could've just been the Element of Verdure prior to Irminsul.

  11. I believed Ei said that vision is not from Archon but Archon will know and it need their permission even without realizing it to use their domain of element.. So that why when Vision Decree is happening there is no new electro vision bc without realizing it Ei doenst gave permission for whoever gave vision for using electro as the element of the vision..

    So maybe because there is no Light/Imaginary, Abyss and power from beyond(Quantum) authorities there is no vision from it element

  12. What has been on my mind recently, is how both Skirk and Neuvillette used powers, similar to the ones our beloved Sustainer used against the twins and I have thus far not seen a single person point that out.

    The way Skirk encased the Narwal before turning it into an orb, is similar to when the Sustainer first encased the abyss twin in cubes before compressing them into a single small cube. Both of them even stare at the Orb/Cube in their hand with almost the exact same emotionless look.

    At the same time the method of how Neuvillette stopped the primordial water in the fortress in act IV, is similar how the Sustainer blocked the explosion-attack that the Traveller used after the abyss twin got captured. In both cases the water/explosion stopped before receding, as if time was going backwards. Adding to that both Neuvillette and the Sustainer, use the same hand motion to achieve stop the water/explosion, the only difference is that Neuvi is using his right hand and the Sustainer is using her left hand.

  13. I can think of 2 reason for Elctro vision's granting to stop

    1. Ei's doubt of her own ideal. There has always been a criteria a way that the vision wrilder must reaonate with the Archon's ideal in some way and when the Archon themselves lose sight of said ideal the criteria line for who's ambition works for the ideal resonance and who's does not in order to receive said vision becomes blurry. Ei's doubt probably started about a year ago when the visions stopped dropping and at the exact same time her own people rebelled against her. Ei in all honesty was trying to create a nation that will remain forever for the sake of her people and when those same people go against that goal surely some amount of doubt would creep in. This is hard to say or confirm due to the mess that the inazuma AQ is.

    2. Inazuma is no longer under Celestia's control anymore. Because the leyline branches spread by the Sacred Sakura have seperated Inazuma from the rest of the network, to put it in Makoto's words "Broken free from the shackles of the heavenly principles"

    There could also be a mastery resovoir issue like how Nuvi has a seperate stored up power for vision weilders to recieve like maybe she just doesn't have any to give anymore but I u highly doubt that.

    Also we cannot say that Dainsleif doesn't have something a kin to a Vision because he has something that he's just mentions once and never brings it up again, that thing is what letting him hold on to his consciounce according to him anyway and what happens when you take away a vision weilder's vision they lose their freakin mind and get a panic attack in the process


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