Genshin Impact Has A Lot Of "Incomplete" Characters

Despite putting a lot of time and effort into marketing each individual character that gets released in Genshin, Hoyoverse has a tendency to release them without really thinking things through, leading many players to believe that these characters are “incomplete”.

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42 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Has A Lot Of "Incomplete" Characters”

  1. I would much rather a well rounded buff for older characters than a huge story quest with a new character

    I’m beginning to lose faith though

  2. If Zhongli shield can still be as op as it is with infinite uptime in his role I feel like Qiqi and Kokomi should have something that makes them very strong and consistent too

    like maybe kokomi burst could summon fish to periodically stun enemies (like shown in her trailer of smaller fish sticking together)

    Qiqi could unseal her power (like in her lore) to gain greater stun power against enemies and extra physical damage after the unsealing in her burst, or give her some alternative way to apply cryo like spikes coming out of the ground to stab enemies

    failing that just lower her cooldown or make her heal work on others without enemies nearby maybe

    What I’m trying to say is she doesn’t really feel like a five star compared to someone like Bennett who can offer heals and crazy buffs

    As for Klee I think using sparks and splash should stay active when you switch character and Klee should have a slight speed increase to match her hyper energy

    These characters are meant to be very special five stars like comparing yoimiya to Raiden is so difficult because of what they offer, yoimiyas burst is the most underwhelming thing I’ve ever seen aside from Qiqi’s kit today

  3. MiHoYo actually does take fans as beta testers. People who understand this video should sign up if they want to donate time to making genshin better. I know they post the application on the Reddit page for genshin leaks but I'm sure they also post somewhere on their official page

  4. If yoimiya charged attack was an exploding arrow like a barrel she did will be the most satisfying character to play, her design is amazing too… A lot of misspotential

  5. Interesting video.

    A lot of the stuff you talk about is very much a legacy of Hoyo's other active game, Honkai Impact 3rd. Fewer characters that the players are more invested in that are well-rounded in terms of lore are very much a legacy of HI3.

    In think the key difference here is that there is much less of an issue of "incomplete" characters in HI3. Part of this might be due to that game being more mature although I'm not sure that's the only part of it.

    I suspect the competitive aspect of HI3 also means that character adjustment during the betas is a bit more rigorous in order to ensure that new characters get the seal of approval for those chasing the meta (which is a lot of people, especially those in the end-game). Characters with no major use in the meta probably don't bring in as much cash, although there are plenty who just chase the waifus.

  6. Easy fix, do what every other gacha game does and buff older characters to improve viability (and in turn increase their likelihood of getting pulled in future returns) but HOYOVERSE refuses to do so.

  7. I always concluded, if everyone's amazing then no one is. As a gacha I can imagine one would want highly sought after characters like Ganyu and Hu tao. If Diluc was a strong as Hu tao why would you want her, ya know? Like a tier list, trash characters, okay characters, good ones, best ones. You don't want too many cracked characters. That's why Ganyu and Xiao re-runs took so long. Don't want them on the market too many times. I might be wrong though.

  8. They're not just incomplete design-wise, several characters and mechanics have programming flaws and inconsistencies. The flaws that I remember right now are:
    -It's difficult to tell which combos are optimal for rain swords Diluc. His charged attack passive does nothing.
    -The radius of Xinyan's skill hitbox that extends outside her is around half a meter. Sometimes the game fails to give her a shield bonus when you hit enemies with that skill.
    -Bennett's ultimate does a server check to give you the buff which results in hundreds of Bennett skills with overly long cooldowns, unbuffed damage, and slower rotations if you have even 150 ping. I think it also procs once every second instead of as soon as the characters step on the AoE, which makes it worse.
    -Kokomi's ultimate doesn't respawn the jellyfish, it extends it's duration after the casting ends.
    -Mona's sprint gets stuck on every piece of geometry that isn't flat ground. Her ultimate has a single type of internal cooldown which makes it clunky and unreliable to reverse vaporize, while other characters get several types of ICDs.
    -I heard that Ayato's energy recharge passive has negative synergy with his kit.
    -Ningguang's Normal Attacks are simply half-programmed. Two of her ultimate rocks supposedly hit uneven ground regularly.
    -Razor doesn't generate energy while his ultimate is active.
    -Raiden's ultimate triggers Raincutter but not Stormbreaker. Her skill only triggers on damage and not landing attacks.
    -Beidou's skill doesn't defend against abyss mage bubbles, and fails to counter electrocharged damage from water. Her ultimate is easily wasted because it has no input buffering, and it's very demanding on hand movement.
    -Sucrose's first Normal Attack regularly fails to proc.
    -Artifacts are finicky and inconsistent. For example, Viridescent Venerer only procs when the character is on-field, and Thundering Fury gives a damage bonus to reactions on and off-field, but the cooldown reduction only happens on-field. Weapons aren't much better.
    -I don't wanna mention other mechanics.

    I think by definition these features are unplayable.

  9. I don't think diluc is as relevant as mona or Jean nowadays. but he is still a decent pyro DPS, He could've been a lot better if only his ult didn't push your ennemies away and lessen your pyro application dps window .

  10. The main problem I personally have is that Hoyoverse is seeming to always focus on the meta of the game and how to "fix" it. Instead, they should focus on both meta (I think the concept of a "meta" is dumb as is, but that's just me) and the characters' roles in the story. For example, I'd love to see more story quests with the 5 stars, especially where we go back and start getting more direct help to find our sibling. And add more hangouts to be with them. Not saying what they do now with character design is that bad, but I feel like most characters are put in the game more for creating more "BIG D ENERGY" damage dealers based on what they want to balance for in the spiral abyss, and not for the sake of adding a new and interesting character. I play Genshin for the exploration, puzzles, and story more than anything else, and have most of the characters currently released, but some of them are 5 stars I've yet to really build at all cause I don't care enough for their personalities. Both should be equally important, even things like simply who the voice actor is. I loved that I got Zhongli during his 1st rerun more because of his VA than anything, and I loved Klee cause she so cute she literally cures my crippling depression. And one day, I hope we get either a Loli or a teen sized character that uses the voice actor for Senko San in her English dub cause the VA is just loveable.

  11. a character i feel is complete is Noelle, though she isn't the most popular choice when it come to dmg or healing, her kit is designed well and her def scaling makes her significantly easier to build, one of her BiS weapons is a 4 star craftable which everyone could get simply by buying the billet from souvenir shops, her area coverage is amazing due to her burst extending the range of her sword and 'spin to win' makes it easy for her to heal while outputting decent dmg
    something i would like to applaud Noelle for having is the fact that her burst stays even when she goes off field unlike other units like Yanfei (scarlet seals), Xiao (burst), Raiden (burst) and Hu Tao (skill)
    though there are definitely flaws in her design like long skill cd, she is, imo, one of the best units for casuals and beginners (well she's featured in the beginner's banner so that's a given) p.s she could do exactly what she's designed to do, and overwhelmingly well too

  12. I think razor is not incomplete, just a weird combo of needing a bit more investment and a complex kit, for example: most ppl just hold his E but if you tap it and hit the enemy you get a seal that is essentially an on-demand energy particle that, if used propertly, can leave an almost 100% uptime on his electro infution, that can be combined with other infutions like chongyun and deal reaction by himself because his infution adds an electro "layer" to his phisical dmg so if you infuse with chongyun you get superconduct extremely easily, the problem being, simply… effort and investment

  13. despite they did fine in their respective role i still think jean and diluc is incomplete as character, it feels like mhy not sure how to decide their playstyle on field,

    for jean it pretty obvious because of split status which make her not optimal to use any artifact and weapon, and moreover her constellation focused on her carry skill which against her mainstream and optimal build and not to mention her first useless passive talent

    as for diluc he did suffer because of other character can do same or even better at his role as damage dealer, he got no "uniqueness" compared to other character as bargaining chip which can considered to be buffed through weapon or artifact, and his incompleteness is pretty much obviously stated on his charged attack passive talent which is useless and didn't give him much advantage unless hoyoverse did buff his charged attack or make him as charged attack character focused (or maybe just make charged attack become relevant in general)

  14. very interesting take, i didnt wish on yae miko banner cause the color pallets and her desing wasnt that appealing to me, but the gamaplay is so good, and for that im grateful for shenhe > miko

  15. I think instead of releasing new characters, gacha banners, GI devs should focus on reworking characters (skills, move set (give me back Amber dance)) or making news weapons (i'm saying this because i'm lacking of weapons) to create more character playstyles and weird but fancy builds. Some "incomplete" characters are really enjoyable to play (for me is Yoimiya, Yoimiya + Ei send enemies flying) but i really wish that they be completed and got sth more unique that i wanna put them in the team again. I'm not the type that following the meta. i like to mix things up like Thoma and his hotpot to make a fun team to explore or fight bosses and seeing character that i never touch 'cause i don't know what can i do to her except her passive really annoys me.

    To suddenly make a huge change on characters is not a good way, for many players the current ones are fine. I think if they did that, they should put them in domains that one time used as skill improve quests or character side quest (some of domains are really well and unique designed but only appear in specific quests or can be done in a run, i think the event domains should be kept too).

    Kuki Shinobu is interesting but her skills and her show face idle could make her "incomplete", in my opinion.

  16. As far as aloy goes I've always thought she was supposed to have a standalone event when horizon 2 came out it'd be super late for it now but I feel like we still need her event someday so we can get a story for her and her constellations (if her constellations end up being heavy support based she could be a great cryo support in certain ways)

  17. I feel like the reason we have “incomplete” characters is bc we also have so many over-complete characters (overloaded). If you look at the top few Spiral Abyss characters (Kazuha, Bennett, Zhongli, & Raiden (etc.)), they all have so many different things they can do (and they are all absolutely bonkers at doing them).

  18. I know you didnt squeeze in a Google trends chart as some kind of "point" when it comes to gauging interest in the game . Please say sike lmao

    Edit: I'm sorry but none of these things are exclusive to genshin. There's a billion gacha games on the market that will give you a character that feels "incomplete" or has "problems" . You people do remember these games are made by human beings and humans are capable of making mistakes, right? I'll never be able to wrap my head around how so many of you love to pretend that these issues are somehow exclusive to genshin when there's 30+ gacha games on the market that all do this exact same thing where some characters are amazing and some aren't / feel incomplete/ have issues.

  19. There is no problem with play testing chars over 2, 3, 4 or even 5 updates. The reason they dont is because they dont want to make players wait too long when they leak the image of the character they are releasing. Another game that balances things quite well but not perfect is World of Tanks Blitz. They play test new tanks over about 3 updates. Each tank are about as good if not slightly better than their available counterparts. They also have a larger group of play testers.

  20. I disagree with your take on yoimiya since the most relevant content imo is the abyss and mosr of floor 2 and some other floors consist of one or 2 large enemies, plus fischl (one of her best supports) can hit yoimiyas burst targets off field as can most of her other supports like zhongli or Thoma

  21. Don’t take this the wrong way, but a lot of your video’s arguments lean too heavily on false equivalency and personal opinion;

    “baking a cake,” “super smash bros,” “how characters are supposed to be played”?

    I understand you’re trying to explain your points but those are apples-to-oranges and straw-man arguments that undermine an otherwise well-made persuasive video

  22. No one should have to feel like they have to choose whether they pull/play characters for their appeal or for their gameplay. Testing is important for determining how best to profit from a character's release and rerun banners. Hoyoverse must improve their design strategy.

    5-star characters should all feel equally indispensable to a player's team, especially because people will want to pay money for them. Balancing is the most important factor in the longevity of any game with a growing roster. This has always been the case for gacha, MOBA, and even fighting games.

  23. Klee's burst staying on the field after she's swapped out would be a colossal game changer for her. That one simple change would likely bring her from "never used" tier up to Xingqui's level as a burst support.

  24. I think the reason I adore genshin and still play it consistently since launch is because i really dont view genshin as a game, but more as an experience. its the same appeal i get with visual novels, like yes it is a game with many complex and interesting mechanics but at the end of the day i play it because of the experience more than the gameplay. its the same reason why I can love Arcane but hate League of Legends, I adore the story, worldbuilding, characters, and everything of that side and really dont pay attention to the gameplay side. to me something like the spiral abyss is boring because it is just a dungeon at the end of the day, while something like the Chasm is super exciting because it has a distinct appeal, colorful cast of characters, and story elements that help tie into the overarching story of genshin. I feel that the gameplay is more to enhance the story rather than the story to enhance the game.

    so for characters, I discover if I like a character first than change my playstyle around them second. because to me the most important thing is if I like them as a character more than a unit

  25. I completely agree with your points

    And it is pretty easy to see that the devs seemed afraid of creating strong characters with a lot of the problematic ones, which almost makes it seem like there are two teams, one of knows what they're doing and one that has no idea what they're doing

    It's especially true on characters that either can't or have issues generating energy (Lisa, QiQi, Noelle, Xiao….) which is baffling since such backwards design literally flies counter to how the game works regardless of how they expected it to be played

  26. I really appreciate it when a character I like has terrible gameplay because building them to be unique is a huge part of the novelty for me. I could care less about how they play so I see it as a bonus because I have less fun playing the same characters as everyone else


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