Why NO ONE Plays: Traveler (Aether/Lumine) | Genshin Impact

Welcome back to another episode of Why NO ONE Plays! I was about to talk about characters like Klee, Aloy, Lisa, Xinyan and such, until I realized almost no one plays Traveler. So I guess we’re gonna be making an episode on Aether and Lumine! Also known collectively as the Traveler 😀

Genshin Impact Why NO ONE Plays Playlist: https://bit.ly/3mnNbAU

Thanks to moistboy for the extra Traveler footage!

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#Genshin #WhyNoOnePlays #Traveler


50 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Traveler (Aether/Lumine) | Genshin Impact”

  1. Oddly enough I just had to put some work back into anemo traveler bc I needed the cc for the last spiral abyss, I think it was floor eleven but there was a chamber with lots of enemies on both sides. It worked tho. (I don't have a Venti)

  2. If the game didn't force the Traveler model to appear in cutscenes, I would honestly forget what they looked like. I used the Electro Traveler in the opening of Inazuma and she did well as an Electro support. Then came the powercreep. Problem is they just don't have a role in most teams that other characters can't fill better.

    Currently I use them as a an Artifact display mannequin.

    Gonna go ahead and add that if the Constellations levels were shared or if the Talents were free (or cheaper), that would make the character better by a mile. One of the main draws of Mash from FGO is precisely because, while her skills are good (really good, top tier tank level) the actual draw to using her over SSRs is that she is a free character with no cost who only really needs to have her skills leveled once. So while she has 3 kits in total, you don't need to max them each individually and she costs nothing to be fielded in a party. She's a unique unit because of this and can be used anytime.

    The traveler is just a sub-par unit. Free, of course, but other than that there is nothing really unique aside from the free constellations. Which are gated by progress. Which is timegated.

  3. I already have an idea on how to "fix" the Traveler without needing to tweak or alter their progression: Add a button you can use to open a pop-up wheel to switch element modes in combat. This would allow the Traveler to fill a unique niche (Pure jack-of-all-trades) while also tying it in to their canon portrayal of being able to use all the elements. Constellation/talent progression would remain the same, while I've already thought of 3 possible ways to further balance it.
    1. Switching elements requires full energy, and consumes all your energy. Meaning, you have to build up so your Burst is ready, and then instead of using your Burst you can switch elements.
    2. Switching elements without using a Statue of the Seven requires a consumable item (farmed material or crafted item). This way, you have incentive to not switch elements willy-nilly as it has a resource cost attached, and a reason to switch elements at the Statues (inconvenient, not usable in combat, but free)
    3. Switching elements has a cooldown: whether switching off an element applies a cooldown to switching back to that element, switching elements puts element switching on a global cooldown (similar to how using a Revival food item puts all of them on a 120s cooldown), or when switching elements your new skills/bursts start on cooldown and with reduced/empty energy. Allows you to switch naturally between elements on the go as Traveler is shown to do canonically, but prevents you from bunny-hopping between elements to abuse certain combinations of talents/constellations.

    In this way, it gives the Traveler an extremely unique position that literally no other character can fill, without making them better than all the other characters. They require a lot of investment to bring to their full potential (having to upgrade many different constellations and talents) and the power level of each of their elements will only be mediocre, but they're an all-in-one package. Venti, Zhongli, and [insert Electro character of choice here] in a team could do everything Traveller does but better, but then you only have one more party slot open. On the other hand, you could bring 3 powerful/specialized characters and sacrifice bringing a 4h to bring all-in-one Traveler to cover whatever gaps your other characters can't cover.

    I really enjoy playing the Traveller, but due to the cost of brining all the different elements up to only be able to switch at a statue (and thus only be able to bring one element into a fight at a time) I'm only encouraged to build up the one I enjoy playing the most and not even bother with trying the others. If I could switch elements mid battle, I would totally expend the effort needed to build all their talents up and try to build a general-purpose Artifact set to support a multi-element playstyle, because on a fundamental level Traveler would be doing something that no other character would ever be able to do.
    It would even be fitting for the lore/gameplay, as everyone else using Visions would be locked to that one element, but would spend all their time developing very powerful & unique uses for that element, essentially becoming full-on experts in their respective elements. On the other hand, the Traveller having to learn how to use all the elements over a shorter period of time means their development is spread out between all the different elements, so they can use each element decently but nowhere near as well as experienced Vision-wielders or Archons.

  4. for me it really isnt about dmg. playing them is just not fun for me.
    anemo: q – pushes mob away. e – also pushes mob away after sucking
    geo: rocks blocking view and movement, slow delay for summoning E. accidental climbing
    electro: didnt bother trying

  5. I don't use them because of Companionship EXP.
    Now that I have all of my characters' Companionship EXP maxed out (except the new ones), I switch in Geo MC here and there to get Gorou's max buffs

  6. Geo Traveler can't seriously be at the same tier as Amber. For one, they are the enabler of Support DpS Zhongli. The resonance pulses is the only thing Zhongli has to compete with other powercreeping DpS characters. There's no way his spear and meteor can match Vape/Melt team.

    Anemo is also great. Their C6 is basically the same as Venti's C6, but it's free.
    However, I don't think they "enable" Venti in some way like how they do with Zhongli, but certainly can't be in the same tier as Amber.

    Electro in the other hand, doesn't work well with Raiden. Why?

  7. I always use traveler for story mode quests, the way a see it they can copy and learn other characters abilitys, that's why they sometimes appear as someone else. That's the way i try to rationalize having other characters in the party.

  8. As an Aether main, I am saddened by how little people actually use his kit. He's been one of my most favorable units since the very beginning, and I've made him into quite the star. I'm working on his Aquila Favonia right now and he can hold his own in a fight with Anemo Element better than anybody on my roster, asides Beidou, Eula and Diluc. I think his biggest weakness is the fact that he can't switch into his other acquired Elements mid-battle or the fact that his Talents are split between his three Elements – Anemo, Geo and Electro. If there was a Gadget or something where we could swap out the Traveler's Element without heading to a Statue of the Seven after we complete the main Story Quest of each nation, I'd be grateful for that.

  9. For me, the traveler fills the role on when I need a specific element. Since I either don’t have or I don’t like certain units, it works for me. For me, it’s design, personality, wpn/element. Skills aren’t even something I worry about cuz if I like the character, I will find a way to make them work well for me regardless.

  10. my headcannon is that whatever active character is on field is the traveller channeling that character’s abilities since the traveller can use all the elements thats what makes them so strong

  11. Them: starter characters are sucks.

    ME: Lisa with Eula, Zhongli (PHYS)
    Amber with Hu Tao, Xingqiu (Vapor and resonance)
    Kaeya with Kokomi, Xiangling and Beidou ( Vapor, Elec. charge, Melt)
    MC (Geo) with Noelle, Zhongli and Ninguang (Geo Resonance)
    MC (Anemo) with Klee, Sucrose (elemental boost, resonance)
    MC ( Electro) with Raiden Shogun, Kujou Sara and Kokomi (electro charge, resonance)

    Use wisely
    PS: my arsenal

  12. There is a very simple fix to Traveler without hurting Mihoyo: make Traveler a permanent 5th party member. This way you get to use traveler all the time, Traveler will not be compared to 5* characters Mihoyo sells for thousands of dollars and cutscenes will make sense

  13. Lisa – one of the most powerful mage and the most intelligent person in a few centuries.
    Kaeya – Survivor of Khaneri-ah.
    Amber – ok maybe she might not be really powerful background or something but she is very much better in manhua.

  14. I started playing in 2020 and I still haven’t set a official team yet I still use the traveler just because I recently started grinding 5 star artifacts.
    The team I use is Traveler, Noelle, Amber, and Kaeya I plan to change my team when I get better artifacts I also managed to do all the main quest in inazuma with this team at world level 6 world level 7 is available to me but I haven’t unlocked it yet

  15. Back when Inazuma was released I skipped most of the banners, so I didn't get any Inazuma characters. As a result I wound up with a lot of resources that I used on Electro-Aether, raising his talents higher than Geo and Anemo (And every other character I had). I've held on to him ever since.

  16. I personally have no 5 star main DPS characters other than Diluc, so I do use Geo traveler in spiral abyss and when I need to use stronger characters

    Oddly enough, the team I use her in is probably my strongest (Zhongli, Mona & Bennett)

    Even without our broken support trio here, she still does around 4,5k with her normal attack, ~18-20k with her skill and like 10k+ with each wave of her burst

    So, as someone who doesn't have good limited time main dos characters and as someone who has had a "temporary" build on diluc for ages, Traveler is easily my MVP

  17. For what it's worth, 2x C1 Zhongli Pillars + Geo Traveler's Ult is the only way I know of to go beyond the 3 Geo Construct on screen limit, for maximum Zhongli AoE/Resonance dmg. If you're into that sort of thing.


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