In this video I talk about the reasoning behind why MiHoYo likely will not buff the electro element in Genshin Impact 2.1.

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  1. This makes sense. If you think about it, they are making electro the battery element. The archons represent what the elements should be. Making electro changes through characters instead of resonance makes future battery teams only needing 1 electro char.

  2. This might be a theory though I think Mihoyo will have BIG changes in Electro elemental reactions and resonance when the element Dendro comes out. I think they wanted Dendro reactions to be so good to the point that Electro might be viable with Dendro. Though yeah ironically we are in the electro nation but no buffs or changes in electro whatsoever :')

  3. I have no problem with electro though indeed it needs adjustments. What I'm more concerned is the resonances.

    Resonances are supposed to benefit the entire team in correlation to the element you are focused on. Electro focuses too much on itself and Hydro benefits something else that is very minimal. They either have to adjust this or maybe they are actually making sure Dendro is going to fix this.

  4. Maybe they can change the electro resonance to buffing electro elemental and burst skills or cooldown reduction…electro doesnt need to have stupid elemental reaction like pyro thats what make pyro a pyro.better to just focus on their own resonance or buff/changed the reaction of elemental reaction like electrocharged and superconduct

  5. Elemental mastery got buff for kazuha (coexist wit electro reaction)
    Gonna bet, electro as a whole got rework and buff for BaaL too.

    Same like zhongli for geo rework and buff multiplier.
    BaaL potentially have high multiplier already, but the rework is sure because BaaL got so much Hyped just like zhongli.
    Imagine got zhongli/baal drama buff petition again ? LoL not gonna happen.

    Electro gonna be utility for sure,
    They did give electro mono damage buff in Kazuha skill.
    Misplitter sword,
    Kujou sara Constell and tweak EM for better team synergy.
    With all particle it is for Baal too.
    Which mean, keqing electro still expensive meanwhile
    4 pale pyshical keqing, low cost high gain. Give barbara and Kaeya to hold keqing charge atk. Frugal investment !

  6. Electro is not weak, melt and vaporize are just overrated for several reasons. Electro is fine, people dismiss electro charged and overload way too much.

  7. Yeah I doubt they'll improve electro..but really want them to, cause I use Fischl as my main dps. Got plenty of 5 star dps characters but she's just my favorite character so sure would be nice if electro was improved so I could deal more damage with her. I would also like for Keqing to deal more damage as well, especially since her elemental burst looks cool.

  8. From the leak (ignore if you don't want to listen to leaks)

    Raiden Shogun with C0 is just basically a battery, no other function that can make you life-changing. And her elemental burst with Lvl 13 is even worse than Keqing Lvl 10 auto attack. Every constellations of Raiden Shogun are be valuable, so if she is C6, she is absolutely nutty. I think they will make some changes to Raiden Shogun cuz if they don't change it, Raiden Shogun would just be a battery with elemental skill and a worse Keqing with Elemental Burst. I expected there will be new artifacts that would benefit from exceed energy recharge. So let's hope Mihoyo do something about it. (I had try using Electro MC, and she is unexpectedly stronger than I think)

  9. The best buff they can make to electro (if they are going to continue making it as if its the element of energy) is by giving a bit of energy recharge on electro reactions on the elements that they made a reaction with (example a bit of cry particles on superconduct etc.) and just integrate this feature on electro resonance.

    This will not make electro OP but might make it a bit viable (at least they'll remove the need for batteries in certain team comps).

  10. OK, energy recharge is electro. but how about anemo swirl or any elemental reaction? I am pretty sure that has more energy recharge than just only electro resonance… now what?

  11. Biggest problem is that electro reaction are to niche. No other element is only situational.
    Superconduct only work for 3 characters, overload is detrimental to mele ( plus dmg if compare to other damage focus reactions is still bad)
    and electro charged work mostly on group.
    Problem with hydro and electro resonace is that bonuses are weak if compare to rest.

  12. Hydro resonance should be healing buff + damage buff of some sort when hp is above 90%, maybe a charge attack or e skill buff so it doesn't overlap with pyro or cryo resonance

  13. I appreciate you playing Devil's Advocate!

    You identified what makes Electro's identity so fun and engaging.
    Powerful Bursts combined with powerful Energy generation! For me, Fischl-Beidou encapsulates Electro.
    There's nothing more satisfying than unleashing a whooping 80 cost burst and seeing dozens of numbers light up the screen 😄
    I'm very excited to see where new Electro characters take us.

  14. With the current Emblem set released in 2.0 and the Electro MC + possible future characters with ER mechanic I can see that miHoYo is trying to push for energy recharge meta prepare for energy drain, debuff in the upcoming abyss reset and new enemies that drain/debuff your energy like Abyss Lectors.

  15. I hope mihoyo at least revamp the electro reactions towards a more utility-based niche.

    Make superconduct reduce defense instead of phys res. Even with a lower number like 20 or 25%, it'd be more useful.

    Make elctrocharge generate elemental particles for each dmg proc. Make it actually a "charger" reaction.

    Overload is okay as it is right now, imo.

    Also, at least make the resonance worth it. Maybe make the generated energy neutral instead of an electro particle or maybe have it reduce the required energy for activating elemental bursts for all characters in the team.

  16. Electro reactions bring no utility nor damage. If they want to make it a utility element, don't make it so that anything that isn't Childe or Eula cannot use said utility. Electro characters and their direction were never the problem, it's their interaction with 95% of the characters.

  17. I actually cool if they gonna make electro more of a utility base. But if that's the direction than it makes sole dps that are already in game like razor and keqing rather underwhelming. They either have to revamp the characters to have support capabilities like the other electros or it makes them rather useless for utility.

  18. Let’s put it this way damage clearly sells characters so if they don’t make a change most people will probably not go for their banners in the future unless people just like the overall design of the character

  19. man, keqing owners will be left in the dust. But electro for solely battery purpose? that's a tad too niche for the current game. So maybe next wave of 5 star will have their DPS locked behind 80 energy ult to make electro more viable as battery?

  20. They just buffed electro reactions, and I think we'll see an overload meta next patch, with Yoimiya interacting with the electro characters for super frequent overload reactions.

  21. Yea mihoyo probably wont do anything big to electro until dendro releases. a friend of mine told me dendro might x2 or x1.5 for them so yall electro lovers might end up really lucky. Can agree that electro is in a weird spot and it def sucks wanting to play an electro as dps when mihoyo wants them to become the "ER element". Hope they actually buff geo reaction actually. Wtf is crystalize its like a bad guoba pepper that u have to pick up and the shield breaks like instantly. Also buff anemo resonance too? Thing is a huge meme exploration resonance and the 5% skill cooldown doesnt actually really do that much.

  22. Man im really not enjoying inazuma and genshin i main razor and evryone is immune to elec or has a high af resistance and i get so unlucky on artifacts and baal destroyed me im stuck for the first time in the game i just want the inazuma era to end and have a ganyu or xiao reroll

  23. I still think electro needs a buff, or at least a tweak. The issue is that the reactions just don't work for most comps. even if baal is super cracked at ER and damage, you won't want to put her on a pyro team, since overloaded just flings the enemies away. On a cryo reverse melt team she would eat up auras, and superconduct only reduces physical res. The only decent reaction is electro charged, not that it is particulary good either though, since it's impossible to consistenly have a single trigger for the reaction, making EM worthless on it. The best applications of it is to utilize either talenst like fischls a4 talent or double swirling electro and hydro due to the double aura.

    No current character wants to build EM and do these reactions, meanwhile swirl does, so there is a clear weakness in the electro element. Also the electro resonance is connected to these poor reactions. Baal would still be a small liability in non-electro dps comps, due to her reactions causing disarray in the natural order of vape/melt and freeze comps. What will most likely happen, should there be no changes to electro, is that the already electro oriented comps get a small bump if they have that character, like firework childe, but just powercreeping those comps and ditching old characters is not something I think even mihoyo wants, especially with the rumors about keqing bein in focus on the moonchase festival.

    Also, labeling electro as just the ER element would just lead to boring characters, yes ER has always been electros thing, I don't believe every character will follow this trend, the same way other elements also aren't chained by this ideology, like how childe doesn't bring healing, and albedo doesn't bring shields (apart from geo reactions).

    I still firmly believe electro needs changes, since in it's current state, the reactions will still be a nuisance, even if they are coming from an absolute cracked character. People wouldn't be happy if xq blasted enemies away, even if he ultimately ended up increasing the power of your team, since it just isn't fun to feel like a character sabotages you aswell

  24. Mihoyo won't change electro since it is a jack of all trade master of none element. Electro dmg is good when the enemy does not have much RES and electro dmg scale with enemy hp, it is similar to burning grass in the open world which means it just gets weaker as you upgrade your world. Besides that, the electro team has never struggled with ER so making electro traveler a battery just hurt the character as it is unnecessary for an electro team.

  25. Don't care one bit for the direction electro seems to be taking since I'm one of these people who don't feel like having enough ER to loop ults is much of an issue in general.
    Might be due to me mostly playing quickswap teams where characters feed off each other so that even Xiangling and Beidou are doing just fine on burst uptime.
    As for the electro buff I wouldn't count on it but I think Kazuha really helped a lot in that regard. There's also Mistsplitter who's huge for Keqing simps like me.
    One thing's for sure: still don't have any reasons to get Lumine further than lvl 20. Strongly hope Baal doesn't end up being disappointing as well!

  26. They buff Geo and buff Zhongli because Liyue is related to CHINA and Zhongli is somewhat related to CHINA & MIHOYO is CHINA Based company..
    And top of it CHINESE player demanded Zhongli Buff..
    And I don't think MIHOYO will buff Baal as it dosen't belong to their region..


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