Thank you all for the support!

So in today’s video I thought I would talk about why I believe Yelan will be worth pulling for. I give a few reason why I believe so but let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below!

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43 thoughts on “WHY YELAN WILL BE WORTH FOR F2P/LIGHT SPENDERS | Genshin Impact”

  1. I know I'll most likely doing at least a few pulls to get Shinobu if I can, so I'll leave it up to gate if I get Ye Lan in that at least lol.
    But the people who down play her, I think they miss a point of, considering how many teams use Zhiqou, why wouldn't you want a similar unit to serve that role while he's busy on another team?

  2. im considering pulling for Yelan now but im still set for Klee and i have a bad feeling that the kid will return sooner than expected..

    Thoughts, anyone? Yelan obviously looks better on paper but i still need my favorite kid if i wanna play genshin for longer

  3. Thing is… I already have a well built Childe, Ayato, C1 Mona and C6 Xingqiu, so logically getting Yelan for me would be redundant. I love her animations, the Jojo poses, the skills but gotta be logical here, Sumeru is coming, I got guarantees on both character and weapon banner. I might get her during her rerun after I get my hands on units like Dendro archon and the elusive Scaramouche

  4. I am waiting until her last few days to see if there's going to be any new leaks by then. After getting my first 36* clear…. The urge to get another new character suddenly doesn't feel nessasary anymore

  5. Honestly people who keeps on downplaying a character is quite annoying for me. I'm pulling for Yelan regardless is she will be meta or not since I like her design and gameplay. Experimenting for a character adds excitement for me when playing cause lets be honest, ALL CHARACTERS WHEN BUILT RIGHT CAN CLEAR ABYSS. Yelan has so many possibilities and I for one is gonna make her dps as I can see the potential. People is just downright fixated on her being a Xingqiu replacement or being worst than c6 Xingqiu for Hydro applications when you can use her for other team comps. Too many meta slaves that their account just revolve on National or Hutao Vape

  6. my dilemma is that im currently guaranteed and at zero pity and was hoping for yelan and shinobu (prefarmed both already) but seeing as how they are probably seperated, is yelan worth so/so 4 stars?

  7. I’m actually very happy they put Yanfei on her banner because for Hu Tao, her best team may become a Tankfei team (Hu Tao Yelan Yanfei Sucrose).

    Math-wise she should apply just enough Hydro to keep up with Hu Tao when there are no other elements involved (aka no Geo from Zhongli or Pyro from Thoma) but I’ll still be waiting until practical testing for that one.

  8. At first I was gonna pass up on her because I wasn't that much of a fan of her character design and I don't really know her lore yet, but her potential combos for Pyro teams, The National team and other more teams makes me think that she's future proof. Also who doesn't want another Xingqiu with buffs right???

  9. Just commenting to support the channel. I'm actually proud of myself, seven days and no logins. Planning on not loging until Sumaru. Possibly longer. But I saw a FBG video and wanted to comment for the algorithm. Good luck on sexy Xingqui for all my peeps excited for her. I hope you all win your 50 50s

  10. sorry but HA im going to c6 her and use her as my main dps, this will be my last character I spend money on then I'm going full f2p, since I'll finally after 2 years have a full team that I'm satisfied with

  11. I think generally higher constellation 4 stars rival the power of low con 5 stars, so it does depend. But personally the 5 star characters are cuter, cooler, sexier, feel better to play/QOL and often open up new synergies which can't be achieved with the 4 stars.
    I have a C6 xingqiu and although I don't have anywhere enough to guarantee yelan, I am definitely going to try :p

  12. yelan r5 stringles is the best 4star more than her R1 5 star weapon cose it up 48% general damage so its life is rarely +48% raw damage bonus output, instead 88% damage from her standar weapon, knowledge this is a lot more reason to get yellan, btw her crit rate is decent to build more focus hp and crit damage
    hp cup and hydro cup kinda same value for yelan thats very nice and op, btw she dont have specify set so we can use 2hp 2noblese sets at her best atm, then i guess 50k hp yelan, 65rate and 150 damage yelan easy to get, with dis build u can easy get Over 15k per dice thats 45k damage no joke maths done .. and yup currently yelan is a must pull coming , if we play her sunfire comps , she can do pure vaporizes thats kinda a dps 90k per sec.. plus previus chars damage, wow this is more than ganyu melt or another team comps we can imagine

  13. Xingqiu is my most used 4* and an upgraded version of him is an automatic must pull for me. That and because I love the way Yelan looks. She looks stylish IMO and her character lore is so mysterious. I'm going for her and her weapon when she's released.

  14. Okay guys I need help, do y’all think I can get yelan without guarantee?
    30 pity
    56(?) fates right now
    Welkin moon for like 80 more days
    And the update has been delayed, do y’all think I can get enough for her?

  15. Thanks to the delays I'll be getting her "guaranteed" (I got a Diluc after 7 pulls, which is both "good" in the sense it ate my 50/50, bad in the sense that I would have loved to hit Venti with that pull :)). I've been farming more than I ever have pre-farmed before…. excited. For whatever reason never seem to hit with support characters, so having one guaranteed is nice. Kinda sick of the "All DPS" team. Oh great video btw. I like your style.


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