Why Sumeru Will Make Or Break Genshin Impact [Aster Talks]

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Sumeru will have my heart and my wallet, i swear
#genshin #genshinimpact #genshinlore

ART BY chizukeik

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50 thoughts on “Why Sumeru Will Make Or Break Genshin Impact [Aster Talks]”

  1. I'm just praying the quality increase pattern we saw in 2.7 and 2.8 will continue in 3.x. I'm already at the point where I only play Genshin when new story releases, Idc about the gacha or gameplay anymore, I'm just here for characters and their story, and art/music. Another 2.1 would probably make me drop the game for good. Inazuma's supposedly "dark" themes fell absolutely flat, because Hoyo refused to explore any consequences of any of the events on a human level. Hope Sumeru won't be the same in terms of exploring the consequences of things like human experimentation.

  2. One thing about "dark". Genshin really lacks the one key factor that makes a story dark: a pervasive feeling of helplessness. This is the most painful feeling for humans, and Genshin has the contrary of that. Yes, there's Celestia and the limitations to what you can know and what you can do. Yes, constellations seem to govern people's lives. BUT, people are still hopeful and confident. They're turned outward, to action, not dwelling on helplessness and stagnation. There's a positive feeling of being able to change things.
    Mona choosing to break free from her feeling of helplessness by lowkely rebeling to fate AND even trying to protect everyone else's future in the current event, really sets the tone for a world where people are going to seize their future. It's powerful foreshadowing IMO, and sets a much more "romantic" tone to the endgame (and it's why I loved it despite being fairly disappointed at Mona's domain). Ultimately, Genshin's main conflict seems to be about humans taking back their fate from the hands of non-human forces, and that's a hopeful story by design. Even if there are really sad or cruel elements in the worldbuilding, that isn't enough to make a story dark, that's there to setup higher stakes.

    And that's fine, a story doesn't need to be dark in order to be good. Wholesome stories can be extremely poignant and moving. The point is: people who expect an actually dark story might be very disappointed, because they're searching for their dark fantasy fix in a story that up to now hasn't been written to deliver that.

  3. I know I'll be excited for Sumeru no matter what in some form, but I was also excited for the Apple Islands to be back but I've done practically none of it since they appeared.
    I dunno, I'm definitely burnt out from the game especially since the longer we play without anything new the more I'm able to see issues and become discouraged by them. I really do hope Sumeru becomes a turning point both for the game's story and for various qol things people keep asking for.

  4. I really hope they give the cultures Sumeru is based on the same respect they gave Chinese and Japanese cultures when creating Liyue and Inazuma. They’re already off to a bad start by mixing cultures that have nothing to do with each other (for example Arab and Indian cultures) together, so hopefully they at least present it in a way that feels smooth and not awkward. I also really hope that the Sumeru npcs don’t look like npcs from Mondstadt/Inazuma who are wearing “exotic” clothes while still sporting the same complexion and hairstyles as the npcs we’ve seen so far. If Sumeru is filled with people like Parvaneh I will be very disappointed, sun kissed skin never hurt anyone and it’s so unrealistic how every character has bangs. I really hope they tone down the bangs for Sumeru, even though I usually love them, because that’s not the standard style in any of the cultures they’re supposedly drawing inspiration from. Also this may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually like Tighnari’s design, I think he’s cute, however Collei looks like she’s from Mondstadt and I hope that future Sumeru characters look more like they’re actually from Sumeru.

  5. My bigger concern is lack of play testing. This event has been extremely frustrating. The lens mechanic was too strict, quest directions that weren't clear on what to do next, puzzles and clues that were too obscure, I kept falling from the blue note squares, and had landed on the wrong part of levels that couldn't be climbed, so I had to just jump down. One puzzle had a "hint" in the sky, but because I have settings low, it didn't even draw the constellation, so I had no way of knowing without looking it up. I mentioned such to my friend and he pointed out that 2.7 was delayed, whereas 2.8 was made to hit the release schedule, despite a lot being added. Even ignoring janky mechanics, the event last year felt a lot more lively. The staggered release last year made the area feel huge. The staggered release and area changing mechanisms this year made the world feel empty. Last year's event gameplay was far better, despite this year having better story / characterization.

  6. And this is why we need like a limited event archieve where we can check or see the old story and gameplay stuff. I think there also people who even stated that kind of stuff because for newer players they will litterally lost on this bunch of quest. Didnt know what is the story all about.

  7. very casual player so i don't even know half of the complaints and improvements you talked about. i still would say I have not much expectation….except for hoyo giving me better pulls.

    maybe bad/unpopular take but I hate exploring the islands. Liyue and Mondstadt are more chill to run around

  8. The only part I can stand by in this video is the story part of it. Sumeru is the midpoint and is the land of wisdom and knowledge. It would make no sense if we come out of it with barely any new info. Now to the other parts.

    Looking at leaks, they have made some good changes but nothing too significant. I'm gonna say this now, endgame isn't happening anytime soon. End of story. If that's what anyone is hoping for then I would leave now or accept the game for what it is. Not only that, the critics of this game really need to accept reality. Sales are up 20% or more with the 2.0 series vs the 1.0 series. The playerbase is very likely still growing and people are happily making most of the new banners break record after record. How many times have we heard number 1 in this country or countries over and over? Pretty much every single patch of 2.0. Sumeru is gonna be at its core more Genshin but way more refined with some new additions.

    The majority playerbase is not being reserved and waiting on the game to get better. They already think the game is great and that's reality. I accepted that and stopped pushing for change after change. I chose whether to keep playing or not and I decided to stick with it. Let me just say, I have never been happier. Genshin, nor any game, should be the only one you play. No single game will EVER be enough. This is just my two cents but I am really tired of endlessly hearing the same shit over and over and people basically saying the game is gonna suffer if they don't make these changes. It won't and you people who are doing just that cannot stand it.

  9. I don’t know why the people who only says the game is getting bad are content creators, most of the fanbase still says it’s fine even tho the recent stories are boring or in streamer’s term “Mellow”. The game needs more content I’m tired of doing my abyss and other’s abyss because the game has nothing to offer.

  10. Tbh Sumeru is already falling closer to into the break area of "make or break" due to the whole lack of correct rep with Sumeru's playable characters. Mihoyo has the possibility to salvage it if they at least try to admit fault/ actually address it but that likelihood of that happening is slim to none and without that, those allegations are going to be (rightfully) hanging over everything they make for sumeru.

  11. Wouldn't get your hopes up for majjor changes, the same way Inazuma didn't address them.
    Events are the 'content', archon quest will be short and per 2 ish patches probably. Abyss will stay the same, Resin, artifacts, etc. will stay the same.
    It seems they are more than content to slowly slowly roll out QoL changes, even though they could do them now/know what to do. Things like allowing more party comps, sorting artifacts, UI updates, etc. are very obvious but get pushed back to per new 'expansion' probably on purpose,

  12. To be fair some of these will never happen.
    And this is how I personally see it as of right now:

    – Everything becomes a chore if it's rewarding enough that you NEED to do it in order to increase your chances to obtain something valuable (basically as long as it gives gems). On the flipside if a gamemode rewards absolutely nothing then there's literally no reason to play it after you did a few spins on release.
    Which means the only solution to this is to either hand out cosmetic rewards which are desireable but unlike gems are not infinite so a player can have their peace after collecting those or to make the game mode like Abyss once every week / 2 weeks. But unless it's a unique and goofy mode it will become a weekly chore instead of a daily one.

    – New endgame, I hard agree with this because even if it inevitably becomes a chore at this point we have so many characters that's its impossible to save up for missed reruns while also going for new releases even if you skip banners. We need another source of income and if they make it co-op so at least you can share the suffering with friends then it's even better.
    (If Genshin had better co-op experience that would do wonders for player retainment… invasion events, more endgame co-op, minigames etc… important part is that those that give Primo rewards should be possible to complete Solo or have a matchmaking function)

    – Resin will never go away simply because it's another way to milk whales off of their money with refills and also because it completes your gaming cycle of 1. do dailies 2. spend resin 3. done for the day – which is in my opinion not bad thing. This makes players feel like the chore is done for the day instead of having that endless feeling of having to grind all day. And that's where side activities become attractive since the chore is over it's time to do something enjoyable… or quit and play something else to prevent burnout until new content drops.

    What we do need however is alternate ways of spending Resin, for example using it to reroll existing artifacts instead of farming a new dungeon. The compromise is clear you lose out on fodders and friendship / account exp but you get to reroll an artifact that would've been great if it had not rolled into flat ATK 3x in a row. These rerolls could also be limited to x / week just to make sure that F2P players don't feel like it's extremely unfair because whales can buy infinite rerolls.

    – As for the story I don't care if it's DLC or not, a journey is not a straight line but has its ups and downs and curves but that's exactly is what makes the fun days more memorable. By itself learning about Sumeru, Dendro Archon and potentially more about the Fatui is fun enough even if no real progression happens since the map looks gorgeous and the current summer event gives me hope for the future puzzles and creative quests and mechanics the game can offer.

  13. I’ve always wanted older characters to get buffs

    like Qiqi being able to make energy for example

    I don’t really have much to complain about other than stuff like that

  14. After seeing the leaks…story will definitely get better! But the gameplais likely the same. Some nice qol updates but nothing game changing. Pretty sure the major change was adding dendro and the map is MASSIVE. That was not easy to develop.

    If you love lore and story and dont mind patch by patch content like me youll love the update but if youre thinking the gameplay is changing in a very drastic way outside of elemental reactions then youll be dissapointed.

    Lore lovers STAY youll be rewarded. If youre looking for difficulty and challenges and combat heavy experience thats thrilling and lights your fire….sorry

  15. You don't have to change something that's already good. Plenty of people are happy with the current state of Genshin and the issues that you brought up only pertain to a minor portion of the playerbase. Sure, it'd be nice if they could add more end-game related content, but it's not a make or break for pretty much 90% of the audience.

  16. Soon Lumine and Aethet are gonna be op when Sumeru,Shezhnaya,Natlan and fountaine are realised ince they are the only characters that can receive or resonate with the statues to receive their powers.

  17. For gameplay, I want Dendro not to flop, as in highly represented in the abyss usage at least as a good support element. The players might get too complacent with non-Dendro teams due to their owned characters, artifacts and levels of investment.

  18. The simple fact is that the hardcore players who complain the most about most aspects of the game are hardly a sizable part of the whole main playerbase.

    most casual players are satisfied with the game state and the speed of release of content, some even find it too much to keep up with.

    So I really don't see this update braking the game unless its really terrible and really brings down the game with it, which from what we saw, seems like things are fine, at least in the exploration and art area, things are looking better then ever.

    really what is gonna happen is that hardcore players will play it for a week, finish it, say it was great or amazing, or decent enough, and then a week later complain about no content again like always, and meanwhile casuals will have a lot of fun with the new region for months to come, and the game will move on just fine.

  19. People want unrealistic things, is just like asking to make Genshin into another game, I think that genshin need to change the way people want b cause Genshin in comparation to other games is that Genshin have a End so they don't need to change but just to make another game with better drop rates or gameplay. Remember that Genshin have the same problems since a year ago with many people calling that the game is dead or will b come dead soon but that day will become but no the way people think because of burnout or less primogems reward but because Hoyoverse put a expiring date themselves and they are managing to get new people to play the game replacing those that quit.

  20. I feel like we need a tease about the true final boss of Genshin in Sumeru, whether it be Celestia or the Abyss. It can be Kusalani telling us, Dottore, or an actual appearance by the Abyss Twin or the Unknown God. The Fatui are a major threat, but they don't give "Big Bad" vibes, especially since we have a new region to explore after dealing with their Archon, and several Harbingers are leaked to be playable as well. Even the Mondstadt Archon Quest, where the Abyss are the manipulators, barely does anything for them, mostly using Stormterror instead. The Abyss is by far the more interesting faction in terms of power than the Fatui, but they are presented more as insane idiots than an actual threat. Enjou honestly seems more interesting than the Abyss sibling, since 2.5 is undoing his victory against the Vishaps and Watatsumi. The Abyss twin seems like an idiot, trying to make three things into a god, and attempting to torture Khaenri'ahans. Side note, I do like we are playing a more realistic hero, kinda cool for this big of a game in scope.

  21. yep hoyoverse has to tread very carefuly with what they do in sumeru.. because that will cause alot of people to just drop the game..especially with how they have been dropping the ball on the game so much since inazumas release

  22. The game was already dead a year ago when many content creator started to use their influence to try to blend Hoyoverse to their knees but fail every single time. I play and spend a lot of money in Overwatch and that game you first need to pay money before you start the game and the content was less every single season but people are absolutely unrealistic asking things for Genshin like Genshin will be in their life's for decades, Genshin is not World of warcraft, this game will end after their final Act. And personally I think they are doing great, the difference between you and a content creator is that you can play other games or stop playing games at any time and try for once be happy and not a not playing a game that you hate just like many content creator are doing right now because they have no other choice(they get their money thanks to Genshin).

  23. I have no hope for new endgame content until Natlan releases, which is said to be a nation that likes fights and war. Feels so long that it almost feels better to not play at all until the after 4.0, where Sumeru storyline is done, and we don't have to be distracted for months just to wait for a new story.

  24. I was so happy when they teased tighnari,and i think mihoyo hopefully is gonna do a great job with this one,and a little fun fact: “abu Abdullah Mohammed bin malek AL TIGHNARI” was a famous dendrologist,agronomist,poet and a doctor!

  25. I hope that they'll start tackling more mature and darker stories. I'm tired of Deux Ex Machina Zhongli-Xiao moments, it's so anti-climactic and spineless.

    Also hoping for improvements in quality-of-life, changes in elemental resonances and reactions, gacha system and rates, and the lack of regular content and end-game content.

  26. Would you be able to put up a survey to see who actually does the Genshin survey?
    I feel like a lot of people probably stop doing them. I know I have.

  27. I don't expect too much in sumeru update why cause 1st Anniversary incident and Until now no Another Endgame content.
    In the story I hope their won't rush it again for character banner. Why not instead putting filler patches extend those time for Story Quest. If their make Story quest more visual than have Yugioh type Dialogue much better.

  28. Fontaine and Natlan are the updates that concern me the most, because they have no obvious hype factor. Inazuma is the Japan region, it's an anime game, so that one's easy. Sumeru has an entire new element, one we've known about all along but never got to play with. And Snezhnaya, well, just look at how popular the Harbingers trailer was.

    But those last two, er… Fontaine has… steampunk? Natlan is… American-ish? Doesn't seem like enough of a hook to me. And they're consecutive, so they have to sustain the game for two years. It seems almost inevitable that the playerbase will shrink during that time, unless they come up with something to get people's attention. Optimistically, that might be when they start fixing more stuff that annoys or bores people about the gameplay, just to keep the masses from migrating to some other game. Or they might just chuck Alice at us, I dunno.

  29. I think my biggest issue with how Genshin handles its Archon Quests is that the Archon Quest should be told over the duration of releases for that region rather than all at once.

    Let's look at Inazuma. You had this whole Vision Decree thing which is a pretty big deal, but then you have all of these other characters like Itto, Kuki, Ayato, Heizou, like, where they hell were all of them during one of the biggest events in Inazuma's history? It would be better if Archon Quests waited until the bulk of characters for that region has been released so the finale can involve most of them.

    Although I guess the best way to rectify this is just having Archon Quests that revisit those regions so we can see all of the characters play a role in the major events. They kinda done that with Liyue.

  30. Great video. Personally I'm expecting nothing in terms of improvements lol. The playerbase is so content with the game as is, I don't really ever expect them to do anything. Kind of surprised I'm still playing honestly, but everytime I'm about to quit, they release some new character that I adore and it sucks me right back into it. 1.4 Rosaria, 2.0 Ayaka, 2.7 Yelan. So naturally I'm going to get burnt out in 3.0, take a break and some new waifu will come and Suck me right back into this routine. I hate it but they got me lmao

  31. I highly doubt the story for Genshin will ever be really dark. At most, it will merely be implied, but never really touched upon.

    Most notably, the game appears targeted at a much younger audience, maybe 12yrs or even younger. So the core game mechanics, puzzles, and the core story-telling are purposefully made easy. And it will remain that way so they are accessible.

  32. I was rlly happy bc i thought they would’ve made dark skinned characters (because of rep based on the region) but that just didn’t happen at all and i was really disappointed.

  33. Let's be honest, it's definitely worst case scenario. There will be hype for sumeru for a few weeks for sure (more than just two), but there won't be any changes. I have no way of knowing this other than understanding how hoyoverse has been working on the game until now.

  34. Don't worry about it. In 3.0 genshin will have new strongboxes for all artifacts (viridescent, crimson, emblem, noblesse, etc.). Farming will be easier and the game. What I truly hope is that side quests and main quests are well balanced. At inazuma many areas of the game weren't available before doing specific side quests. I also hope that all academia books will be available for us to read. Haytham and Kusanali have stored a lot of knowledge in those library thanks to the dendro gnosis and leylines underground.

  35. This is legit a non issue for players like me who will play regardless of what's implemented in the game or not. Like I get that the increase in burnout for folks is happening but their is still interest in the game and seeing people in yt comments saying they are taking a break isn't going to change the other millions lf people who don't even watch yt vids like that and just play the game.

  36. One of my biggest wants, gameplay wise, is an upgraded combat system. Characters should be able to attack after a short jump, when getting up and dashing based on their weapon type. Not only does it make the combat more engaging, but it also opens up for more options and versatility in strategies. In the context of fighting, I'd also like to see more animated fight scenes. The fight with Fake Albedo is my personal favorite, and shows me that mihoyo knows what's up and just needs to do it more and pertect it

  37. I hope we get some actually difficult content with rewards for beating it someday. The only concern I have with something like that would be casuals/players who don't know much about the game mechanics/damage complaining about the game being catered to whales. I still see some people thinking floor 12 is "too hard". The limited events with difficult content we've had so far don't give any rewards at all for beating them at high difficulties. I don't know how hoyoverse would tackle this, or if they will do it at all, but I would really like to see it one day.

  38. I thought the way they used the character's attack animations was really cool,,, even though they did it a bit funny like Yelan's plunge

  39. The different perspectives will be one hell of a trip to take.
    The way every one of us sees the game is different.
    I am personally very interested to see how much it will add to the world.
    I'm not fussy about the game and have low expectations in general.
    So it will be interesting to see how Sumeru plays out.


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