Will KOKOMI Surprise Us? Kokomi Roles, Expectations & Concerns | Genshin Impact 2.1 Discussion

I’m preparing for Kokomi and I wanted to discuss the official info about her kit, roles, and my expectations and concerns for her when she comes out. This is mostly a discussion video but I WILL have a Kokomi build predictions video out soon. If you’re excited for upcoming Kokomi content, please consider subscribing 🙂 #Kokomi #GenshinImpact #Inazuma

0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Initial concerns
1:01 – No Crits
1:55 – Sources of Damage (DPS Role)
3:57 – Support Role, Healer Meta
5:01 – Kokomi Concerns & Reservations
7:16 – Final Thoughts

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Music: Picnic (Prod by Lukrembo)


50 thoughts on “Will KOKOMI Surprise Us? Kokomi Roles, Expectations & Concerns | Genshin Impact 2.1 Discussion”

  1. as a kokomi simp, i really enjoy content like this since well you know yourself kokomi fans are really small haha, finding a video discussing about kokomi is always a blessing to me. can't wait for her release, plan to triple crown her

  2. I have everything planned out:

    Kokomi as a sub dps/healer/reactions

    – Prototype Amber
    – 4 pc HoD since I'm thinking of keeping her on field a bit, otherwise 2pc HoD 2pc ToM
    – HP, Atk, hp%, hydro dmg bonus, healing bonus or hp%
    – substats hp%, er, atk%

    I don't have her guaranteed so I'm not farming talents yet but I'm doing the hydro cube once a day, saving hero wit, and farming sango pearls and the specters. I also have ayaka so when I farm for ayaka's artifacts, I'll be able to lookout for some nice kokomi artifacts :3

    Backup plan in case I lose the 50/50 is to just put what I got for kokomi back on Barbara. In a way I do see kokomi as a better Barbara but ik she's way more than that so I'd really like to have her and just give her everything my Barbara is holding onto atm.

    Gl to the 50/50s everyone!

  3. I don't know what people at Mihoyo thinking while releasing Characters like Yoimiya & Kokomi

    They have one of the cutest design in game but ruined by their half baked kits just because devs wanna make them "balanced" but we all know instead of Balanced they become Constellation or weapon dependent.
    Really sad to see where Mihoyo is going with all these new Character releases

    If they did something similar with Yae
    I will most likely just stop playing bcoz she is my fav Character i would be really mad to see same BS with her.
    Only reason im even playing is due to Fomo and the amount of money i have spent
    (which isn't huge for most people but it is for me considering i spent it on a game)

  4. I am still a bit on copium for an Electro buff or at the very least a change on how Raiden and Beidou work. I am a bit confused about Kokomi since Ayato is also eventually coming that could be a really nice support or dps (the leaks are not super trustworthy rn). The only thing that could convince me to not skip is if the 4* are nice or Kokomi herself has good synergy with characters I have. The fact Abyss will be introducing mechanics skewed towards healing being good kinda tempts me to pull but idk.

  5. honestly it’s about time they put content in the game that can’t be simply cleared with shields. what’s the point of having healers if zhongli broken immortal shield can get you through anything? there has to be a balance so adding new mechanisms in the game where characters like jean and potentially kokomi can dps AND heal is refreshing

  6. the thing with the crit rate is that it's not -100%. rather it reduces her crit rate by 100%, meaning no matter how much crit rate you try to give her, it's gonna be stuck at 0%.

  7. Trying to pull away from critting is nice.
    Props to you. I dont see ppl talking about multipliers. No critting do t matter if her multiplier is already 200% more than everybody else.
    And shield meta is only zhongli. Not many ppl give any other shielder much credit. Diona, noelle, xinyan. Abyss taught us that mhy wants can make archons non-ideal if they want to. Make enemies heavy and venti isnt as good. Make enemies and environments that hit through shield, deal dmg scaling to your hp, heck, scaling to you shield strength, zhongli would be in no team.

    An enjoyable vid with great insight

  8. Just a minor correction, Just doesn't double dip into Attack, she double dips into Healing % bonus which is why you always want to run her with a Healing % Circlet over HP, She has a talent that increases her normal and charged attack damage during her elemental burst by a further amount based on a portion of her Healing % bonus.

  9. I feel like a good team for Kokomi would be Xiangling and Sucrose (you can also use Kazuha and Venti but people may not have them)

    Sucrose groups them
    Xiangling presses q
    then Kokomi tanks everything with her healing and procs vaporize

    itll be a Xiangling main dps with kokomi sub dps/tanky healer and sucrose support

    the fourth character can be like Bennett for the dmg buff and pyro resonance or maybe even xingqiu for even more hydro application and hydro resonance

  10. i just love her because she is an introverted mermaid princess. need i say more??? and also ive always loved healer characters in RPGs. maybe her kit will be better than expected but idc. i want her because she screams gay and as a gay man i need her to feel validated.

  11. She will be good for Morgana teams, she can be a substitute both Diona and Mona. Then you add another Cryo Dps like Ayaka, though the damage amplification that Mona provides will be lost. You can mitigate it with Other world stories and 4 set Tenacity.

  12. The only hope for kokomi to be meta, i think, if she applies too much hydro similar to klee. Xingqiu and klee don't work because it's Xingqiu who procs the vape not klee. Maybe with komomi's jellyfish thing would turn around. Yoimiya (who applies very little pyro) would be able to proc vape with every hit.

  13. the thing about kokomo is that so far she’s irrelevant in the storyline at best and being just another NPC at worst so theres really no incentive to want to play or pull for her at all despite promising and interesting sign back when inazuma first release and we founf out its her people that broke the orobashi seal in order to create a buffer zone between narukami isle and sangonomiya.
    (which my mind might change with the next archon quest + the opening of the lake gate)

  14. I personally think she's gonna have problems with damage and it's not because of the crit rate debuff. The multipliers on her E are not good enough and should have been based of her HP is my opinion. This would have synergized with her kit better. Her burst may be fine but the dps enough to warrant her being on the field over over characters.

  15. Royal Grimrore 80% crit rate, crit Helm 31% crit rate, base 5%, Subs 30-40% crit rate. So if 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 this mean 150-160% crit rate. 60% crit rate on ult duration modifiers hitting 3000-4000% dmg (2,613% at 30k hp+ on 169% normal hit modifiers) and vapes for 6000% and can't crit and say you get 100% crit dmg after having a base of 50% that is 12,000% vapes. New meta?

  16. i think i will pull her, but indeed watch the review first. ill pull her on late banner day.

    for first impression,

    imo she is amazing
    her skill is similar to other Q chara (wield of heal) but she doesn't need energy to cast.

    her heal can do 100% uptime in that zone too because if we use Q, the jelly fish time would be reset. so its like if we have her Q ready. we are guarantee get 36sec of heal in that zone.

    then, beside only one purposing support. she can do mini help when our dps is on weak state. (ex: yoimiya main, wanted farming pyro hyp). i don't know her dps would be like what, but since she not playing at crit. she is the most consistent dps for now..

    but imo she got too many role i guess, she can be buffer and healer (4tenacity and thriling dragon). and some forum she can do some dps too..

    i think i gonna pull her for 100% if she can purify like diona (applying element for her self or party member). but if it like barbruh or xingqiu, i have to think it again..

  17. Kokomi has been dead since before leaving, this is because she does not add anything at a general level that makes her stand out in positions that are already occupied by other healers, or even worse that she has a worse gameplay than she is currently Mona / Xinqiu in hydro comps.


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