Will Genshin Impact's 2nd anniversary be any better than its first…?

After a record breaking, community shattering 1st year anniversary… How will Genshin Impact bounce back from the previous year’s PR tragedy?

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44 thoughts on “Will Genshin Impact's 2nd anniversary be any better than its first…?”

  1. truth ? Most of us who returned our appreciation to Hoyoverse by giving them 1 star review. Because it was really massive reward there lol..
    Nevertheless , this year we're celebrating the hype for tower of fantasy opening ceremony.
    This will be a good way to slap hoyoverse really bad in the face .
    Although the stalking of the VA is really bad. There're really innocent.

  2. I think due to ToF and other games plus how bad last years was that they will surprise us this year with something well deserved for all the support we have given their game.
    Although you could be right and we get next to nothing I beg to differ that giving us a generous anniversary along with Sumaru will bolster the game's player base even more!

    Anyway good video, I have to sit back down and don my copium mask again while the tank still has some in it.

  3. I actually joined genshin because I got an email telling me about good rewards for the first anniversary xD

    (I orginially signed up for the game when it came out and was gonna wait for switch release, the anniversary is what got me in)

  4. I wasn’t disappointed last year like a lot of people were, I play the game because I enjoy it. It would have been nice to have more, but I didn’t think it was less than what Mihoyo “owed” us. I’m free to play so really it was no loss on my part finance wise, ten free wishes to me was actually kind of nice. At the same time I recognize why people were complaining about it.

  5. I Remember that MihoYo made annoucement during 1st anniversary fiasco, and they say something like that they are monitoring the situation and that they will do better since now… They didnt do anything since but maybe we will get 1600primos more in default not as just applogems like last year…

  6. I don’t really want a free 5-star for this anniversary, but if there’s a free 4-star character (M/L/I/S) in this anniversary similar to Lantern Rite I will be very happy

  7. While yes the Anni was slightly underwhelming, the review bombing and complaining like man children is what sets up the bar to how dimwitted this community is when handling situations like these. Cannot keep stuff to themselves, but instead act like pre K students lol.

  8. I'm expecting the 2nd anniversary rewards to be about the same as last time. If the devs are going to make a bigger deal of this anniversary then I don't expect anything major to happen until 3.1 since the anniversary falls in the last week of 3.0.

  9. This video had me dying and all I can hear is back in my day we got nothing for our anniversary 🤣🤣🤣

    Second anniversary day

    Mihoyo: man they are going to love the reward this year

    Me: ok let’s see what we get this year hopefully we get something sweet

    Me after I logged in: let’s go we got 1 ten pull and 30 fish ok

    Now I have more fish to cook for food thx mihoyo 🤣🤣🤣

  10. But hey its all cool you guys cant get a standard banner 5 star(white knights will say u dont even need it and u dont fucking deserv it been there seen it happen) cuz thats way too much for them billion dollar making corpos to giwe away for the playerbase that literally made them into what they are now meanwhile ToF global launches with a ssr(5 star) picker from the base banner……………………..

  11. After what happened last year I'm expecting very little but I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed anyway. Logically speaking, the second anniversary should be better than the first one but honestly, I think it's gonna be on the same level as what we got after we started protesting. Or even on the same level as what we got before the protests.

    I also think that most players are just pretending to be nonchalant and deep inside we're all hoping Hoyo will surprise us. Hope dies last after all.

  12. Genshin's first anniversary was basically:
    MHY: "We know we've made billions of dollars from you guys, but here's pretty much nothing."
    MHY after backlash: "Uh oh, they seem to be really mad and they are review bombing all our games and other games and now other developers and everyone is mad at us. I guess we'll give them a concert and another 10 wishes. That should do it."
    Everyone: "We're still mad."

  13. To be honest I dont know why I have a feeling like they arent gonna mess it up this time, I think they learned from there exprience and due to all the new games that actually competing them, I think they are going to explode us this time.
    And in general 20 wishes for me its too little, I think they should give atleast 40! If not 50! As a way to actually give the community what we need.

  14. The 1st anniversary, was literally nothing. It was nothing, until enough of the community complained…. THEN, and ONLY THEN, did Mihoyo give us that stuff. I have a feeling that this year's anniversary is going to be much better.

  15. Whatever you do, avoid hype. Keep realistic expectations like 10 free wishes, or better yet expect 100 mora and 3 sweet madame, that way you'll be happy whatever happens XD

  16. If I were calling the shots I would make a special limited anniversary event banner like the beginners wish banner with a fixed at 20 wishes. Guaranteed random any 5 star character/weapon each 10 popper. I would give away the first 10 wishes and sell the second 10 wishes for an amount of money tbd. Everyone gets a free random 5* and pay2wins get 2. Some unlucky guy gets 2 Qiqi constellations and we all laugh at him the end see you next year.

  17. I think the 2nd anniversary rewards will depend on the success or player cannibalization of the newly released "genshin killers" like ToF. If they Hyv think that their revenue won't get hurt by the release of these types of new games, then we're probably getting basically the rewards as last year's.

  18. i'm ready to give them another 1 star review and they totally deserve it. every other gacha game gives their player base it's thanks during their anniversary except genshin. it's not even just a mihoyo thing, they do it for honkai so i don't get it at all. it just shows their greed and disconnect from their players, and that's worth a 1 star review. to this day i still don't recommend this game to anyone because of their bs endgame, disrespect for our time (dialogue impact and time-gating has gone too far), and overall greed with summons

  19. i lost the 50/50 for kokomi at the time so i just picked up the small rewards and then took a break so it was technically so bad that it didnt lift my spirits of losing a character i wanted

  20. New player here, started 2-3 weeks ago. I heard that the anniversary was coming up and it led me to your video. I would be very disappointed if it doesn't feel like a celebration; 10 wishes is gone in a click

  21. I started near the anniversary and didn't really notice anything special. Until following Genshin on social media I had no idea it was even their first anniversary. Hopefully Hoyoverse learns from this mistakes but keeping my hopes low. Btw, anyone know when the Windbloom Festival will be coming around? I missed it

  22. Just like year, I don't expect more than 10 fates and a bunch of community events and contests, another fanart livestream. Sadly it seems like the anniversary is more about the playerbase creating content for them rather than them giving us more rewards lol


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