Why The KFC Wings Event Was Destined To FAIL… | Genshin Impact

We are missing the picture here regarding Genshin Impact new KFC Wings Glider Event was 100% going to cause DRAMA.

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50 thoughts on “Why The KFC Wings Event Was Destined To FAIL… | Genshin Impact”

  1. Most people won't buy anyways.. just finding something to complain.. for me!
    I don't twitch n won't make one to buy it.
    If it was in the store I won't buy it.
    But if it came with chickens I would if lines aren't long.. hey I just like eating.. buying dinner just came with an incentive.

  2. Maybe it will be interesting from some part of Russian community side. There are plenty of people say that they don't want to pay on Twitch platform because they dislike it or don't want support random streamer. As for me there is no difference where I lose my money for the glider)

  3. (This is just all my very humble opinion and expressing this does not mean I support MiHoYo’s choice on this matter.)
    Its sad that things always come to this. I agree a 100% that if the community is not ok with some decisions made by MiHoYo, we can voice it, in the end, thats our right as consumers. What I will never support or be ok with is harassing or mistreating people, even if We are furious with the choices taken by the company. Is a horrible action to attack Voice Actors, Small or Big content creators or any other person just because we are at a disagreement with the company.
    I agree with you Walrus, attacking people will never be the answer. Much love to all and please continue to take care!

  4. Didn't buy the Jean skin despite her being one of my favorite characters so I'm sure as hell not gonna spend a single cent for a stupid glider lmao.
    It's not that I can't afford it, hell I spend on Genshin on a regular basis but I'm opposed to having paid cosmetics on top of all the other paid stuff. It should be one or the other, this is not okay.
    Anyway imo MHY's GI marketing teams are a bunch of clowns. That this game still managed to rise to such heights DESPITE them trying their best to sabotage player trust and the company's reputation every single chance they had speaks volume about how much care and passion the people who've actually been working on the game put into their work…

  5. The difference is I have no problem buying food and getting the wings like how China did it .. That's beneficial immediately u get your money's worth… Versus having to subscribe to a service to get the wings and I don't even use twitch I'm strictly a YouTube follower.. The value is not the same Now they add the wings to a bundle and you get some mora maybe a 100 to 300 primos some talent books yes I would buy that also for $10 . But not with twitch..

  6. Holy crap, when Walruss said he’s a “small” creator I thought, WHAT!? Then looked at the subscriber count and it blew my mind, I was expecting like 200k subs… you deserve more recognition man, you are one of my favorite creators. Still quite big though, at least compared to me. Hehe.

  7. I agree! There is no way for Mihoyo's PR management to win. The game itself is good but their PR is killing their public image. If this continues there will come a point where the game can no longer make up for the PRs "neglect" of the customers.

    With that said, I think it will be quite a while before that happens, and there are things Mihoyo can do before then to turn things around (like finding someone more in touch with the player base to head their PR department at least for Genshin Impact). But if it continues with poor reception every time, within a couple years players will have found someplace else to be instead of waiting on the 7th region of Teyvat.

    Anyway, good video, hot topic!

  8. I don’t have an issue with paying for the glider, but this just doesn’t seem like a good deal all around. I personally don’t watch much Twitch and when I do it’s for games I don’t play. Games I do play, I play rather than watch others play. Now I do watch a lot of Genshin YouTube, but rarely just someone playing the game. Usually, the YT content is lore, critical analysis, guides and character builds. I don’t know who the Twitch people are. Honestly, I would rather donate to someone I know and want to support rather than a stranger on a platform I don’t use. It’s not about the money (mostly), it’s about the execution.

  9. They could've done a separate community event with this Twitch thing, giving out a different reward (maybe some original teapot furniture or something). What I really dislike is that they know people like the KFC glider wings and the glider wings are being held hostage by this convoluted program.

  10. I don't enjoy livestreams or twitch but I would rather spend 10 dollars on a streamer than mihoyo. Honestly people are overeacting to this. Imagine if you still had to spend 10 dollars for the wings in game, people would had get mad for that but now imagine spending 10 dollars on someone who needs it and even if you are not going to ever show up in twitch again this is still better. Also don't tell me people don't have twitch because at least does that have amazon prime surely use the free gems twitch gives to genshin.

    Besides that I get that's kinda bad for a streamer receiving suscriptions withouth knowing it it is because of them or the wings, i get that. I also understand the contract was really bad but all I'm saying is that this is not the worst case scenario to get the winds and even better is that you don't even need to buy them! I couldn't care less for this wings but honestly this way of doing it is not terrible

  11. I can foresee a scenario where there will be those who are gonna "watch" these streamers and just type "I'm just here for the wings".

    That's a really bad feeling to be felt if I was one of these streamers. People just don't care, as long as they get what they want in the end.

  12. What if some people don't like fried chicken?
    What if in my city/country there isn't KFC?
    What if people don't want to support the fast food industry?
    What if some people are vegetarians?
    What if people don't like watching streams?
    What if the streamers available aren't the ones people want to support?

    You see? You can't make everyone happy no matter what you do.
    The only problems with this event are the unexplained delay and the bad contract your have to sing to be a participating streamer.
    Both reasons are not worth the big fuss the community is making.
    Its funny how the community is making such big fuss about this while they wimped out on the anniversary event after they gave the "damage control" rewards. Something that was truly outrageous.

  13. What honestly bothered me was that contract that’s started to spread around, it’s incredibly predatory because of how aggressive the “exclusivity” is.
    They have to forfeit any sponsorships and playing anything else (potentially do anything else on stream)
    For some the sponsorships offer so much and have not really understood the contract or read it, it keeps you locked in
    I’m sorry, but what mihoyo is doing just seems like another free promotion only now the streamers that did sign on don’t really know how many will sub or stay after the 2 months
    Mihoyo should really have made this a non exclusive deal with anyone being able to join if they met certain requirements

  14. "I would rather buy fried chicken" yeah and some people would rather not go outside and support smaller streamers. Don't get the wings if it's not worth it for you. It's really just the toxic, vocal minority who complained and keeps harassing people. Your "realistic" take is pure speculations. No one will really know how it will turn out. After the immature and negative reception for the event, the smaller streamers were afraid but went through with announcing their involvement and a lot of people are actually showing their support. As OkCode said in his video, it's just that mihoyo did a lot of horrible decisions in the past that whatever they do know will only get hate if their execution isn't perfect.

  15. Yeah this really was going to end one way for them, I wouldn't get them just because I just don't like live streams not my thing. The contract is what drew my attention the most and just thought it was a bad deal for content creators but the smaller content creators would actually benefit from this I didn't think about that. Now I just worry some content creators will be discouraged by the "wings lol" that is sure to happen.

  16. Actually, the only issue is really that exclusivity contract. According to one of the CCs who signed up, the reason why it is like that because in reality, the three companies (MiHoYo, KFC, and Twitch) fixed their grievances on the previous event in FF14 (aka, KFC did not like that the CCs are more excited playing games after the time is over, and Twitch has proven other companies did not allow other games and succeeded, like the Fortnite and PuBG exclusive Twitch events)

    What many IGNORANT players did not know is that if they want the wings with chicken, it will take YEARS to arrive instead because of supply chain issues (paperwork is the easy part. Its incorporating the amount of food required for the event is. It takes market research, expectation of influx of players, and the signing of backcontracts to farms on every corner of the globe to dedicate X amounts of chickens for the event, not to mention that it will take some time to ensure that all the ingredients would be prepared beforehand). Not to mention every country has KFC stations to begin with.

  17. you are right , i have no problem paying for cosmetic item , i buy jean skin with 30 dollar but i will not pay any twitcher streamer just for the sake of the wing because i don't use twitch don't enjoy watching streamer playing video game . and i hate being force to do certain thing i don't want to do

  18. You know, you're actually right about this. I didn't think of it from this perspective but you are 100% right. That is the actual problem, not the money or anything else but the fact that the execution is not… The best, but the intent behind it does show that there is good faith to the event itself.

  19. TLDR; if they put it as a 20$- 30$ bundle(along with some primogems and resin) collaborated with their official partners codashop and Razor, alongside the twitch subs as options on obtaining the wings, they wont get backlash like they did just now.

    yes, Ive been saying something similar as well, it's not about the wings that mihoyo is being criticized(again) by its playerbase but on how they executed this event, the wings are an in game item in the first place, so on obtaining them, aside from paying 10$ to twitch subs, why didnt they make it as a 30$ bundle with some primos and resin/food or whatever. and have a collaboration with Razor gold and Codashop since both of them are genshin's official partners and its much more accessible to more of their audience,. Like why limit the wings to twitch. And why is it, that it being on the IN GAME STORE IS NOT THE FIRST OPTION? -.-

    The wings at the first place, is just a collector's item, it's something that you would buy because you're a collector and/or as a means to show you support mihoyo. So obviously, not alot of people are gonna buy them anyways. Alot of players on CN bought those simply because the event is in IRL, you buy chicken, take a picture with some cosplayers and if ur a madman take home the diluc/noelle stands. It's not gonna work on global since there is a fck ton of KFC around the world and in some of their branches not alot in the area plays the game.

    The only flaw the playerbase had in this one is expecting the KFC wings to come like how they did with CN, it's not gonna happen because it takes a fck ton of business talks behind the scene which is obviously not worth the effort and money because most of Genshin Impact comes from CN anyways. The money us global folks give to the game is merely a dent compared to CN so I wont take it against them and that's common sense in business.

    But still, it still irks me that the decision once again messed up on a thing that they obviously cant mess up. Whoever is calling the shots should really go back to business class -.- Im sympathizing with their PR, as once again they have to bear the brunt of the backlash again -.-

  20. This is exactly how I feel towards the whole twitch event. I can barely watch your livestream (mostly sticking around for the first 30 or so minutes but leaving afterwards even tho I enjoy watching your content) let alone watching someone I barely know/have any interest. This twitch event kinda forced towards the audience and the creators that are listed in the program. People only watch the streamer bcs they don't wanna totally waste their sub and the creators will most likely receive a huge increase and decrease in their sub count after this whole thing.

  21. I don’t understand this “premium service” you don’t use argument. I mean if you pay $10 for wings from the in-game shop, it’s not much different than giving $10 to support someone AND get the wings. The only problem I see is a slight inconvenience and contract. I personally would rather donate to charity or something for a shirt than straight up buying it.

  22. I study molecular biology and psychology. At once. I don't really have time to watch other people play games for hours. Moreover those wings are KFC wings. It's illogical and unfair af that I can't just enjoy my KFC and get my wings as people in China did. Good job, Mihoyo. I'll pass.

  23. I agree. Choice from the player would have been better. I don't have Twitch and no plan to create one. I prefer to watch in YT. I'm into buying chicken in KFC and I'm also into buying it from shop by choice. I don't mind supporting content creators but it should be my choice. And that contract is sooo bad that I'm disgusted that MHY is forcing them to play only Genshin for two weeks with no payment and sponsors are not even allowed. There should be a CHOICE mhy.


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